Ch. 34: Eta vs Theta

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"Finally! We're up!" Emily squeaked with glee as team Theta approached the stadium.

"Still surprised we've made it this far. We just became a team only months ago." Amber said.

"You're doubting my leadership skills?!" Chris gasped as a joke.

"You know it." Amber chuckled softly.

Chris put an arm around her happily, and Amber rested her head on his shoulder.

"Awee." Emily giggled.

Chris blushed softly. "Who are we fighting?"

"Well. We are the last ones, so I assume Team Eta." Sora stated.

James stretched. "Aren't they like... really powerful?"

"One teammate in particular. Hayden uses a katana and kunai. His ability is lightning, allowing him to use electricity to his will. He also seems to understand the fighting style of his enemies after fighting them for a short amount of time. He also gets angry pretty easily." Sora ranted.

The other four members just blinked.

"So that's why you're so quiet while watching. You observe the competition." Chris said.

Sora smiled. "Hopefully I have helped."


"The final second round will be fought today!" Eugene yelled.

"Team Eta of Silver Sword and Team Theta of Crimson Shield! Who will win?" Johnny grinned.

The randomizer spun, landing on desert. The particles filled the arena making sand scatter across the field.

"Desert! Oh how little cover the desert area has!" Johnny smiled.

The buzzer sounded. "Amber, give us cover fire. Sora, use your fire to heat up the sand and make glass cover. Make it thick. Emily, use your speed to make the sand form like a misty thing for more cover. James just stay in cover for now. Got it?" Chris ordered.

The team nodded. Emily swept in between the two teams making sand fly into the air. Sora made a thick, spiky wall of glass. James and Chris hid behind it.

Amber was hidden in the sand, invisible, she had her bow out, and aimed at the other team. The sand cleared, and Eta had a similar idea. Glass was formed as cover for them.

Suddenly, a volley of arrows shot at the glass shattering half of it.

"Damn! Alright... let's move in!" Chris ran from behind the glass followed by his team, with the exception of Amber. Team Eta did the same. Amber shot arrows from a distance. Hayden tracked the arrows and ran for her

"Emily!" Chris yelled as he blocked the attack from Jessica.

Emily nodded and darted for Sam. Sapphire followed the two.

Chris swung at Jessica, hitting her in the gut hard, but she did the same. The two flew back. "She hits hard...." Chris groaned.

James was blocking the bullets being shot from Ruby's guns. She then lunged at him. James gasped blocking with his shield then swinging at her. She dodged and kicked him in the gut. He flew into the sky, and come down hitting his head hard on the ground.

Sora did a flip landing on her hands, then on her feet as she dodged the attack from Emerald's chainsaw attack. Emerald groaned as he went for an attack, slashing downward with his chain's. Sora smirked slamming both of her axes into his chest. She kicked him hard to the ground and he flashed yellow. Sora smiled brightly.

Jessica dodged Chris and then sent James flying towards Sam. Sora gasped softly as she ran at Jessica, taking her out. At the same time, Hayden took out James.

"James!" Sora yelled.

"Jess!" Hayden yelled.

Sora clenched her fists as fore lit around her. Hayden clenched his as lightning sparked around him. The two blasted at each others fast. The friction made the sand behind them heat up, and make glass. They hit eachother in the gut at the exact same moment. They both went flying across the arena, their soul shield depleting fully.

"Three v three! Who will win this match!?" Eugene asked, obviously excited.

Amber was holding off Sapphire. Ruby and Emerald faced Chris and Emily.

"Emily! Tornado!" Chris yelled.

Emily smirked as she began running circle around Ruby and Emerald. Emerald pushed Ruby out of the way, so only he was in the spiraling sand. The sand swept around Emerald. Chris came out of nowhere and hit him with his guandao. Emerald winced softly as Emily did the same thing, but he caught her spear and threw her out of the tornado.

He started his chainsaw and jumped out of the spiraling sand. He then hit Emily hard with his chainsaw. She flashed yellow.

Chris groaned softly as he formed a small light shield. Sapphire was kicked at Emerald. She hit him, but Emerald didn't budget. Sapphire flashed yellow. Amber jumped landing next to Chris. Emerald rushed Chris, swinging at him with the chainsaw, but he blocked with his shield.

Amber ran Ruby. She spun her double blade to block the bullets as she then stabbed into her. Amber didn't check to see if she was down before running at Chris, but she didn't make it far as Ruby shot her in the back. Ruby was very weak. Amber was knocked out.

Emerald continued swinging before tricking Chris and going the opposite way and hitting him hard. Chris went flying, and when he hit the ground, his soul shield depleted.

"And Team Eta moved on to the finals!" Johnny said.

"Team Theta made it far! It is only their first year!" Eugene smiled.

"As for next rounds, Teams Eta, Omega, and Zeta will fight rounds of Liekki and Skugga. The one with the most points takes home the golden trophy! Second place will get silver, and third will get bronze." Johnny explained. "Stay tuned!"

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