Ch. 10: Team Delta

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Team Delta was sitting around the table finishing off breakfast. Derek, the leader, grabbed all their plates and began doing the dished while his team got equipped for the mission. Mallory walked out in her suit, she had long hot pink hair with strands of light blue, her eyes consisted of one pink and one light blue, she had on a light blue T-shirt with dark blue shorts, on her shoudler were three soundwaves. She had a smile on her face looking at Derek, which caused him to blush softly. Soon after that, Sook walked out of his room. He had no hair on his head and he had silver eyes. He wore a black coat, black pants, and a black mask that covered half of his face, the mask had half of a skull face on it, his symbol was a war axe pointing to the bottom left. Sook was a quiet person, he walked out the door to get some fresh air. Tracey came out with her clanking rocket boots, she pushed up her glasses, she wore a white, open, lab coat, white pants and a white shirt. Her eyes were a bright gold, and she had long brown hair. Next, Matt came out, he had dark skin, black hair, and brown eyes. He had a open black trench coat, blue jeans, and a black shirt. Derek was already in his mission attire, he slept in it. He had red T-shirt and dark blue jeans, his eyes were a dark shade of blue, his hair blood red, he had a power symbol on his shoulder.

"Ready?" Derek asked.

"Yes." Tracey said adjusting her rocket boots.

"Yup!" Mallory grew a big smile.

They began to walk. Their mission was to scout a Black Lance Camp.

They headed to a ledge that was just above the camp. Derek ordered them to stay hidden while he went farther up the ledge to scout. He saw fifteen enemies all equipped with rifles. Derek came back to the group. "Fifteen." He whispered. "Sook, can you take them?"

Sook nodded his head, and disappeared into the bushes. Derek told Mallory, Tracey, and Matt to stay put while he made his way back to the ledge watching his  teammate. Sook snuck up behind a guy, and just as he was about to knock him out, a loud BANG was heard and Sook fell over.

Derek's eyes grew wide watching his friend's body fall to the ground. Derek turned around to see his friends gone and a fist hitting his face.

Mallory woke up tied to a chair. "W-what the..." she looked across seeing Derek sitting there. "Derek!"

"It's all my fault... Sook is dead because of me...."

"Derek... it wasn't your fault..."

"I told him to go down there alone... and now we're all going to die."

Mallory frowned looking down. "Where's Tracey and Matt?"

Before Derek could answer the metal door behind him opened. A man with black hair and red eyes came through, he was wearing a black robe with the Black Lance symbol on it, which was an upside down red cross with dripping blood.

The man pulled a gun from his coat. He loaded it and walked to Derek putting to his head. "Why are you here?" He asked.

"No!" Mallory's eyes began to tear up.

The man looked away from Derek and at Mallory. He grabbed duct tape and placed some over her mouth. "Shh." He said looking at Chris who's face wad fixated on Mallory. The man smirked and pointed the gun towards her.

Tracey and Matt were being dragged. They were then thrown into a pit. Tracey got up. "Matt? Are you ok?"

"Fine." Matt replied. They heard a low growl from the cave inside the pit.

"Oh crap..." Tracey said.

"Throwsher." Said Matt pulling out his axe, it looked like a wood cutters axe, but covered in a tough metal.

Tracey pushed up her glasses. "We can't take a Skugga of that size!"

The Throwsher charged out of the cave, it was gigantic, a little smaller than Korpse. It had huge claws, sharp teeth, and a armored head for ramming, it's body also armored. It roared loudly and charged at the two. They just barely dodged the attack.

"Matt!" Tracey yelled. She fired her rocket boots, hovering into the air she then slammed down on the beasts head, only making it even more angry. Tracey flew at Matt and picked him up and flew out of the pit. Matt turned his axe into an AK47 and shot all five of the guards down. They started running down the hall.

Mallory was crying. The man pointed the gun to her head.

"Stop! Please!" Derek yelled.

"Two shots in the head is all it takes, first shot takes out the shield, second blows her brain out."

Chris glared at the man then at the computer to his right. The computer formed a face and fired a large blast of energy at the man sending him back, Derek broke the knot he wad tied it. He ran towards the guy and grabbed the gun. The man glared at Derek before trying to run at him. Derek aimed at his head and shot twice, and the man fell over. Derek rushed over to the crying Mallory. "Mal, calm down ok, I'm here." He brushed the hair out of her face a took off the duct tape, then he untied her. Mallory hugged Derek tightly. Derek wasn't used to this, he was always around  the happy and fun Mal, but she wasn't here. "Thank you." This was barely translatable through her cries.

"I'll always be here Mal."

Mallory pulled away, she grabbed Derek's chin and pulled him in kissing him passionately. Derek's eyes grew wide and his cheeks grew warm with blush. He soon closed his eyes and wrapped them around her. Mallory also grew a blush.

Tracey and Matt were walking down the hall until they found a door seeing their friends kissing.

"About time." Matt said.

Mallory pulled back blushing. "I uh..."

"I like you too." Derek smiled.

"Alright! Cool! Make-out session is over! We don't have all day." Tracey exclaimed.

The four began to run making it out of the base, they kept running, Derek stopped and frantically looked around.

"What now?" Asked Matt.

"Where's Sook's body?"

Before anybody could respond they heard a loud, low voiced, yell.

"Sook...." Derek grabbed his two red swords and ran back in to the base.

Mallory, Tracey, and Matt followed. Derek looked in the distance to see Sook thrown in to the pit. "Sook!" He yelled running towards the hole.

"Derek wait!" Tracey yelled before running after him, Mallory and Matt behind her. Derek jumped in the pit. Matt, Tracey, and Mallory also jumped down. The Throwsher slowly walked out. Mallory grabbed a whistle from her pocket. She blew in to the whistle activating her voice manipulation. The Throwsher growled as he slid back slightly. Matt and Tracey jumped towards it, Tracey used her rocket boots to propel Matt forward, he slammed his axe into it's foot making it limp. They jumped back. Tracey blasted some energy from her boots at the creature.

"Its armor is too thick!" Derek yelled. "Attack the head!" As Derek finished this Sook ran up the wall jumped past his team, pulled out his war axe and smashed the head of the Throwsher. The armor on its head exploded off, it's head slammed into the ground, being weak due to loss of armor, it's head smashed into the ground exploding in to pieces. Sook landed with a roll and held his side. The rest ran over.

"Sook! How are you alive?!" Derek asked.

"Just a stun, blast to the head and I'm unconscious." He kept holding his side. Mallory kissed Derek's cheek making him blush.

Sook let out a small huff. "About time."

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