Ch. 15: Team Eta

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Jessica gave a smile. "Almost there team!"

Team Eta was out on their mission, they were up bright and early due to their leader Jessica, who liked to get up early for a mission. Jessica had long black hair and green eyes, her attire consisted of a red T-shirt and blue jeans, a rose, her symbol, was on her arm. Hayden was walking next to her. He had an obvious crush on her, but he wasn't bothered by it. His skin was tanned slightly, with brown eyes, his hair was black long at his bangs with silver and blue tips, he had on a baseball style T-shirt, arctic camo pants, his symbol was a wolf silhouette. Emerald was next, he was the quiet type, and only talked when he needed too, his hair was short and emerald green, but long enough to cover his eyes partially, his eyes also this color. He wore a dark green long sleeved shirt with the shape of a black emerald on his back, his pants were black. Ruby had long ruby red hair, the bangs were brushed to the side covering half of one of her bright red eyes. She wore her T-shirt was black with her red ruby symbol on it, her jeans were a denim blue. Sapphire was more fit for the Silver Sword clan, her existence in the clan actually made sense. It's still a mystery why she became part of a team of misfits. Sapphire had dark blue, long and wavy blue hair and eyes. She had a dark blur dress with blue heels. The team came across a large lake.

"Sapphire." Jessica said.

Sapphire gave a nod and snapped her fingers making air bubbles form around all their heads except  hers.

They all walked in to the water. Sapphire could breath underwater as her friends needed the bubbles to breath.

They walked under the water to get to their destination. They ran in to some Vesi and Acqua, creatures of Liekki, came in to view. Vesi were long eel-like creatures with very sharp teeth that could cut through steel. Acqua looked like sharks, they could swim with incredible speed and they were surprisingly muscular.

Jessica pulled out a thick blade and with a swift slash, cut a Vesi in half. She turned it into a machine gun and began to fire, but being slightly slower under water the Vesi could dodge the bullets so she turned it back to its blade form. Hayden pulled out his katana and hit a Acqua with well placed strikes. Ruby pulled out her duel pistols and shot a group of Vesi. Emerald pulled out a chainsaw and turned it on, he ran at a Acqua and cut it in half. Sapphire pulled out her sword. A group of Acqua swam towards her. She waited and did a spin swinging her sword sending a blue wave hitting the three enemies directly. When they were all killed, Team Eta walked towards the abandoned underwater facility. Guarding the outside area were five Cloykers. Cloykers are flesh balls surrounded in thick armor plating with spikes coming out. They were closed, so the flesh portion was hidden. When the team got close enough the Cloykers opened. The team perfectly positioned their weapons and shot them through the small gap where their fleshy faces. Jessica shot with her machine gun, Hayden through a kunai, Emerald's chainsaw opened and fired a large spike, Ruby shot it with one of her pistols, Sapphire shot a wave of blue energy. They swam up to the door and it opened sending a large mechanical echo through the water. They swam in.

"How old is this place?" Hayden asked.

"Forty-three years old." Emerald responded.

"Jeez." Jessica said in amazement.

"It is quite fascinating." Sapphire said.

"Wait, how do you know?" Ruby asked Emerald.

"Old experiences." He said.

The team traveled through the water. They came across a large dark room, the top of half of the room had no water in it. Hayden and Jessica swam to the top while Ruby, Emerald, and Sapphire stayed at the bottom. When there they jumped out of the water. Jessica stretched as Hayden looked at her.

"Hey, so do you maybe want to maybe, I don't know, grab a bite to eat after this mission?" Hayden asked her.

Jessica grew a slight blush. "Hayden stay focused to the mission."

"So, is that a yes or a no?"

As Hayden finished saying this a Ramchor busted through the wall. A Ramchor was a Skugga that looked like a black rhinoceros with red eyes and a lot more armor plating. It roared and began to charge at them lowering it's head. The two began to run. The Ramchor kept charging at them. They met metal stairs and ran up the stairs. Hayden made sure Jessica went up before him before he ran up. The Ramchor charged through the end of the stairs just barely missing Hayden. Hayden and Jessica looked at the Ramchor who just roared at them not being able to get them. They ran up to a switch that Hayden pulled to turn on a light in the water.

"Well that worked." Hayden said looking in the water.

"Yeah, but now we need to get back to the water, and deal with the Ramchor."

Hayden looked over the railing. "Or we could just jump."

"What?" Jessica was thrown off by Hayden grabbing her hand and jumping in to the water with a dive. Sapphire quickly put air bubbles around their heads. The strange writings were visible now. Emerald walked up to the writing.

"Can you read it?" Ruby asked.

"Of course he can, he can read and and all languages." Sapphire said.

"Emerald, what language is it?" Jessica asked.

"Magorgian." He said.

"And what does it say?" Hayden asked.

"The true darkness will rise, the true darkness will find, and the true darkness will kill." Emerald said. "Sfnzmrgb Droo Uzoo."

The entire building started to shake causing the fish in the surrounding area to swim away. The wall with the writing burst open. A creature that they've never seen before appeared. It was huge, is looked a large crocodile with heavy armor plating.

"What is that!?!" Hayden yelled while swimming away from the beast with the rest of his team.

They swam away barely getting away from the beast. They tried to make the creature run in to a thick pillar. It dodged with ease.

"It has armor! How would it know to dodge it!" Ruby yelled.

"So it has armor and brains!?! That is not a good combination!" Hayden yelled.

"Grab on to Ruby!" Jessica yelled.

The team grabbed on to Ruby as the creature was close to clamping its jaws around them as. They teleported to the surface.

The team was panting heavily. "So about that date?" Hayden asked.

"I'd love to..." Jessica said.

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