Ch. 13: Team Epsilon

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Team Epsilon sat around the table finishing off their breakfast. The team was in the Silver Sword clan, which consisted of the more classy and planned out people. This team in perticular was made of entirely girls. Christa, the leader, had short, light blue hair and light blue eyes. She had on a light blue combat dress, her symbol was a hand shooting a laser. Next to her was Ashley, her hair was long and white, she had light blue eyes, a tear drop on her arm, she had on a white combat dress. Sarah had short, silver hair and silver eyes, she had a silver tank top and white skinny jeans, a patch had a circle with a crack in it. Sell had long red hair and blue eyes, she had on a white sweater with light blue jeans, her symbol was three spikes. Dakota was in a black tank top, her brown hair was messy, and her yellow eyes always looked unimpressed, she had metal gloves on as well, her symbol being a fist.

Christa stretched. "Everybody ready?" She asked. Her team nodded and began walking.

They had to go to a facility underground as their mission. Ashley walked relatively close to Christa while walking. Once there, Christa pulled out her rapier.

"Lets go." She said as the team went to the front of the facility.

"Sarah." Christa said with a nod.

Sarah walked up to the wall and slowly phased through it. The rest of team Epsilon waited as the door slid open, they rushed inside and quickly closed it.

"This place is massive.." Ashley stated.

"No crap." Dakota rolled her eyes.

"It is." Sell said.

"What's next Christa?" Sarah asked.

Christa looked around. "We should split up." She said. "Sarah go with Sell, Ash you're with me, Dakota are you ok to go alone?"

"I'd be more then happy." She said in a sarcastic tone.

"Right, Dakota take right, Sarah and Sell take left, Ash and I will go forward." The team split up.

Sarah and Sell kept walking down the hall. The facility was quiet, surprisingly, but there were guards around the place. They quietly walked around, eventually making their way to the mess hall. Sarah's eyes widened. "Food..." she whispered and and ran towards the kitchen.

"Sarah!" Sell whisper yelled. "We're on a mission!"

"Relax, we can guard this.... sector."

"We aren't supposed to guard anything."

"Oh come on, are you going to tell Christa?"

"No, but still."

"Speaking of Christa, maybe Ashley will finally make a move."

"That is very unlikely, Ash is very shy, you know that."

"Yeah but they would be so God darn cute together."

"That's true."

Dakota was walking through the right halls. She was looking around for a computer. She eventually found one, she looked at it. She sat in the spinny chair looking at the screen. Dakota began to type. She radioed in to her team. "I found the com-" she was cut off by the chair going back words and flipping her in to a square pit, she landed with a thud and the top closed.

Christa and Ashley found the same room as Dakota, Ash sat in the chair and was about to type.

Sell heard Dakota's signal. "Dakota, repeat." She got no answer. "Weird."

Dakota was trapped in the pit, it was small and cramped being her size. The walls began to grow smaller. "Crap." Dakota began to push the walls apart with incredible strength, she then kicked off the latch that was holding her in the small space and she jumped out. "They know we're here, do not touch the computers, I repeat do not touch the computers!" She yelled in to her coms.

Sarah looked at Sell. "Did she say they know we're here?"

"I don't kn-" she was cut off by guards rushing in and pointing weapons at them.

"Oh son of a..." Sarah said.

Ash hit a button and she thrown back. Her eyes widened as she went in to the hole.

"Ash!" Christa yelled as she ran to where the pit was. "Guys, Ash is trapped in the ground! I need back up ASAP!"

"Damn." Dakota said while running. She ran in to a group of them. She clenched her fists and ran at the dodging bullets and punched one in the gut, her fist going through him. She punched another in the head breaking his neck. Then she hid behind a wall while the other three shot. The top of her small gauntlets folded out revealing small turrets. She peeked around the corner and began shooting them. The three fell over.

Sarah and Sell put their hands up. As Sell's hands went up she grabbed her long sword pulling it out and swung it sending a wave of blue energy sending all the guards back. Sarah pulled out her war axe and transformed it in to a rifle and shot a few in the head. Sell gripped her sword tightly and lunged at some slicing the rest in half. They began to run back towards the area they all split up. They met up with Dakota.

The walls began to close around Ash. She was crying heavily. Christa was trying to think of a way to get her out. "I will get you out of this! Just stay calm alright?"

Ash couldn't say anything through her cries. The walls came closer, and closer, and closer. By this time Christa was freaking out. "I could just deplete her soul shield." She thought. The walls grew tighter. Christa put her hands together and pointed it at the area. "This is going to hurt! She yelled as a red beam formed in the palms of her hands. It shot a red laser beam through the metal coating. The beam hit Ashley, but only depleted her soul shield.

Ash jumped out of the pit and grabbed Christa hugging her still crying. Christa blushed softly and hugged her back. "It's ok... I'm here."

Sarah, Sell, and Dakota all ran in. "I told you!" Yelled Sarah to Sell.

Sell smiled and crossed her arms. "So Chrashley finally happened?"

"Chrashley?" Christa asked.

"You do know Ash has had a crush on you forever now right?" Dakota crossed her arms.

Christa blushed. "S-she has?"

"You seriously had no idea!?" Sell questioned.

Ashley was tomato red when Christa looked at her. "Is this true?"

Ashley gave a small nod when a load of guards came rushing in. The team got equipped. Ashley pulled out her short sword.

"Surrender and you won't get hurt!" One of the guards yelled.

They gripped their weapons tighter. Sell rose spikes from the ground killing some. Ashley manifested and shot a beam of light. They all began to fight their way out. Retrieving no information at all, Christa sighed when they were outside and used her rapier on a rock smashing it to pieces.

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