Familiar Faces

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So, you wouldn't know it from my accent (or lack of tan) but I was born in Australia. When I was 10 my dad got a new job in England and our entire family (me, mum, dad and my younger brother Alex) all upped sticks and took off for sunny old UK I joke there is no sun there like ever!

I missed Australia so much and for the first year or so it was hard I was the new kid in a school where all the other kids had known each other their entire lives and I was a bit of a novelty because of my accent but slowly I settled in and made friends and I won't lie I fell in love with my seaside town of Newquay.

Before the move I was always down at the beach surfing so I was ok with Newquay as its right on the beach and it doesn't have too bad a surfing rep either. Any way I grew up went to uni and studied sports science and after a lot of hard work and training I became a physiotherapist specialising in sport injuries I'm also a qualified lifeguard and still a surfing nut.

So, at the grand old age of 25 my entire life turned upside down (yes I know you all started singing fresh prince of bel air in your heads I did too) my mum got a phone call saying my grandma had been in an accident and broken her pelvis and her leg in 3 places and somebody would need to go and take care of her, mum and dad both couldn't leave there jobs, Alex had just started his master's degree and by this time we also had younger twin siblings Joshua and Jaimie who at 14 were getting ready to begin the mental time that is GCSE's

I guess that brings me to today I'm living in my nans spare bedroom in Bondi with no job, no friends and no life I still don't know what made me do this but I'm currently sat on Bondi beach, the most beautiful beach in the entire world, feeling horribly alone and wishing I was in England with my family and my friends even with my douche of an ex and for some reason I look up and I see him. The boy who has haunted my dreams since I was 10 years old. The boy that no other man has ever compared to. The boy I fell in love with when I was 7 years old and he stole my boogie board. Jesse Polock 


I've just come on shift at my job as a lifeguard down at Bondi, it is without a doubt the most epic job ever I spend all day at the beach with all my mates getting to save lives nothing could feel better than that. I'm walking down the beach to take up my post down on south and to relieve Harrison for his lunch break when I feel eyes on me, now this is a pretty regular occurrence cus well I'm a lifeguard but also pretty much a celebrity because of Bondi Rescue.

Something this time feels different so I casually swing my head round and my eyes lock on a girl that looks really familiar but I can't pin point where I know her from.

She has long chocolate brown hair swept up into a ponytail, even though she's sitting I can tell she's slim but athletic not skin and bones like a lot of girls nowadays, she has sunnies on so I can't see the colour of her eyes and then she stands and I nearly trip over my own feet this girl is incredible she is around 5"5 and wearing a baby blue bikini that fits her just right she takes down her hair and shakes it out and I can see it reaches down to her waist then she reaches up and pushes her sunglasses up on to her head and I catch a glimpse of her bright green eyes and recognition comes flooding back to me. Amelia.


So this is my very first attempt at writing something like this please let me know if you like the beginning please be kind 

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