Tears, Tantrums and Makeups... and that's just the boys

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I awaken slowly Sunday morning and for one clear blissful moment everything is ok, the slate is clean my mind is empty, and then every single memory of last night comes flooding back taking away my breath and causing a wave of nausea to roll through my stomach. I breathe slowly taking stock of where I am, I know I'm at Maxis I remember begging him to stay with me last night, nothing sordid I just needed my friend and seeing as I have no girl mates to turn to here I had to settle for the next best thing aka Maxi.

I roll over on my side, smiling at Maxi fast asleep on top of the covers, mouth hanging open and a line of drool down the side of his face. I need to do something to say thank you for putting up with me last night so I decide on breakfast, the way to every mans' heart is through his stomach right? I quietly sneak into the kitchen and raid the cupboards and fridge finding everything I need to make pancakes, bacon, scrambled egg, toast and a fruit salad. I hope Maxi and Harrison are hungry cu sim making lotsa food!

So as not to disturb the boys I grab my headphones, stick shuffle on my iPod and tuck my it into my bra to keep it safe, I then start cooking making as little noise as possible knowing the smell of cooking bacon and brewing coffee will wake them for me.

And I was so right around 10 minutes later I have the headphones gently pulled from my ears and whilst the boys lean over a shoulder each sniffing the frying bacon. I've cut up the strawberries, melon, grapes, raspberries and blueberries for the fruit salad they are in a covered bowl in the fridge along with yoghurt and honey, the batter is made for the pancakes I just need to cook them and the scrambled egg is ready in a bowl staying warm in the oven. I direct the boys to set the table, pour out orange juice and coffee whilst I finish up the pancakes and start to bring everything over.

I sync my iTunes up to Harrisons speaker and start blasting my playlist which unfortunately for them is currently playing Busted's first album (don't judge me I have loved them forever and when they got back together I went on a major Busted geek fest) the boys are looking at me like I'm insane as I rock out on my chair to "Year 3000" when there's a knock at the front door, as I'm closest I swing out my chair to answer it completely zoning on the fact I'm only wearing Maxis t-shirt and my underwear. I open the door and immediately slam it shut again tears filling my eyes I turn to Maxi accusingly and point my finger in his face

"You said he would wait!!" I shout before I run into the bathroom and lock the door sliding down the other side hyperventilating as I hear yelling and pushing and shoving on the other side. I can't deal with this not now.


I've been wide awake since 6 am sat staring at the clock on my wall, I put the tv on but I haven't paid attention to a single thing that has been on its all just white noise, I look over and see her bag from last night sat almost abandoned on my floor I don't know what made me do it but I picked it up and pulled out one of her tops just so I could smell her, she's supposed to be here, in my bed, in my arms. I'm the one that's meant to wipe her tears not cause them.

At 8.30 I can't wait any more I hop in my jeep and make my way to Maxis knowing she probably isn't awake yet but hoping that her being sleepy will aid in my forgiveness. I pull into a space at Maxis and head up the stairs to his apartment just as I'm about to knock on the door I hear it, music blaring, chatter but also her, Id recognise that laugh anywhere, I live for hearing her laugh like that.

I take a deep breath and knock on the door, I hear a chair scrape back and feet coming over to the door and expecting Maxi or Harrison I brace myself only to be stunned when Amy answers the door, in one of Maxis t-shirts.......... And that's it. What. The. Fuck. Then she does the last thing I expected she slams the door in my face, I hear her shout something but its muffled by the door which then swings open again to reveal Maxi shirtless in just a pair of boardies. Seriously, what the fuck.

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