looking at you looking at me

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Oh crap he's looking at me, does he recognise me too???? I stand up slowly knowing I look hella good in my favourite blue bikini, I may not be surfing any more but I have taken a keen interest in running and swimming mostly out of the boredom of having nothing else to do plus who knew hauling a 70-year-old in and out of a bath tub would be such a workout, but with everything combined I know that I'm in incredible shape.

I remove my waist length brown hair from its hair tie and shake it out down my back before I ever so inconspicuously lift my sunglasses up on top of my head and I risk it I look up to see him staring at me intently then I see recognition flood through his face and I can't help but whisper his name so softly nobody would have heard even if they had been listening


I go to take a step towards him and he does the one thing I never expected, he turns and walks away from me almost as though he had no idea who I was.


It's her. It's really her. Shit. Crap. What do I do. Then I remember I'm meant to be working I can't handle speaking to her right now it's all too much all those old feelings come rushing back into my brain I haven't seen this girl since we were 10 years old but she still gives me butterflies, so I do the only thing that seems logical in my own head I turn and head down to south just like I'm meant to be.

In my head, it felt like time had stopped and we had stood looking at each other for hours when in reality it all took maybe 10 seconds however being a lifeguard at Bondi 10 seconds is all it takes for one of the boys to notice something going off and now all I can hear on my radio is Whippet and Harries up in the tower making kissy noises and asking who the smoking hot girl is who finally caught my attention.

I grab my radio off my hip and hiss into it "Shut the fuck up you two" which only makes things worse because now they know they've got to me and that there is something about this girl.

"oooohhhhh don't get ya boardies' in a twist Jess we were only messing" Harries laughs over the radio

"yeah chill out mate, although thinking about it I have a break due might take a wander down the beach have a chat with some of our lovely beach patrons" Whippet drawls waiting for my reaction

"Don't you dare Whip I swear to god I will come and chain you to that seat if you so much as move an inch" I murmur back to them back which is met with rounds of laughter from the other guys who have all been listening to our little exchange, including Harrison who I have just reached down at south. The young guy looks at me sympathetically then with a smile he jogs off up the beach towards the tower

But not before I hear over the radio

"hey guys' which girl is it? Might have to go check her out for myself!"

"HARRISON!" I roar down the radio

"hahahahahahahahahaha who knew it would be this easy to get Jesse going all we needed was a hot girl damn" came back Harrisons cheeky voice with his definitive New Zealand accent.


I sit back down on the sand defeated not knowing what to do tears start to fill my eyes so I drop my sunglasses back down to cover my eyes and stare intently at my towel then a dark shadow casts over my towel blocking out the sunlight I look up to see one of the lifeguards standing in front of me he looks really young maybe 20 or so and has messy brown hair and a huge grin on his face

"Hi im Harrison" he introduces himself and then crouches down so we are eye level

"Um hi Harrison I'm Amy.... Well technically its Amelia but nobody calls me that anymore hasn't done since I was 10 so now its Amy just plain old Amy"

"Whoa take a breath love jeez" Harrison laughed at my babbling

"Sorry I babble when I'm nervous"

"And why would you be nervous?" he cocks his head to one side looking at me with this shit eating grin. Fuck. Now I've gone and done it

"Well you know you're a lifeguard and kind of famous and and and shit you guys know don't you"

"Know what sweet?" he really is not going to let me off lightly

"So, you don't know?"

"Well how do I know if I know the thing that you think I know unless you tell me what it is that you think that you know I know"


"Haha what do I know Amelia"

"Nope you aren't getting it out of me you need to go ask him" I lay back on my towel leaning on my elbows with a grin of my own, they don't know Jesse hasn't told them jack

"Ask who" man this boy is relentless

"I'm saying nothing now run along Harrison I have some serious tanning to catch up on " and with that I roll over on to my front and undo my bikini strap so he knows this conversation is over


I walk into the tower to see Whippet and Harries killing themselves with laughter at my failed attempt to talk to that goddess

"Oh my god that is one of the funniest things ive seen all season kiddo" Harries manages to gasp out

"Definitely got blown off big time there mate" Whip added for good measure

"Oh yeah well least I got a name and found out that she definitely knows Jesse" I reply smugly

"WHAT" they both yell at the same time before talking over each other asking what I found out, how do her and Jess know each other, are they a thing.

"Nah seriously lads her names Amelia but she goes by Amy and she straight up said to me 'you know' and when I pushed it she said we would need to ask 'him' so by my great powers of deduction she knows Jesse"

"No shit Sherlock Holmes you are not, we already knew most of that from the look they gave each other, least we got a name to put with the face though and more ammunition against Jess"


I've spent the last 15 minutes sat on the rhino down at south intently watching the water even though there isn't actually anybody in the water currently bar a couple of local surfers when I hear a taunting voice come over the radio


"Harries" I reply

"Yes, Mr Polock"

"Tell Harrison I'm going to murder him"

"Hahahahahahaha he ran away screaming" I hear all the boys laughing down the radio well at least they find it funny

"Good" I reply with a smile on my face. Shit now I was going to have to face up to her.


So here is chapter 2 I got kind of inspired this morning and couldn't stop writing not even sure anyone is actually reading this but im having fun writing it out

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