Trials and the blame game

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A.N- Pre-warning a) this is another long one so be prepared

                                      b) this is essentially the previous chapter but from Jesse's pov

                                      c) there are some potentially upsetting scenes in this chapter

 Hope you all enjoy please vote and comment if you have anything you would like to see happen or any knew characters you would like to see brought in  


I check the time for the hundredth time and groan as only 10 minutes has passed in all. Its 5.30 in the morning and I have the lifeguard trials today to try and keep the job that I love I can-not be knackered for this I need my energy but I can't get that text out of my head.

I finally manage to sneak a few hours of sleep and I'm awoken by the blaring sound of my alarm clock on the other side of the room (trust me if it wasn't on the other side of the room I would never get out of bed), I roll out of my comfy, warm bed and stretch before heading for a cold shower to try and wake myself up. After a quick blast of cold water, I feel much more invigorated and ready for the day. I pull on my boardies and an FTW t shirt head into the kitchen and make myself a smoothie with some fruit that's just about to turn, grab a bowl of granola and yoghurt knowing I need as much energy as possible so slow release carbs it is.

My phone chooses that moment to chime and its Maxi

"Morning bro, fancy picking me up on your way through, you know car share do our bit for the carbon footprint and all that" I can't help but laugh out loud knowing exactly why Maxi needed a lift and it had jack all to do with going green

"Car broke down on ya again huh mate"

"Damn it, yes fine by car broke down now will you pick me up or not?"

"No problem but I told Amy id give her a lift as well"

"Ooooohhhhhh threesome"

"Shut up you dickhead I'll see you in 15 minutes"

I pull up outside of Maxis apartment block and drop him a text to let him know I'm outside he comes running out and jumps into my jeep bouncing around like a 5-year-old

"You're happy"

"Its trials day, I love trials day. I get to show off how incredibly awesome I am" this boy seriously has an ego the size of Bondi

We pull up outside of Amy's and I send Maxi up to get her, whilst he is gone I check my phone to find numerous missed calls and texts I can't bring myself to look at any of them I know what they will say. I don't even realise they have got to the car until I hear the door close and I look up expecting to find Maxi but I'm pleasantly surprised to see Amy sat in the front seat with a wide smile on her face, god she looks beautiful she doesn't have a scrap of makeup on and her hair is pulled back into some fancy plait that goes into a bun at the back of her head, she is in shorts and a t shirt and I can see her swimsuit under the top is navy blue. I mumble a hi and kiss her gently before I restart the car and head towards the trials hearing her and Maxi bickering about something but I'm not paying enough attention to hear a single word they are saying

I suddenly feel a hand slipping into mine and I look up to see Amy has intertwined our fingers together and is squeezing mine and looking at me her features laced with concern, I give what I hope is a reassuring smile and refocus on the road, I can't do this now I need to concentrate.

At the trials I walk out the changing room to see Amy has been paired with Quinno, that's good he will be good to help calm her nerves as I walk towards her I see Maxi lean in and whisper something in her ear and quick as a flash I watch her elbow fly back into his stomach and he doubles over in pain I can't help the smile that spreads across my face that's my girl don't take no shit from nobody. I walk up and wrap an arm around her nuzzle her neck and whisper in her ear

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