How should i punish thee.. let me count the ways

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I freaking love my job........ ok just had to get that out there. So I'm now back to working full time on the beach no more tower days for me bitches!
In the last 4 weeks i have gone from strength to strength ive been allowed out on the jetski (finally) i mean come on Jethro slammed it in and dislocated his shoulder but was still allowed back on it but me? I had to wait... i still think Jesse had something to do with it but ya know boys in blue code they keep their damn mouths shut.

I've been spending almost all of my free time down at maroubra with Koby and Jai perfecting my surfing skills the rest of my time spent at my self defence class or with Jesse, my sweet wonderful Jesse, he has been so incredible since our big argument although sometimes i do feel like were walking on egg shells we have come so far.

Its a busy saturday down at Bondi and filming is ongoing for the next series of Bondi Rescue and tonight after pack up im going to be doing my intro interview and i am super nervous about being on camera the boys have been spending all morning taking the total piss out of me because i may or may not have froze up coming out of the tower and being faced with cameras ok ill just say it i looked like a deer caught in headlights there i said it its out there ya happy?

So here i am sat on a chair in the tower with a camera pointed at my face a camera man, a director, a sound guy and all of the guys from todays shift pissing themselves from how terrified i look.
"Sweetie you need to calm down its really not that bad" Sarah who ive been introduced to as the makeup artist whispers in my ear i look up at her with puppy eyes
"Can i just speak to Jesse for 2 minutes? Please?" I beg knowing how pathetic i must sound but i need Jesse he calms me
"Sure doll give me a sec and ill grab him"
I sit staring out the window trying to swallow down the bile threatening to tear out my throat
"Hey baby, whats going on?" I whip my head round at that voice i adore so much to be met with ice blue eyes laced with concern
"Im scared Jess, what if i say something stupid or something damaging to the service? Or something that lets slip we are seeing each other?"
We had been prewarned not to let slip that we are a couple as Jesse has a large amount of female fans on the show and they didnt want us to be put in a position where i may get hate for 'stealing' the hot topic of the show
"You wont baby, they are going to ask you questions about you nothing to do with us it wont even cross your mind all you need to do is smile and just answer the questions ill be right behind the camera guy just dont worry ok?"
Jesse leans down and pecks me on the lips sending tingles all through my body he pulls away and pecks me again on my forehead and one last time on top of my head before he walks away behind the camera

"Ok Amy how this works im just going to ask you a few questions so your viewers can get to know you" the director Jamie smiles at me warmly he can tell how nervous i am and has been really nice at trying to put me at ease
"Yepp ok i got it"
"Right lets roll then ok take one action"
"So tell us a bit about yourself Amy"
"Erm my names Amelia but everybody calls me Amy or tadpole, I was born here in Bondi but moved to England when i was 10 where i grew up and i was a lifeguard for beach and pool at a place called Newquay i came back to Bondi about 6 months ago and came to the open trials and got offered a job"
"So how different is Bondi to Newquay"
"Not even in the same league its insane how busy it is here compared to my old beach"
"So how have the boys been treating you?"
"All of the guys have been absolutely incredible i genuinely couldn't ask for better friends, work colleagues and well they are my family"
"Sounds like you've really settled in"
"Absolutely the boys have been super welcoming and i could never thank them enough"

"And cut..... thanks Amy that was brilliant i reckon the fans are going to love you"
"Thanks, i hope so to" i grin so relieved that this is all over now i get to go home and spend the evening curled up with the most gorgeous guy i know

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