What was I thinking?

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I sunbathe for a good hour or so and then decide to take a quick dip in the water to cool off id forgotten how incredibly hot Australian summers are, I put my stuff back into my bag and put that underneath my towel and pray it doesn't get stolen while I'm gone, you never know what may happen even Bondi gets its fair share of bag thieves, and I make my way down to the water now I'm a strong swimmer but I'm also not an idiot so I head between the red and yellow flags like a good girl and head out, the water is warm and nothing like it is in England and in a matter of seconds I'm up to my neck and treading water gently just enjoying the sun and the refreshing coolness of the water.

I hear a noise just to my right and I turn and look to see a young boy of maybe 5 or 6 face down in the surf I push myself over to check him thinking he may possibly just be playing but I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that tells me this kid is not messing about..... I hate it when I'm right.

I flip the boy over and he's unconscious and his lips are starting to turn blue, my instincts kick in and I get him into a safe position and start to swim back to shore until I feel the sand under my toes then I pull him up and I run to the beach screaming for help. When I'm far enough away from the water I lay the boy down on the sand and start to check his vital signs, he isn't breathing but I can feel a very weak pulse.

I look up and see the lifeguards racing towards me with a defib and spinal board I recognise the 3 lifeguards as Mouse, Deano and Chappo probably 3 of the most experienced guys on the service and I breathe a sigh of a relief as they take over.

"What happened?" Deano asks me in his soft lilting voice looking at me intently

"I don't know, I was swimming I turned around and he was face down, I turned him over and saw he was unconscious, I knew I needed to get him In as fast as possible but I didn't have my surf board or anything so I just stabilised him and swam in when I felt the sand I just screamed and then you guys showed up" It all comes spilling out in one go but I don't look at Deano once my focus is completely on this tiny little boy willing him to breathe, cry, vomit anything.

"Well you did amazingly thanks" Deano pats me on the shoulder essentially dismissing me

I whirl around in anger "Are you kidding me?! I do your freaking job for you and you saw cheers cya laters.... No way I'm staying right here with him until his parents or an ambulance show up whichever comes first, if you guys had been working properly instead of ripping each other and pranking each other maybe this kid would be awake and playing on the sand not drowned on a stupid beach with nobody but a bunch of strange men looking after him!"

All 3 lifeguards look at me wide eyed but they continue working on the boy, after what seems like an eternity he coughs and starts to bring up a ton of water, then he opens his eyes and starts to panic. I'm at his side in an instant stroking his face and shushing him reassuring him he's ok

"hey hey its ok buddy you're alright. Do you know where you are?" I ask him gently

"Bondi" he manages to croak out

"Yes, that's awesome buddy well I'm Amy what's your name?" I reply with a big smile meant to reassure the young boy


"Really? How cool my brothers called Josh as well but he's all the way back in England and he's a little bit older than you he's 14, how old are you Josh?" I'm doing everything I can to keep this kid calm until the ambulance gets here and where the hell are his parents?

"I'm 7"

"Well aren't you all grown up so who are you with at the beach today little man I'm sure you didn't come by yourself"

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