Surfing, Secrets and Strangers

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It was finally here, the day of the lifeguard trials, I had spent the last week training hard with Jesse and Maxi whenever I could get away from my nan which was becoming easier as each day passed and she became more mobile while her pelvis healed, she was now only relying on a walking stick and would soon be able to get out of the apartment by herself.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not stupid, I have thought long and hard about the fact I was meant to come here, look after nan until she's better, fly back to England and pick up my life where I left off, well what little life I had, however I really don't want to go and I've made my mind up if I get the lifeguard job then there is no way in hell I'm going back, I still hold dual citizenship and I kept my Australian passport up to date (no idea why but thank god I did) so I don't need a visa to be here.

Myself and Jesse have reverted straight back to being 10 living in each other's pockets only now there's kissing, lots and lots of hot kissing! We haven't gone any further than a little over the clothes hand roaming I was too nervous to take the next step I mean what would he say if he knew I was 25 and have only slept with one guy who told me when I broke up with him for cheating on me, again, that he was only screwing around because of how much of a shitty lay I was, how I was a prude in bed that he needed to get his kinky side out elsewhere. Of course, all this came after the crying, begging, pleading that they meant nothing it was just sex what we have is special blah blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit, I swallowed his crap for 6 years and I took the cheating for 3. Never again.

All the horrible thoughts about Nate and what he did to me have filled my head so much I realise I only have 25 minutes to get over to the pool and ready for the trial. I forgo the shower deciding to have one after the trial and I pull on shorts and a t shirt over my old competition swimsuit putting my hair into a French plait that I then twist round into a bun. I hear a knock on the front door and knowing its Jesse I run over and throw it wide open "GGGGOOOOOODDDDDD MMMMMOOOOORRRRRNNNNNIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG HHHHHAAAAAANNNNNNDDDDDSSSSSOOOOOMMMMEEEEEE!" I yell out with my eyes tightly closed, after hearing no response I crack one eye open to see a bemused Maxi standing in my doorway

"Always knew you had a thing for me Ames" he joked with a trademark Maxi grin and wink

"Sorry Max I uh thought you were Jesse" I mumble as I grab my swim bag double checking I have my goggles and swim cap and a towel.

"He's waiting in the car asked me to come grab ya cus were running late"

"Shit yeah let's go! Bye Nan"

"Bye Tadpole, good luck" I cringe hoping Maxi didn't hear my nans nickname for me

"Tadpole?" he turns to me on the stairs out of the building looking at me incredulously

I blush bright and don't say a word until we see Jesses jeep idling by the kerb he is sat in the driver's seat playing on his phone

"Shotgun" I yell in Maxis ear

"Aww man what"

"Gotta be quicker than that loser" I flash a cheeky smile over my shoulder as we climb into Jesses car

"Hey babe" he mutters and kisses me softly he looks, I don't know, distracted?

"Hey Jess, guess what Ames' nickname..."

"Driver to the pool if you please" I shout cutting Maxi off and shooting him a warning glare over my shoulder

"spill you die Maxwell"

I glance over at Jesse but I don't think he has heard a single word me and Maxi have said, I reach my hand over and take his, lacing our fingers together and squeezing them, he turns and gives me a small smile before returning his attention to the road. Right we will definitely be talking about this later.

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