Silence and Secrets

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A.N i genuinely cant believe this book has hit 3000 reads! That is insane thank you so much!!!! Please comment and vote to let me know of any ideas you have or just to let me know you are enjoying the story!!

I lay on my side in bed watching Amy sleeping soundly, i feel kind of smug thinking I've exhausted her so much that she needs to nap on a Sunday lunchtime. I slowly slide out of bed slipping on a pair of shorts and make my way out to the kitchen as i put the kettle on to make the love of my life a cup if tea i let my mind wander over the last 6 months wondering how i went from being a single party boy to a fully locked down live in boyfriend its funny how much the right person can change everything.
I finish making Amy a cup of tea along with a coffee for me and some toast for the both of us i head back to the bedroom to see Ames stirring with a soft smile on her face i stand in the doorway just watching her for a moment and clock the confusion in her eyes when she realises im not next to her
"Good Morning princess" i chirp happily from the doorway making my way over to the bed breakfast tray in hand she whips her head round and flashes me a face brightening smile she is just so beautiful
"Morning J" i see her eyes sweep over my body appreciatively before settling on the steaming mugs
"One of those for me?" She queries
"Nah im really thirsty theyre both mine" i grin teasing her
"Shut up you loser" she giggles leaning over and grabbing her mug, yes we are that couple with matching mugs hers has a purple A on it and mine has a blue J
"Mmmmmm" Amy moans as she takes a sip of her drink and it sends a tingle directly to my dick
"Babe please don't make that noise" i groan frustratedly knowing she will definitely be sore from earlier
"What noise" she scrunches her nose looking confused
"That moaning noise it makes me want to do things we cant do"
I watch her closely as realisation crosses her features and i catch a glint in her eyes oh god whats she planning now i sit frozen as she takes another sip of her tea wondering what shes up to
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh god yes thats amazing" no fucking way she did not just do that to me right this means war Foster i put my mug on the bedside table taking Amys and placing it alongside it as she looks up at me through her long lashes innocently oh im so on to you little miss. I lean down placing a subtle kiss on her temple, then another on her cheek, the corner of her mouth, her jawline and finally on her collarbone i see the goosebumps break out down her arms and i grin to myself at how much i affect this gorgeous girl i pull back and look deep into her eyes cupping her chin between my thumb and forefinger and planting a deep kiss on her lips, you wanna play games Miss Foster then prepare to lose to the master.

Then Amy does what Amy does best she stuns me into silence
"I love you Jesse so much"
"I love you too Amelia more than you know"
And with that we tumble back into the bed for the rest of the day


Today im working over at Bronte while Jesse is at Tama and i thought id be having a great day with Jake but he is on a serious downer i dont know what his problem is but the kid has been majorly killing my happy vibe.
By lunchtime i've had enough of his deep pensive thoughts
"Jake whats going on?"
"What dyu mean?"
"Dude I'm not an idiot i know that something is up you've been really quiet all day so come on talk to me"
"Dont worry about it Ames i can handle it"
"I know you can handle it Jakey but you shouldn't have to"
"I just need to get my head round some stuff first ill come find you when im ready ok?"
"Ok big guy whenever your ready"
Ive been working with Jake long enough now to know that you cant force anything out of him. Guess i will just have to wait it out but who knows for how long.

After pack up Jake disappears pretty sharpish reinforcing my theory that something massive is going on, I'm sat on the beach watching the sun dip lower and lower in the sky when i feel someone sit down beside me i don't even have to look to know that its Jesse my body is so attuned to him it responds automatically i lean my head on his shoulder as he wraps his arm round my waist.
"Hey beautiful you had a good day?"
"Hmm weird one" i respond not taking my eyes off the expanse of water in front of me
"Why what happened?" I can hear the concern in his voice
"Whats he done?"
"More like what he's not doing" i answer cryptically
"I don't follow" Jesses confusion evident in his tone
"Something is up with him he has been super quiet all day barely speaking i don't think he smiled once all day and then after pack up he just disappeared without a word and he's just been....... not Jake"
"Did you try talking to him?" Even as he finished his question i could feel Jesse cringe as if he already was anticipating my answer
"Of course i did, he said that he needs to get his head round some stuff and hell come to me when he's ready but I'm just worried you know, whatever it is must be huge for Jake to keep it to himself"
"Yeah he's also one of the most honest guys i know if he says hell come to you when he's ready then he will come to you just gotta give him space and time"
"I know i just hate knowing that something is eating him up inside and i cant do anything about it, you know me Jess im a fixer i cant help it its in my DNA"
"Yeah baby i know but maybe this time we need to do it Jakes way" Jesse gets to his feet holding his hand out to help me up
"Alright if you say so" i take his proffered hand and let him pull me up dusting the sand off my legs and wrapping my arms around Jesse's neck planting a kiss on his luscious lips
"Now come on wench its your turn to cook dinner" Jesse punctuates this sexist comment with a quick swat to my ass making me squeak with indignation.
"Wench?" I question with a raised eyebrow
"Yupp my wench" Jesse responds with a smug grin on his stupid handsome face
"Screw you Polock your getting beans on toast now" i walk away towards the car flipping him off behind my back
"Argh Jesse put me down!" I scream out as im grabbed from behind and spun around hearing Jesse laughing softly in my ear
"I love you Amelia" Jesse breathes whilst setting me on my feet in front of him
"I love you too.......... but your still getting beans on toast!"

Next Day

"Morning guys" i chime as i wander into the tower
I receive of chorus of mornings back i have a good feeling about today, in working on Bondi with Jesse, Maxi, Harrison oh and Jake i wonder if he had cheered the fuck up since yesterday.......... spoke to soon
Jake walks in head down looking completely dejected he is pale and gaunt with dark circles under his eyes declaring his clear lack of sleep
"Hi Jakey" i whisper softly nudging his shoulder with mine he looks up and gives me a soft smile
"Hi Ames" his voice sounds hoarse like hes been crying
"You ok?" I know its a stupid question but one of these times i'll ask and he will tell me the truth
"I will be" and he just sounds so... defeated
"Oh Jakey" i whisper softly only for him to hear
"Can we go for a drink tonight? Just us i really need somebody to talk to" he is looking at me with pleading eyes
"Course we can just the two of us" and for the first time in a while Jake gives me a genuine smile and it feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest he's going to be okay.

"Hey Jess"
"Yeah babe?" Jesse looks over at me his blue eyes sparkling with adoration
"Im gunna go for a drink with Jake after pack up ok?"
"Sure thing baby just give me a call when you want picking up yeah?" Amazing if this was 4 months ago he would have lost his shit if i told him that i was going for a drink alone with Jake but now there is definitely a new found trust with us
"Will do i love you" i bounded out of the tower towards Jakes post in the birdcage
"Hey buddy bud bud i told Jess we are going for a drink its all good the dynamic duo will have their special time" i grin up at him
"You are so weird" Jake mumbles shaking his head but still with a big smile
"Yes but you love me and wouldnt have me any other way right?"
"Right ok see you outside the tower after work Ames"
"See ya later Jakeygator" i cheer wandering down the beach to backpackers

That Night

I walk out of the locker room and head over to the tower not seeing Jake anywhere i wander around the side and find him sat on one of the benches gazing out to sea and for the first time in a while he looks relaxed. I tentatively take a seat next to him he barely reacts except for a slight inclination of his head towards me
"Hey did you wanna go for a drink or did you wanna stay here and talk?" I probe gently after around 5 minutes of silence
"Can we stay here? I dont think i can do people right now" his voice is barely above a whisper
"Course talk when youre ready" and thats how i leave it and we sit in comfortable silence for almost an hour before Jake finally caves in and starts to talk but the next words that come out of his mouth are definitely not the ones i was expecting
"It's Katy"

A.N dun dun dun aha not done a cliffhanger in a while figured id throw one in for good measure i 100% already have the next chapter planned out in my head so it shouldn't take me as long to update p.s I'm super sorry forgive me? Votes and comments please and thankyou

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