Negotiator, Survivor, Matchmaker?

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No, no, no, no this isn't happening, this is just a nightmare, he isn't really here, he's locked up Hoppo told me they'd arrested him, this cant be real he cant be here

"Feels so good having you underneath me Amy, all helpless and at my mercy it makes me feel so mmm strong and masculine, I love it" he leans down and whispers into my ear causing a shudder of fear to slither down my spine.

He reaches down and presses one hand against my stomach and places the other over my mouth as I begin to groan in pain. what the hell has he done to me!

"You are mine baby doll and now the whole world will know it forever" he hisses into my ear showing me the scalpel coated in a sheen of my blood

I stare at him wide eyed not having a single clue as to what his deranged ramblings mean but knowing I need to get rid of him and the only way I can think to do it is going to have to be incredibly sneaky.

"What have you done Nathan, why am I bleeding?" I whisper softly keeping his attention focused on my face while I feel around under the covers for my weapon of choice

"I've made you mine Amy, just like I'm yours don't you see now everybody will know when they see us what we mean to each other" he has actually lost it, its official Nathan Summers is a lunatic but I need to keep him talking

"What do you mean Nate, I don't understand why don't you show me" as soon as he stands up from the bed I am able to grasp on to my buzzer and I discreetly press the call button for the nurse knowing one will show up quickly to me.

Nate raises up the hospital gown I have only just noticed he is wearing and shows me his stomach, I physically feel as though I am going to throw up as carved into the skin in red angry letters is A M Y, oh god no please tell me he hasn't done the same to me.

"Now princess I wanted this to be a surprise but you woke up before I could finish so now I need you to hold still for me so I can get this done" he leans back over me with the scalpel in hand and lifts up my gown I look over his head with panic stricken eyes and see a nurse walking in she assesses the situation as I begin to sob from the pain and I see her gesture to somebody behind her to get security.

"Nate, wait, please, it hurts so bad, can I have a little break then you can carry on?" I plead with him just buying myself even more time

"Ugh fine, god you're so demanding Amelia, its a good job I love you" my stomach rolls at his words as I swallow down the bile building in my throat, the only thing getting me through this right now is pure adrenaline.

"Nathan Summers, step away from the bed, put your hands above your head and drop your weapon" I see a police officer stood in the door way his gun pointed directly at Nate, my eyes widened as Nate stood up straight, his eyes void of any emotion as he turned to face the officer and then he did the last thing I expected of him..... he smiled. The psychotic son of a bitch smiled lifted the scalpel up to his neck and he slashed his own throat.

I sat there numbly and in my ears I could hear somebody screaming loudly, this ear piercing, blood curdling scream and all of a sudden I realise that this inhuman noise is coming from me.

The police officer dives forward to Nates fallen body kicking the scalpel away from his hands and cuffing him before allowing the doctors and nurses to tend to him. They lift him onto a stretcher and run out of the room shouting lots of words and things I don't understand and then just silence and all that is left in the room is me and Katie one of the nurses

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