Pretty green eyes

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I wake early the next morning and wander down to my nans room, she's sat up in bed watching tv drinking a cup of coffee and smiles widely when she sees me in the doorway and lets me know the pot is fresh in the kitchen, I thank her and pour myself a cup shouting out and asking if she would like some breakfast she makes me jump by coming up behind me on her crutches and whispering yes in my ear.

"Remember I have a hospital appointment today to get this blasted cast off today" damn it I completely forgot about that. I plaster a smile on my face

"Of course nan, what time do you need to be there?"

"aha" she cackles, I love my nans laugh "you forgot didn't you, I need to be there for 9.30"

I glance at the clock its coming up to 8,

"Ok how about we get dressed, go have breakfast at that café you like opposite the beach then head over to the hospital?"

"I like your thinking tadpole" my nans nickname for me since I was a kid, apparently when I was little I used to swim around in the bathtub like a tadpole, ya know with my legs together and arms planted by my side

"Nan please don't call me tadpole in public it's so embarrassing"

"Hey! I am old and you are my grandbaby I will call you whatever I want"

Later that day

I dropped nan back to the apartment after her appointment, she had her cast removed and an x-ray on her hip to see how her pelvis was healing, according to the doctor for a woman of her age her bones have healed exceedingly well and quickly also.

I get nan settled make sure she has everything she needs and tell her I'm getting changed and heading down to the beach.

I rush into my room and change into my cute red bikini with a white frill and pull over some denim shorts and a crop top, push my feet into my flip flops, I know I'm Australian by birth but I absolutely refuse to call them thongs, grabbed my bag with my phone, sun cream, towel and my sunglasses I pulled a bottle of water out the fridge and was almost out the door before I remember to grab my keys off the hook, I rushed down to the tower and checking my phone it said 12.05. Ok breathe Amy just breathe.

I lifted my hand to knock just as the door opened and I was practically pushed over by a tall strong body not looking where he was going

"Ok so 8 coffee's, 1 mocha for the baby, 9 bottles of water is that everything?" I hear a distant yell of Hey when the stranger calls somebody a baby for ordering a mocha and as he turns around my face collides with his toned chest

"Oh god I'm so sorry I didn't see you there are you ok?" the velvet smooth voice asks me as two strong hands grip my shoulders to stop me falling over

I look up and find myself captivated by a pair of warm hazel eyes full of concern, I look down at the floor feeling my cheeks flush with heat under his intent gaze.


Holy shit. I have just almost knocked out the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. I'm running out of the tower on a quick coffee run before my shift starts, my own fault I'm relaying the order as I open the door and I don't see her stood on the other side, I smash into her and she sways backward I grab her shoulders to steady her and ask if she is okay she looks up at me all I can see are these deep emerald green eyes framed by long dark eyelashes, she looks away quickly and I see a flush creeping up her cheeks, is she embarrassed?

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