Persuasion of Strangers

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I cant do this, everything inside of me is numb right now nothing feels right.
"You about ready baby? The others will be here soon" Jesse comes up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist as I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I look pale and gaunt like I haven't slept in a month which to be honest isn't that far off the truth between work and supporting my family I haven't been sleeping.
Just as I apply a little more concealer under my eyes to cover the dark circles that have taken up permanent residence recently there's a loud knock at the front door.
"I'll get it" Jesse murmurs in my ear planting a kiss to my shoulder I feel myself nodding even though he has left the room already. I take one last look into the mirror, this is as good as it's gunna get I straighten my dress take a deep breath and head out to the living room where I know my family is waiting for me.
As soon as I enter the room I am immediately tackled into a tight hug by a brunette head
"Hey it's okay I'm fine we are all fine" I manage to prise them away from me and see tears streaming down Josh's face
"Whats all this in aid of?" I ask softly even though I know what his response will be
"It isn't fair, none of this is fair" He manages to speak between sobs
"I know but unfortunately sometimes life is just not fair and it throws challenges at you and makes you question the goodness of humans but every test is just that a test and as long as you try your best then you will come out the other side"
"But how is this possible, I don't understand how they can let him do this" I turn my head towards the new voice and Jaimie is sat curled in on herself on our sofa, I wander over to sit next to her pulling Josh with me so I have them sat one either side like they used to do when they were toddlers and id read them stories.
"Because kiddo thats the way the justice system
works, Nathan has the right to plead not guilty and have a trial before a judge and jury who will then decide who is telling the truth me or him"
"But you wouldn't make something like that up! Thats insane!!" Josh screams jumping off the sofa and starting to pace up and down the room
"I know that Josh and you know that and so does our family and friends but Nathans lawyer, the judge the people on that jury they don't know me and they don't know him so now it is my job to go in to that court room and tell the truth and I just have to trust that the jury will see that I'm being open and honest and believe me" Im clinging onto Jaimie's hands now knowing that the worst part for them both is that I've refused to allow them into the court room with us, they are 15 years old the last thing they need is to hear the horrific things their big sister endured at the hands of somebody they adored. As a distraction I've arranged for them to spend the day in the tower with Maxi and Harrison because if anybody can get their minds off what I'm doing today its that pair.

"Come on you two we need to get going before Maxi and Harrison think you've forgotten about them and if Maxi thinks hes been forgotten my phone will start blowing up with texts until we get there" and as if he was eavesdropping my phone buzzed on the table

1 new text Maxi: Where is tadpole junior 1 and 2.....

1 new text Maxi: Why am I here alone

1 new text Maxi: HELLOOOO

1 new text Maxi: Tadpole why are you ignoring me

1 new text Maxi: Im feeling very abandoned right now, you are really hurting my feelings

"Talk of the devil and he shall appear right lets go kids before Maxi loses his mind"

After dropping double trouble off with the terrible twosome Jesse and I make our way over to the courthouse. We park up and as i climb out the car Jesse appears at my side wrapping me up in his arms and kissing the side of my head.
"You've got this babe remember what James said be clear and honest and factual but let the jury see your emotions and see you as a real person"
"I know stick to the facts don't speculate on his motives answer the questions only don't give the defence anything to twist or use against me"
"Thats my strong girl. Ok its almost time lets head in"
I look up at the large imposing figure of the courthouse and take a deep breath before heading up the steps and into what is probably going to be one of the hardest days of my life. Nathans trial is entering into its third day and up until now I have not been allowed inside the courtroom as both a victim and the witness I have needed to remain away from the proceedings to keep my testimony pure. My lawyer James tried his hardest to keep me out of the witness stand hoping that the physical evidence would be enough but unfortunately the judge ruled that my testimony is required as the victim so here I am preparing to face the monster I used to love. The judge did offer for me to testify from behind a privacy screen so I wouldn't have to see his face but I refused if he is going to force me to relive this then Im going to make sure he can see my face as I tell a room
full of strangers exactly what he did to me.

I take a seat outside of the courtroom and wait for my name to be called to testify the longer I am sat waiting the more terrified I become as I have no idea what has been happening behind these doors I don't know how Nates lawyer is trying to play this all off. Are they making out that I'm the psychotic, manipulative, rejected ex girlfriend or am I an attention seeker who didn't like that Nate ended the relationship not me, or am I making it all up because i got caught cheating and I lied to make myself look innocent. Every possible scenario his defence team could be using has run through my head in different formats for weeks ever since James informed me that Nate had been found mentally competent enough to stand trial god knows how because the Nate I knew was not stable and definitely needed to be medicated with something other than weed and coke.

"Amelia Foster?" I hear my name finally being called
"Yes thats me" I stand and make my way to the court officer by the door
"They are ready for you now" he smiles gently at me and holds open the door for me to walk through, as i make my way through the courtroom towards the stand I see my family sat directly behind my lawyer Jesse and my dad sat either side of my mum holding onto her arms at first glance it looks supportive and caring until you see the look on my mothers face as she death glares at Nathan and then you know they are holding her back from committing murder because everybody knows you don't fuck with a mama lions babies or she will rip your heart out and use it as a chew toy.
I arrive at the stand and take my place I allow myself one glance towards Nate who is so busy staring at me that he hasn't realised his lawyer is trying to get his attention and with every ounce of courage I have within me I look at Jesse my rock through this all and I get ready to share my story.

My testimony passes by in a blur I don't remember much of it other than Nates lawyer looking really pissed that he couldn't rattle me, my lawyer looking pleased the trial seems to be going in his favour, my family looking both proud and devastated as they have sat and listened to me relive the most horrific period of my life in detail to a room full of strangers and then there is Jesse with a face full of adoration and love its in that moment I know no matter what the outcome of this trial is he will be there for me. My constant. My person. My love and now I know I will marry this man someday I will bear his name and hopefully his children and I will love him for eternity.

It has been 2 days since I gave my testimony and the trial is almost over we have been told the jury have arrived at a decision so we have all reconvened back in the courtroom ready to hear their verdict and overall whether these 12 people believed me or him. I sit beside James not really listening to anything just staring at the jury foreman waiting for him to stand and tell us whether I'm safe or if I will be forever looking over my shoulder, Im so wrapped up in my paranoid thoughts I almost miss the moment that they announce their verdict.
"Guilty on all charges"
Everything goes into slow motion, it sounds like I'm underwater, I feel myself pulled into a strong embrace and immediately I relax knowing its Jesse, I look across to see my parents have James in a tight hold thanking him profusely for his help
"Its over baby, it's done he will never hurt you ever again" Jesse murmurs in my ear as tears stream down my face as I realise he is right I can breathe again I turn my head and plant a kiss on his lips taking him by surprise
"I love you Jesse"
"I love you too Amelia"
"I wouldn't have survived this without you"
"Oh baby you are so much stronger than you realise"
I shake my head "No I really wouldn't have got through any of this if I didn't have you"
"Babe I"
"Please let me finish" Jesse hold his hands up and mimes zipping his lips, he has been spending way to much time with Maxi
"You have been amazing through this whole thing not many guys will have been able to deal with all of this and that just proves how incredible a person you are. Jesse Polock you are my everything and I love you to the back of the moon. Will you marry me?"

Authors Note:
Sooooooo Im back? Kinda? I am very sorry it has been so long but as you guys have seen I was treated for cervical cancer in 2019 through having 2 surgeries in the space of 7 weeks one of which being a hysterectomy and though I recovered physically quite quickly emotionally I was broken and then covid hit and I will be honest I had zero motivation to write anything but I have been through a lot of therapy and am in a much better place I definitely still have bad days but overall I am feeling much better. Please vote, comment and I hope you are all staying safe

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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