Alarming News

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So my two weeks of tower duty are almost up and as much as i have loved being back at work i am so damn bored of that tower i want to be on the beach getting involved i feel like such a spare part locked away here in my ivory tower, haha ivory tower... get it? Oh my god im so bored im making maxi level jokes jesus. Luckily i have a meeting with Hop after work to discuss the next steps of my comeback.

Today im working over at Tamarama with Maxi and it is super quiet, come lunch time the boys have done a grand total of 2 rescues 1 of which wasn't even a proper rescue as the swimmer managed to get themself back on the sand bank before Jethro got to them.

On lunch i decided i needed to take a break so i grabbed a spare board and went our for a surf, the swell was pretty average nothing huge but enough to get some decent sets. I spent around 30 minutes catching as many waves as i could before i paddled out to the back and just sat on my board letting the sun beat down on me my mind floating away to think of the last few months and how everything has felt like a dream from being back with Jesse to landing my dream job even to finally be completely rid of Nate and hopefully tonight Hop will tell me the news im longing for that he thinks im ready to go back on full duty. Ive been sat daydreaming on my board for a while when im suddenly pulled from my reverie by the most heart wrenching sound any surfer, swimmer or lifeguard can possibly hear..... the shark alarm.

I scan around me initially looking to see if there are any swimmers or anyone needing help and secondly looking for that telltale shadow and thats when i spot it maybe 15 metres away from me a long dark shape under the surface cutting through the water like a knife i waste no time i lay down and i paddle for my life putting more and more distance between us i dont risk looking back as it will just slow me down i lock in and focus on the beach that is my aim i see Maxi stood on the sand watching me the panic on his face obvious  finally i am close enough to be able to jump off my board and i run out of the water straight into Maxis arms
"How close was it Max?"
"Close enough tadpole, close enough"
I take a deep breath and pull out of Maxis embrace heading up to the tower knowing full well that Jesse will be waiting on the radio to hear my voice as he is over at Bondi today

Jesse POV

"Tamarama to Bondi come in Bondi"
I am sat down at north end on a rhino half listening to the radio chatter both eyes on the water when something grabs my attention im sure i just heard the words shark Amy and water i reach over grabbing my radio
"Jethro repeat what you just said"
"Jesse, mate we've just pulled the shark alarm over at Tama but erm"
"Spit it out Jeth i heard Amys name shes meant to be in the tower"
"She went out for a surf on her lunch and well the shark is about 15 feet away from her we've pulled the alarm but she isnt moving Maxi is down on the beach shouting her now"
"What! Are you kidding me get out there and get her!"
"Jess you know we cant do that....... oh shit shit shit"
"WHAT!!! Jethro what the hell is going on" i know I'm shouting and luckily Glick has taken over allowing me to run up to the tower away from the prying eyes of the beach.
"Amy has snapped out of it and is paddling back in but erm"
"But what"
"The shark is following her and its closing down fast"
My heart freezes in my chest Amy is in serious danger
"How close to the beach is she"
"Maybe 30 feet"
"She is paddling so fast Jess I've never seen her move this quick"
Come on baby you can do it just keep going don't look back keep moving by this time i have half the lifeguard service standing around me even some of the off duty guys have turned up because they've been called or text.
"Jeez that was so close shes safe shes on the beach Jess Maxi has her shes ok"
I let out the breath id been holding allowing myself to relax shes ok around 5 minutes later I'm still sat staring at the silent radio willing to hear Amy's melodious voice fill my ears
"Hey Jesse" am i dreaming? Is it really her
"Yeah Jess its me"
"Oh god baby are you ok?"
"Im fine Jesse i promise bit winded from paddling so fast but I'm good"
"You scared me so bad"
"I know baby I'm so sorry but I'm fine honestly i need to get back to work and i will be back at Bondi at 6 to see Hop ok?"
Wait what seriously she has just been chased by a shark and she is acting like its no big deal
"Ames babe are you sure you're ok? This has been a pretty big deal"
"Jess after everything else ive been through recently this is small potatoes so trust me i am fine but babe i really really need to get back to work"
"Ok as long as youre sure ill see you later"
"Yepp ill be there in a bit"
"I love you"
"I love you too Jesse"
"Aaaaaawwwwww" another voice comes over the radio for a minute id forgotten where we were
"Shut up Trent" i hear my girl growl making me laugh



Im sat in Hops office waiting for him to finish his phone call getting more and more nervous after today i literally have no clue as to what he is going to say.
Eventually his call wraps up and i am sat poker straight in the chair opposite literally on the edge of the seat practically begging him to just let me know what is going to happen
"Well Amy i hear you've had a bit of a dramatic day" he starts off leaning back in his chair smiling at me
"Aha yeah you could say that"
"How you feeling about it?"
"Im fine, honestly in the grand scheme of everything else I've had happen that barely registered"
"And how do you feel the last 2 weeks have gone?"
"Amazing it has felt so good to be back and feeling like I'm part of the team again and making a difference" i try to gauge his reaction to what I've just said and see nothing damn this man has a good poker face
"I have to agree you have slotted right back in and all the boys have felt very comfortable having you watching their backs"
Don't get your hopes up Amy sensing a but coming
"So what I'm thinking Amy is trying you on some split shifts"
"Huh? Sorry i don't know what you mean"
"Ok so to start off i want to put you on 2 days on the beach 3 days in the tower for the next 2 weeks then we will extend the beach time based on how you get on?"
"Oh my god are you serious?" I practically scream bouncing up and down on my seat
"Ill take it that you're interested"
"Interested? Yes absolutely 100% oh my gosh thank you so so much"
"You're welcome Amy glad to have you back"
"Thank you Hop ill see you tomorrow"
"New shifts start Monday Ames so still tower duty tomorrow"
"No problem bye!"

I run out of Hops office and over to the tower where the boys are just finishing packing up, i fling the door open and find myself pinned by 6 sets of eyes

"Guess who's back on duty bitches" i yell at their shocked faces and after a few seconds they all rush over to me grabbing me into hugs and everyone congratulating me
I realise the only person that hasnt hugged me is the one person i wanted to hug me, i look up to see Jesse stood at the top of the steps looking down at me with a wide smile on his face and pride shining in his eyes.
I push through the crowd of guys and make my way to the most important person in my life
"Congratulations baby i knew you could do it" i beam up at Jesse as he wraps his arms around my waist and plants a kiss on my forehead
"Thank-you for believing in me" i whisper for only him to hear
"Of course you can do anything you set your mind to" i feel myself blushing as i look down hiding my face
"Hey don't hide from me i love your blush, i love your smile, i love you"
My heart skips a beat every single time i hear those words come out of his mouth
"I love you too Jesse always"

A.N ~ cheeky little update for you all, please vote and comment to let me know if you are still enjoying this book

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