Squeeze Squeeze Squeeze

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A.N-OMFG WE ARE AT NEARLY 5800 READS AND ALMOST 100 VOTES YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok now that's over on with the story :)

"Wow ok that was not a proposal"
"I should bloody well hope not that was crap" although her words are harsh i can see the twinkle of amusement in Amy's eye and i know I'm ok for now
"What i meant was one day i will make you my fiancee and then my wife and i just want to tell you that even though we haven't been together for a year yet i am serious about this, about us and i love you more than anything else in the world...... except maybe surfing"
"Jesse you are my everything without you i don't think i would have survived here, before you i was just existing but now I'm living my life exactly how i have wanted since i was 10 years old with you, and boy you better love me more than surfing else there will be big trouble!" God this girl just blows my mind every time
"Come on baby lets go home you've got a long day tomorrow"
"Huh what dyu mean?"
"Well its filming day and you have your commentary interviews on the rescues you've done this season that will all happen after pack up soooooo will be a late one"
"What noooo being on camera is so embarrassing i always end up saying something stupid"
"Would it help if i told you we are doing a joint interview? And you get to talk about your shark encounter?"
"Wait joint interview? How why?"
"Well apparently all the twitter and instagram posts the boys have put up about you have had really positive responses and the gods of the internet aka our fans have already started 'shipping' us together so Hop asked me how i would feel about a joint interview confirming our relationship and i said i would see how you felt about it before agreeing to anything"
"Wow so they don't hate me?" I see the trepidation on her face and i can tell by the way her nose scrunches up and her eyebrows furrow that she is worried
"Nobody could hate you baby but no they don't they actually really like you and apparently the idea of 'Jemy' is a hit"
"What the fuck is Jemy?!" Bless she is so cute when shes confused
"It's our ship name"
"Ship.... name..... they know we're people right?"
"Yes baby they know it's this cute thing that fans do to show they approve"
"Approve jesus christ what have i let myself in for"
"Don't stress about it babe just know that we can be open now about us"
"Yeah that sounds amazing not having to keep our distance in public any more" a relieved look passes over her beautiful features
"So i can let Hop know its a yes for the interview then?" I can physically feel the tension leave my shoulders as she nods in agreement.
"Now come on you home you need your beauty sleep" i give a quick spank to her delectable ass making my girl squeal and giggle oh god i love that sound i might record her one day and save it for my ringtone

Next day

I have spent the day trying not to be conscious of the cameras around us or the one pinned to the end of my board instead i focus fully on my work pretending it is just a standard day, that is until I'm sat at backpackers with Harries watching a couple of asian tourists begin to drift out when i catch something out the corner of my eye, a toddler by themselves heading straight towards the water i swear i have never moved so fast in my entire life i leapt from the rhino sprinting across the boiling hot sand my focus fully on how close this kid is getting to the water and the fact no parents are with her.

I close in on her rapidly and just as the first wave laps at her tiny little toes i scoop her up from behind causing her to squeal loudly.
I spin around on my heel surveying the people on the sand yet nobody seems to be concerned about a missing kid i twist her around so she is popped on my hip and shout as loud as i can
"Anybody missing a little girl?!" Absolutely nothing so i make my way back over to Harries at the rhino to get the little one into some shade and give her some water i also take the opportunity to give her a once over from a first aid point of view, she is clearly with people that care about sun protection as she is in one of those all in one suits with a matching cap.

I pop her onto the shelf at the back and realise this little one is maybe 2 if that what the hell is she doing by herself, Harries has radioed for some backup and Jethro appears in another rhino ready to take me and the little one up to the tower and i have to say this little cutie is taking everything in her stride she hasnt screamed or cried once she just keeps looking at me intently and giggling and rambling like toddlers do. I walk up the tower steps with her in my arms and as i enter the door i can hear Jesse on the radio talking to Harries i think mum has put in an appearance well this should be interesting.
I take a seat at the desk with this ball of blonde adorableness facing her outwards so she can see the beach and water
"They found mum?" I question Jess letting her play with my sunglasses to keep herself entertained
"Yeah shes on her way up"
"Hmmmmm" i pull the girl closer into me suddenly very protective of this bundle of energy when we hear loud footsteps running up the steps
"Where is she? Lexi? Oh my baby oh my god youre ok!!" The woman looks clearly distraught however im still slightly reluctant to hand her over until her mother has offered some kind of explanation as to how her toddler ended up on the shoreline unattended"
"Thankyou so much, she was asleep so i left her with her older brother watching her while i went to grab us all some drinks from over the road i was gone less than 5 minutes and i came back to Lexi gone oh god the worst things run through your head i thought shed been kidnapped or gone into the water and drowned!"
"She nearly did" i say probably a little harsher than needed but it clearly has the desired effect as the woman looks clearly shocked
"Im sorry?"
"I grabbed your kid inches away from the water by herself if i hadn't spotted her out the corner of my eye this would be a very different conversation" i look up from Lexis adorable face to that of her mother to see tears streaming down hers
"Oh my god, i thought i could trust her brother to watch her for 5 minutes he's 14 and apparently his game was more important than his sister, im going to ground his ass forever and im never letting her out of my sight again asleep or not"
"Good idea because you have a gorgeous baby here i would hate for something to have happened to her"
"You have no idea how grateful i am to you right now...."
"Amy thanking you for saving my daughter and this is Lexi-Amelia" i hear Jesse let out a snort from beside me and Lexis mum looks at him quizzically
"Im sorry ignore this idiot he thinks its funny because my name is actually Amelia but i prefer Amy and this moron is my boyfriend Jesse" I hand Lexi over to her grateful mum who gives one last wave before heading out back onto the sand
"Wow your first lecture how does it feel?"
"Exhilarating, i feel like i actually made a difference today" i lean over as Jesse plants a gentle kiss on my forehead and we remain like that for a few minutes lost in our own little world.
"Looks like we got our interview footage" a new voice from behind me makes me jump almost a foot into the air id completely forgotten that Jesse and i weren't alone right now
"Huh?" I must look thoroughly confused as Sam the producer lets out a loud laugh
"Your interview tonight, that right their is what we will use to intro it. Its sweet and romantic and related"
I can feel the blush rising up my cheeks as Sam talks and as the realisation that Jesse and I will actually be telling the world we are really a couple hits me so does the panic and as though he can sense my inner freak out Jesse reaches over and squeezes my hand 3 times. I look up in surprise
"You remembered?" I whisper softly
"Course i did i remember everything about us"
3 hand squeezes that was our thing when we were 10 'I' squeeze 'love' squeeze 'you' i have never been good with public speaking and at school we did a play and i was given lines i was petrified but before every rehearsal and then before each show Jesse would stand next to me and squeeze my hand 3 times to tell me he loved me, well as much as a 10 year old can be in love. I let a smile spread across my face at the memories and all traces of panic wash away like the tide i am so ready for this.

Later that evening

I lied i am so not ready for this. At all.

Squeeze squeeze squeeze
Squeeze squeeze squeeze
Squeeze squeeze squeeze

I keep squeezing Jesses hand in 3s i need him to know if i fuck this up its not on purpose I'm just so scared of saying the wrong thing

"Ok you two so you know the drill by now we will ask you a question that will be edited out later to open up the discussion for you both" Sam has us sat in the tower together after hours attempting to complete this joint interview, i glance to Jess nervously and am met with a heart stopping reassuring smile
"Ready?" Sam asks however i sense the question is most definitely aimed more at me than Jess
"As i'll ever be" i respond honestly knowing Jess will rat me out if i lie
"Ok so ready to go in 5,4,3,2,1 Action"

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