Hide and Dont Seek

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Its been 2 days since i heard or saw from Amy, I've rang round all the boys they all claim they haven't seen her, Hop says she called him and said she wanted to take another week off before coming back to work, i dropped by unexpectedly at Maxis just in case he was lying to me but she wasn't there, she isn't at her nan's i went over under the pretence of checking in on her for Amy but i don't think she bought it for a second, I even got Jake to ask Katie his nurse girlfriend whether she had heard from her but he claims not.

She doesn't know anybody else here, where the hell could she have gone. She already gave up her flat so she cant have gone there. She wont answer her phone or respond to any of my texts im going out of my mind worrying about her where the hell is she!

48 hours previously
I still cant believe things fell apart so quickly and drastically, i finally thought we were on the same page in our relationship that we were heading down the right path but apparently i was completely wrong.
It took me a good hour of sobbing to get my thoughts together and come up with a plan, hunting for my phone in my bag i called the one person i knew Jesse would never think to contact.

Packing my clothes into two holdalls i write out a note for Jesse telling him not to look for me and when I'm ready i will come to him, tears stream down my face as i write down my feelings, i pour my heart out into this letter letting Jesse know exactly how much he has let me down.
I take one last look around the apartment i have come to think of as home in such a short space of time i place my key on the counter and walk out the door, i head down the stairs to wait for my ride hoping that they show up before Jesse returns.

Luckily i only wait for around 5 minutes before a familiar car pulls up to the kerb i take a deep breath and climb into the passenger seat turning and giving my saviour a small smile

"Thanks for coming to get me, i didn't know who else to call"
"Any time kiddo, id be disappointed if you hadn't thought of me, so what happened?"
"I really don't want to talk about it right now, i just want to sleep"
"Ok when you're ready you know where i am"
"Thanks Koby, i just need some time to process what the hell happened"

The one person i have always felt the safest with is Koby when i was a little kid he always protected me like a big brother and now I'm back i feel like I'm 7 years old again running to Koby when something bad happens. I trust him implicitly and i know Jesse wont think to contact him and even if he did i know Koby would protect me even if Jesse is a bra boy.

We pull up to Koby's house and he shows me in to the guest room, handing me fresh towels before giving me a bear hug and leaving me to my thoughts. I strip off and take a long hot shower letting a fresh batch of tears mix with the water, i scrub my skin til its raw trying to remove any trace of Jesse's scent from my body and hair. I cant think straight when all i can smell is him, i need him out of my head so i can evaluate what I'm going to do next.

Once I'm scrubbed clean i change into some flannel shorts and a baggy t-shirt before venturing out into the house to find Koby where i discover him and his brother Jai sitting on the sofa watching some surfing competition on the tv, i sneak up quietly behind them before leaping over the back of the sofa straight onto Jais lap making him scream out loud like a little girl.

"What the hell! Who the hell is this! Koby what the fucks going on man!" He yelled out almost incoherently. Koby and i looked at each other and burst out laughing i slipped off the sofa onto the floor and looked up innocently at Jais face
"Hi JJ" i murmur "long time no see"
"Mimi?!" Jai gapes at me disbelievingly
"In the flesh bucko" i grin up at him
"Oh my god mims its been forever! I missed you!" He roared leaping off the sofa and pulling me off the floor and into a huge hug
"What are you doing here? I didnt even know you were back?! What the hell man you knew she was here and didnt tell me?"
"Im sorry man it slipped my mind before and well today when you showed up i just couldnt help it"
"Well i came back to take care of my nan after she broke her leg and pelvis and well i decided to stick around, got a job with the lifeguards at bondi, got held hostage and attacked by my ex boyfriend, had a blazing row with my new boyfriend over me returning to work, called Kobes scared the living crap outta you and here we are"
"Whoah whoah whoah im sorry did you just say held hostage and attacked?! And also new boyfriend? Right explain monkey"
"My ex from england is a raging lunatic he came here to try and get me back when that didnt work he essentially held me hostage with blackmail and threats, i finally confessed everything to Jesse and Hoppo who got the police involved, i collapsed and was unconscious for a week, my ex got himself hospitalised and came and found me and tried to carve his name into my stomach but the police stopped him, i got released and Jess has been treating me like im made of glass the last 2 weeks and i finally felt well enough to go back to work so i arranged it all with Hop and told Jesse tonight when he got home from work well after we had sex and he told me he loved me at which point he flipped his lid and stormed out, i called Koby he came and picked me up and well here we are" i pause and take a long deep breath after compiling the last few months of my life into a 3 minute rant.

"Ok first of all whoah, I've been in Bali surfing for 6 weeks and all hell has broken loose, secondly your ex will be sorted" he looks meaningfully over at Koby who nods his head cryptically
"Already done" i cock an eyebrow and look at them both quizzically
"Not your concern monkey less you know the better" Koby soothes me like im a toddler making me blush at the use of his and Jais childhood nickname for me

"Next you and Jesse are back on huh" he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively in my direction at which point Koby interjects
"Although we could have done without knowing about the sex part, youre like a sister to me and well i like Jesse i dont want to have to hurt him"
"Its fine Koby im a grown up i can make my own choices its just unfortunate that i seem to be attracted to dickheads"
"Hey hey hey Jesse may be acting like a grade A toolbag right now but he is not a dickhead, he only reacted how he has because he cares about you" he points his bottle of corona at me and gently prods me with his index finger

"Ugh i know but he's just so frustrating instead of talking to me he just lays down the law like I'm some servant that must follow his rules. Im a freaking adult and i coped for 15 years without him i think i can make a decision for myself i know my mind and my body and i need to go back to work i was going stir crazy cooped up in that apartment it was getting to the point where he was no better than Nate" i gasped my hands flying up to cover my mouth as i realised i had just voiced my biggest fear about the way Jesse had been behaving. Of course i didn't mean the way he treated me, he treated me like a princess however i was rapidly beginning to feel like Rapunzel locked up in her tower with no way out, i just meant the not allowing me to make decisions about my own life for myself, thinking that he knew best and throwing a tantrum if i dared to suggest otherwise.
"How long you been keeping all that in?" Koby asks with mild amusement playing across his features "cus im gunna guess a while and im also going to assume that you didnt mean most of it because we both know Jess would never hurt you he worships the ground you walk on kiddo"
"Yeah i guess i just never voiced it before and i know Jesse would never physically hurt me, emotionally though he has done it without even realising it, he broke my heart tonight and i dont think he even knows he did it"
They both look at me intently deep in thought but before either of them can open their mouths i give a soft sigh and whisper
"Im gunna get some sleep, thanks for listening and can you do me a favour if Jesse contacts you dont tell him im here, i will talk to him and i will go back to him just when im ready ok?"
"Yeah course monkey night"
"Yeah night mimi"
I climb the steps to the spare bedroom and im out like a light before my head has hot the pillow into a deep and dreamless sleep.

I've spent the last 2 days moping around Koby's house, blankly watching tv and going over and over in my head the argument Jesse and I had looking at it from different angles analysing every word, every tone, every facial expression from the both of us and i keep coming to the same conclusion, we both fucked up.

I sit on the bed, take a deep breath pick up my phone and wait to hear that familiar voice that makes my heart skip a beat


A.N - another cheeky chapter for you all :) please vote and comment i love knowing if you guys are enjoying this story. Im also debating starting a new story thats going to be an original story not a fanfiction so if you have an ideas of what you'd like to read comment and let me know :)

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