Bondi Baby

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We have been sat in the waiting room at the hospital for almost 4 hours now, after her waters broke we rushed Katie straight here only to be informed that she is in early labour and to get comfy cus apparently its gunna be a while.

Jesse is fast asleep next to me with his head resting on my shoulder when my phone chimes from inside my bag, I pull it out to see a text message from Katie on the screen I open up the message to be greeted with a picture of Jake fast asleep in a chair next to the hospital bed I cant help but laugh softly before calling Katie.

"Hey Ames" well she sure sounds chipper for a woman in labour

"Hey you how ya feeling?" I smile into the phone as I reach up and play with Jesse's hair as he mumbles in his sleep

"I'm ok, I got examined about 20 minutes ago let me tell you not fun and I'm about 2cm"

"2cm?! seriously? you've been in there for hours!"

"Aha yeah apparently its pretty common for first time mums to take a lot longer to get into established labour so I was just calling to say if you guys are still here to head home and I'll get Jake to call when little man has made his appearance"

"Are you sure Kate we don't mind hanging round" she cuts me off right there

"Trust me you guys head home but thankyou for the offer you don't know what it means to me"

"Ok sweetie well good luck and hopefully we will see you in a few hours"

"Yeah I think I'm gunna need it you've seen the size of Jakes head my cootch is screwed!" I laugh fully out loud this time as we disconnect rousing Jesse from his slumber

"Watcha laughing at?" he queries sleepily gosh he looks adorable right now his hair all mussed up and his eyes half open

"Was just talking to Katie she said to head home and Jake will call us when its time"

"Kay lets go home baby" home mmm I love hearing him say that. Our home. Jess stands up offering me his hand which I take gladly linking our fingers together as we head out towards the car park.

The drive home is filled with the kind of comfortable silence you can only achieve when you are completely at ease with the person sat next to you the gentle hum of the . I swing the car into our allocated parking space and glance over as I switch off the engine to see Jesse watching me intently with a soft, sweet smile gracing his face.

"What ya staring at Polock?" I furrow my eyebrows in a teasing manner

"Just wondering how the hell I got so lucky in life. I have my dream job, dream girl, great mates, amazing family and in-laws I don't know what I did but somebody up there is definitely smiling down on me right now"

"Jess if anybody is lucky here it's me, you have been nothing but wonderful to me and dealt with all of my drama and issues and neuroses. You are my life Jesse Polock and I couldn't imagine it any other way" I lean over the centre console and capture his lips in a soul crushing kiss, trying to communicate just how much he means to me.

"I love you Amelia, so much I cant wait to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much" my heart soars out of my chest at his words

"I love you too Jesse I will spend every day from now until forever making sure you know how worthy you are, now come on lets go and get into bed it is very late and we have work tomorrow"

We climb out of the car and make our way into the flat working around each other like pros as we change into PJ's, brush our teeth, I remove my makeup while Jesse grabs us both bottles of water. As we finally climb into bed I glance at the bedside clock and let out a tired sigh seeing it is 3am and we have to be up in approximately 4 hours to be at work for 8am, I make sure to set an alarm so we aren't late and also leave my phone on loud just in case we hear anything from Jake or Katie.

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