2 days, 2 dates, 2 boys.....

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I awoke the next morning to an irritating buzzing noise next to my ear I swatted it away still not fully conscious but the noise continued until I realised it was my phone alarm going off. I groaned my body confirming I had definitely drank more than I intended last night but as all the memories of Jesse flooded back into my brain I couldn't help the smile spread across my face, I made my way to the kitchen and hunted through the cupboards for some pain killers finally finding some paracetamol in a cupboard I quickly downed them with some water poured myself a large glass of orange juice which I slowly sipped whilst standing at the window looking out over the beach

"Morning tadpole" my nans voice broke me out of my day dream

"Nan, you made me jump!"

"aha sorry love, so how was your date last night? Tell me everything" god she's nosy its a good job I love her

"it was...... interesting, nan dyu remember Jesse?"

"Jesse? Jesse Polock?"

"Yes nan that Jesse"

"Mmmm yes I remember him alright with his big blue eyes and cheeky grin, wait was that who your date last night was with?"

"Er not exactly I went on a date with Jake he's one of the lifeguards on Bondi and well him and Jesse work together, when I met Jake for a drink last night we walked in and a load of the guys were there including Jess and well I kinda saw red and told the boys everything that happened and then I sorta ran away down to the beach, Jesse followed me down there and we talked and he kissed me and well today he is taking me out"

"Jesus H Christ! Amelia Victoria Foster, 2 dates in 2 days with 2 different boys!"

"Well when you put it like that it sounds really bad" I groan putting my head in my hands

"Bad? I'm proud of you kiddo you get out there and live your life, just be careful with Jesse, you weren't around through the worst of it he got himself in some pretty deep trouble a few years ago, I'm guessing being a lifeguard he has turned his life around but you never know"

"I'll be careful I promise" my phone buzzes in my hand it's a text from Jesse

Morning beautiful, hope you aren't too hung over, be ready to go in 45 minutes, dress casual, bring swimmers

Jeez cryptic much

"I gotta go get ready nan Jesse will be here to pick me up soon"

I have a quick shower and rummaging through my drawers I settle on my old faithful navy blue surfing bikini It has a sports bra style top and briefs with white trim all around it's cute but practical. I pull on a pair of grey sweat shorts and a white cami top before throwing a towel, sun cream and a jumper into a bag not knowing how long we will be out, glancing at my bedside clock I realise Jesse will be here any minute I rush out giving nan a kiss pushing my sun glasses on top of my head grabbing my phone and keys and practically running down the stairs out to wait out the front for him.


I'm stood in the lifeguard tower chatting to the guys, I'm off duty today but I told Amy, that's gunna take some getting used to, that I'd pick her up for our date, I was deliberately mysterious in the message wanting to surprise her.

In the tower is Bisho and Yatesy and I'm filling them in on last night before I get to the part where Amy and Jake walking to the bar I hear Yatesy let out a long low whistle

"Check out the hottie over the road"

"Watching the water Yatesy like were meant to be doing" Bisho replies with a hint of sarcasm to his voice

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