Truth Time.

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I can't take this any more. It's been 6 weeks since Nate showed up on my doorstep, 6 weeks not in Jesse's arms, 6 weeks of lying to everybody I care about and I know that they know I'm lying about being okay.

I do nothing except go to work and go home to the flat I have come to hate where each day I find Nathan laying on my sofa, usually drunk, occasionally high and always horny. I guess the fact he was consistently cheating on me during our relationship had hidden his sex drive from me but now I realise he is insatiable even waking me in the middle of the night by either having sex with me or even one night pushing his dick in my mouth. I hate it, I hate him but I cant do anything not only has he said he will hurt my nan he also has all of the intimate photos and videos from during our relationship that he has threatened to send to all my friends and family if I tell anyone.

I've successfully managed to avoid Jesse so far knowing that if I see him he won't believe my stories and I will end up telling him everything, he has that effect on me.

I walk into work as normal on Monday and as I enter the tower I am greeted by 3 sets of sad concerned eyes Whippet, Reidy and Harries all look at me like I'm a ghost and I guess in a way I am, I'm a shadow of who I was when they first met me just a few short months ago. The tower door opens behind me and I plaster on my fake 'I'm all good, how can I help you'  smile as I turn to see who has walked in, as my eyes lock with tired, ice blue orbs I freeze

"Jesse" his name comes out in a pained whisper as I feel my heart shatter even more by the mere look on his face

"Amelia" he cautiously responds clearly not knowing how to deal with this situation

"I didn't know you were working today"

"I'm not meant to be but Maxi had to call in sick he has flu so Hoppo asked me to cover"

"Oh, right ok" I look down at my fingers through the entire exchange, I cant look him in the eye i feel to guilty

"I've missed working with you" he mutters softly, why, why does he have to be so damn sweet why couldn't he be a complete prick and make this all so much easier, but no he has to be a nice guy that makes my heart ache because all I want is for him to take me into his arms, kiss my forehead and tell me it's going to be alright.

"I should er get to work, see ya later Jess" I grab a radio and practically run out of the tower and all the way down to backpackers to get away from him.


Wow, that hurt. I have only seen glances of Amy since she broke up with me but seeing her up close for the first time in almost 6 weeks i don't know why none of the boys have told me how ill she is. Surely they have noticed that she has lost weight? the bags under her eyes? the fact her once sparkling emerald eyes are now dull and lifeless

"What the hell guys, have none of you noticed that Amy looks ill?"

"Well yeah mate at first we put it down to the break up but as time has gone on we all genuinely think that something else is going on with her but every time any of us try to talk to her about it she just cuts us off and says she's fine" Whippet rambles out what he has clearly been keeping in for a while and I see Reidy and Harries nod along side him showing that they have all discussed this at some point

"She is definitely not ok, something is wrong and I need to find out what" at this point my phone dings with a new text message

Maxi - Hey bro, is Amy in work?

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