When what you see isn't what you see

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Saturday afternoon and I've almost completed my first week as a lifeguard at Bondi and whoo what a week it has been, although the boys have been saying it's still quiet I am absolutely exhausted from dealing with 10-15,000 people on the beach every day, oh and being kept up late by Jesse on the phone most nights was not helping either. I haven't stayed over since my first day on Monday but we have seen each other every single day outside of work, Jesse is definitely trying to impress he has taken me surfing, out for dinner, for drinks, he even cooked one night although I'm adamant that his mum at least helped even though he insists it's all his own doing.

Me, Jess and Maxi all have tomorrow off work so we have arranged to go out clubbing tonight to celebrate not quitting or dying after my first week, all the boys have said they will come meet us for drinks at The Bucket List first of all with the boys working Sunday heading off and the people off continuing to party as long as possible. I've already agreed to stop at Jesse's place tonight so after pack up I'm nipping to my place and grabbing the bag I've already packed and I'm going to get ready at Jesse's to make it easier tonight, first though I need to get through this hell of a shift. Weekends. Bloody nightmare.

Later that night

"SHOTS" I'm feeling a little fuzzy and a little brave so I decide that what we all need to keep going apparently is Tequila

"Yes Tadpole, I like the way your brain works!!!" Maxi screams next to me not even realising what he has just said, I glare at him as the remaining boys Whip, Harries, Reidy, Jethro, Harrison, Glick and Jesse of course all look at him like a crazy person

"Tadpole?" Jethro slurs

"Yeah, Tadpole, that's what Amy's nan calls her so I call her it too, cus I can" Maxi grins at me and I genuinely want to punch him

"Aha Amy finally has a nickname......... Tadpole!!!!" Harries is looking decidedly pleased with himself, it worries me

"I already have a nickname. Its Amy" I grumble beginning to sober up

"NNNNNNOOOOOOO, that's not a nickname that's an.an. what's the word I'm looking for?" Maxi is trying hard to get his words out and I have no idea why I help him out when he gets stuck but I can't help myself

"Abbreviation you numb nuts"

"Yes, an abbreviation, thankyou muchly tadpole"

I really hope this doesn't catch on until I see a flash out the corner of my eye I look up to see Whip grinning from ear to ear

"What did you do?" I demand

"Check your phone" he drunkenly giggles

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"Oooooohhhhhhhh she used your name you're in trouble!!" Maxi scoffs to one

"Oh really Trent, if he's in trouble they you my friend are up shit creek without a paddle" at the look of fear on Maxis face I can't help but burst into laughter as I do I look up and over towards the bar and my heart drops into my stomach.

Jesse is sat on a stool at the bar and he has some blonde girls arm wrapped around his shoulder, perched on his knee I can see his arm around hair waist with his hand resting at the top of her ass and I watch him laugh as she leans in and whispers something in his ear he turns his head and whispers something back that causes her to giggle and put her hand on his chest gazing up at him with "come fuck me" eyes until I can't take it anymore and I have to look away

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