Coffee dates & trouble brewing

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A.N - This will be a short chapter told from Jakes pov :)


Holy crap I'm nervous, like even more nervous than when I asked Amy out and that's saying something because Amy is, well she's just gorgeous but Katie whew this girl is just on another level with her naturally sun bleached blonde hair and big blue eyes, smattering of freckles across her nose and the biggest, brightest smile that just lights up a room.

After everything that happened with Amy this last night I managed to pluck up the courage to ask her out for coffee and I cant believe my luck she actually said yes. Shit, she said yes. I didn't plan on that, I was banking on her saying she had a boyfriend and turning me down, oh god oh god oh god what do i do, what do we talk about? I cant do this the last date I went on was with Amy and look at what a disaster that turned out to be.

Calm down Jake, its just coffee, just a quick cup of coffee before she runs away screaming because you are such a loser. oh jesus I need help.

I've been sat on a chair outside Amys room combatting this internal monologue for the last 5 minutes but it feels like forever, and as if the angels were looking down on me I glance to my right and see Whip and Deano stood deep in conversation, well if anybody can give good dating advice it'd be the two guys with some of the most long term and stable relationships on the service.

"Sorry to interrupt guys, i was wondering if I could have a quick word" i hesitantly approached my two friends

"Sure bud, whats up?" Deano replied as they both turned as one to look at me

"You alright Jake? you look like a nervous wreck?" Whip enquires with concern laced across his features

"Yeah I just er wanted to get some advice about something"

"Shoot" ok here goes nothing deep breath Jake

"So I kinda asked Katie, you know the nurse looking after Amy, out for coffee and she said yes and now I'm freaking out, I don't go on dates, I expected her to turn me down but she didn't what if I screw it up? I really like her"

"Jake chill out, it's just coffee you go, be yourself, chat about your lives, your hobbies, your jobs just don't take it too seriously, she obviously likes something about you too else she wouldn't have said yes!"

and at that exact moment Katie came wandering down the corridor looking beautiful in skinny jeans and one of those peasant blouse things that girls love.

"Hey Jake, you ready to go?" her voice drifts to my ears breaking me out of my zone and forcing me to concentrate on what this beautiful girl is saying as she cocks her head to one side clearly awaiting a response, what did she say? crap, pay attention Jake

"Huh? sorry I was in a world of my own what did you say?" causing her to burst into a fit of giggles

"I asked if you are ready to go?" she giggles softly and I flush with embarrassment

"Yes definitely lets get out of here" I hold the door open for her as she smiles  shyly up at me and I cant help but beam back at her

We wander out the hospital and down the street where we find a small coffee shop just opening for the day we place our orders and I insist on paying for us both, we settle down with our drinks at a small table in the window and the conversation just started flowing between us almost like we had known each other for years.

And so here we are 2 hours and 3 cups of coffee later still chatting about anything and everything I've learned Katie is 23, born and bred in Bondi, she has one younger brother and lives with two of the other nurses Becca and Leah in a house near the hospital I've just finished filling her in on how I became a lifeguard and why I love it so much when I glance out the window and see one of the most concerning sights Koby Abberton and a group of bra boys headed in the front doors of the hospital and by the look on Kobys face this is not a social visit they mean business.

"Katie I'm really really sorry to cut this short but I need to get back to the hospital and find Jesse I think somethings going down because of everything with tadpole"

she quirks an eyebrow before looking over and seeing exactly what I mean

"Come on then lets get over there" she stands grabbing her bag and holding out her other hand to me

"You want to come with me? Katie I don't think it'll be safe"

"Jake I will be perfectly safe I know that hospital inside out and besides I think Amy is going to need somebody with her when whatever is happening in there kicks off"

"Well I think I have a fair idea, I'm guessing Jesse called Koby and told him what happened with Nate and now the bra boys are going in there to hunt him down and kill him"

"Well they'll have a job he was transferred to a secure mental facility early hours of the morning"

"What? how do you know that" she turns and looks at me like I'm being really dim

"I'm a nurse Jake, we get told things, especially when it involves a patient directly in our care, and don't you worry your pretty little head about Koby bloody Abberton I can handle him"

Funnily enough I believe her, with a deep sigh I take her hand and we make our way quickly through the doors of the hospital scanning for any sign of chaos and disruption, seeing nothing in the main reception area Katie heads towards the stairs and Amys room and I follow like a little lost puppy behind her constantly looking into rooms and down corridors and listening intently for noise.

We make it to Amys room and outside are about 10 bra boys all leaning casually against the walls Katie struts straight past them and into Amys room without knocking Amy is sat up in bed with Jesse at her side and Koby standing next to the bed with his fists clenched.

"Koby Abberton what the hell do you think you are doing, this is a place of rest and recuperation not where people come to be intimidated by your goons  now get rid of them or you learn nothing!" whoah holy crap Katie just went all out and by the look on Kobys face its like he has heard this before as he immediately relaxes his posture and heads over to the door mumbling something to the guys outside that I cant quite catch but they all slowly but surely walk away

"Thank you, now first things first, aren't you going to give your baby cousin a hug?" Cousin? what the fuck

As Katie and Koby embrace I look to Amy and Jesse however they look just as confused as I am

"Er as much as I'm enjoying the family reunion anybody wanna fill me in on what the hell is going on?" Amy pipes up causing Katie and Koby to turn and look at 3 very confused faces gazing back at them

"Aha guess I should introduce myself properly... Hi I'm Katie Abberton this numbskulls cousin "

"Who you calling numbskull pipsqueak?"

"You obviously what were you thinking bringing all those morons in here all riled up, you could have all been arrested, I nearly called security on you myself!"

"We came to find that prick and finish the job he started on himself"

"Oh really? you are such an idiot Koby even if he was here you wouldn't get anywhere near him he had a police guard on his room"

"Wait Katie what do you mean even if he was here, whats' happened they haven't lost him have they?" I can hear the panic rising in Amys voice as she grabs on to Jesse for dear life

"Oh sweetie sorry when I came by you were fast asleep I didn't want to wake you, as soon as Nate was stabilised he was immediately transferred to a secure mental facility to be assessed, he's locked up Ames and nowhere near you"

I hear a strangled cry and look across to see tears streaming down Amys face

"I want to go home. Please I need to get out of here" Amys sobs

"Ok baby let me talk to the doctors and we can get you out of here and back to mine" Jesse stands and starts to make his way out of the room

"No Jesse, you don't understand I want to go home,  I want to go back to England"

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