Stay Quiet

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A.N ~ Mature content ahead .
I'm sat in a room full of my closest friends laughing, drinking, beating Kerrbox at poker and yet i feel completely alone and lost because the one person that makes me whole is not in my proximity and just like she can read my mind the front door opens and in strolls my girl, my love, my heart Amelia.

She strolls in a content smile on her angelic face she pauses in the doorway surveying the scene around me her inquisitive eyes taking in everything that's going on in the cosy little space we call home. Her eyes linger on Maxi and Harrison messing around in the corner before they scan over to me and those beautiful emerald green eyes that haunt my dreams light up with life and love when they connect with mine and i know that I'm reflecting the exact same look right back at her but probably mixed with a bit of lust because well damn I'm still a guy and my girl looks incredible right now in a pair of denim shorts and one of my t-shirts that shes knotted at the front to make it more fitted and this may look super casual but Amy makes it look incredible

"Hey baby" she wanders over and plants a kiss on my lips before dropping down onto my lap and wrapping one arm around my neck and saying her hellos to the others
"Im gunna go for a bath babe let you have some boy time i'll see you later" she murmurs in my ear her hot breath sending shivers down my spine she lays a soft kiss just below my ear lobe before getting up heading to the kitchen and grabbing a beer from the fridge my eyes are glued to her ass as she walks to the bathroom only snapping out of my trance once she has closed and locked the door i look up to see the guys all looking at me expectantly
"What?" I question
"Its your call lover boy" Whippet announces with a shit eating grin on his face
"Alright alright erm well i erm i fold" i genuinely have no idea even what cards i have my entire body is thrumming from the thought of Amy naked with just one locked door between us. I need her. Now. I stand up abruptly muttering something along the lines of needing a piss and being right back and head towards the bathroom i knock softly
"Ames its me let me in" i hear water running and Amy's bare feet padding towards the door she opens it slowly hiding her body behind the door and poking her head out
"Whats up Jess?" She queries concern bubbling up on her face and as opposed to issuing her a verbal response i push through the door to Amy's protestations kicking it shut and turning the lock behind me i fix her in my gaze like a lion studying its prey i lazily run my eyes over her figure she is stood in just her underwear her hair piled on top of her head
"Jesse what are you doing the guys are right outside" i can sense the panic rising in her voice
"Guess you will have to stay really quiet then" i tease taking a step towards her as she backs up against the vanity i make a quick mental calculation as to how much force it could withstand and decide is worth the risk.
I reach out and wrap an arm around her waist pulling her flush against my chest causing a squeak to escape her mouth before i lean down and cover her lips with mine i run my hand up her back unhooking her bra as i go slipping the straps down her arms and removing the garment altogether throwing it to the ground beside us.
I grasp Amy by the backs of her thighs and lift her up onto the vanity without so much as a beat she wraps her legs around my waist pulling me in tight her arms going around my neck, her curious fingers pulling on my hair as i move my lips down the curve of her neck towards her luscious breasts i take one of her nipples in my mouth my fingers tweaking the other between my thumb and forefinger as Amy rolls her head back and releases a loud moan i slip her nipple from my mouth and shush her
"Quiet Amelia we dont want the boys to hear you now do we"
"Jesse please" she begs me softly
"Please what baby?" I know exactly what she wants i just want to hear it come out of her dirty little mouth
"Fuck me hard Jess, make me yours all over again"
I groan hearing the filth falling from my angels mouth
"Your wish is my command princess" i whisper as in one fluid motion i hook her panties to one side and thrust myself fully inside her making us both gasp at the sensation
"Yyyyyyyyeeeeeeeessssssss" Amy hisses between clenched teeth trying to keep her volume to a minimum as i begin to rock inside of her
"Harder Jesse please god i love you i love you so much" this girl always knows exactly what to say to turn me right on and i give my queen exactly what she wants as my hips ram into her at lightning speed bringing her quickly towards her end and in succession mine.
"Amelia, yes come on baby cum for me" i reach down between our conjoined limbs and rub her clit vigorously to prolong her ecstasy as i spill myself inside of the girl that means everything to me.
As i begin to soften and slip out of her i lean my forehead against Amy's as we both breathe deeply trying to recover i plant a soft kiss on her lips and when I'm sure her legs aren't like jelly any longer i lift her off the vanity give her one last kiss and wink cheekily at her flushed face
"Enjoy your bath baby" and with that i slip out of the bathroom and head to the ensuite in our room for a quick clean up before I return to the hum of conversation coming from the boys as soon as i walk over everybody stops talking and looks at me
"What?" I ask with raised eyebrows
"Hows Amy feeling?" Harrison asks with an innocent smile i glare at him

" Fuck you all" and although my words are harsh I cant stop a smirk spreading across my face which is met with a round of cheers and whoops from the guys
"Hope you used protection" Jacko throws in a little dig that makes me freeze we didnt use a condom for the first time ever we used nothing and i have no idea if Amy is on the pill or anything. I sit letting these thoughts run crazy through my mind while the boys all laugh and joke at my expense until ive finally had enough and i just crack

"Shut up you idiots Amy is literally through that door I don't want her knowing that we have been discussing our sex life"

"Too late you pricks" I whirl around to see a raging mad Amy stood in the doorway in her bathrobe with a towel around her head

"Babe its not wh" I begin but am cut off when Amy raises her hand

"Don't try the old its not what you think bullshit I cant believe that you would actually talk about me in that way. Have a nice night boys, Jesse find somewhere else to sleep" and with what she whirls around her heel strides into our bedroom and slams the door behind her. I sit frozen staring in disbelief at what had just occurred i've disappointed her yet again this thought is then overtaken by white hot rage what the actual fuck i rise from my chair and storm over to the bedroom slamming the door open Amy jumps in surprise on the bed her eyes wide with shock
"What are you doing Jesse?" I stride over to the bed prepared to give Amy a piece of my mind how dare she demand i leave because she caught guys being guys and then the fire drowns as i watch Amy cower on the bed pushing herself into the corner and making herself as small as possible shes scared she actually thinks i would hurt her? and suddenly everything is forgotten im no longer angry just sad, sad that this girl is so damaged by her ex she naturally flinches away.
"Babe? Im not Nate i wont hurt you" she looks up at me tears pooling in her eyes threatening to spill down her face i climb onto the bed pulling Amy onto my lap and wrapping her up in my arms
"He used to do that" she whispers so softly im not entirely sure if i was meant to hear it
"Who used to do what babe?"
"Nate, he used to talk about our sex life with his friends but usually when i was there and he would talk about how awful i am"
"Shush baby i know he hurt you so badly but i promise you i will never ever do that to you the guys were just being guys but you know that they all love you right?"
"I know it just hurt hearing them all talking about me in that way" at that point i hear a gentle knocking on the door Amy cuddles even closer like shes trying to disappear and i look up to see the boys all filing in to the room heads down
"Um Amy we er just wanted to apologise for our behaviour we realise we should never have talked about you in that manner it was despicable and we are sorry" Jacko speaks up for all the boys who stand together heads hung in shame
"You should never speak about any woman or man in that way that is disgusting and i am so disappointed in all of you" i can hear it in her voice that Amy isn't angry anymore just upset
"We're really sorry tadpole and youre right in future we will not discuss such things" Maxi pipes up using his puppy dog eyes to make Ames forgive him but that'll never wo........ my train of thought is cut off as Amy scrambles out of my lap and launches herself into Maxis arms for a bear hug what the actual fuck
"Do it again and i will rip off your balls and feed them to you kay?" Ahhhh there she is my vicious girl
"Yes tadpole, sorry tadpole, wont happen again"
Amazing this group of big strong lifeguards terrified of my shorty girlfriend

A.N ~ so i'm almost at 4,000 reads this is actually insane thank you all so much!! Please vote and comment!!!!

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