Tear stained and never looked more beautiful

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I took Amy straight to Hoppo's office if anybody can sort this its Hop. 2 hours later Amy is curled into my side looking small and helpless her beautiful face tear stained, her emerald eyes red rimmed and her lips swollen and wet from all the tears and biting down on them. All I want to do is reach out and wipe away her tears and kiss her til this all goes away but I know at this moment I'm giving her everything she needs just by being here.

After Amy tells Hop everything he looks genuinely stunned and dismayed he picked up his desk phone snapping Amy out of the daze she was in and I felt my heart skip a beat when she automatically reached for my hand and entwined her fingers with mine all the while never taking her eyes off of Hops desk.

"Darren? how's it going buddy its Bruce, yeah I've got a bit of a situation going on down here any chance you could pop over?" and suddenly everything falls into place Darren is one of Hops drinking buddies he also happens to be a police detective

"and Dazza this is pretty sensitive so just you yeah? ok thanks pal see you in a few I owe ya one"

Hoppo replaces the phone in the cradle and looks over at Amy with so much emotion I can see how much he cares about Amy already

"Ok Ames, my friend Darren is going to come and talk to you, he's a copper and I need you tell him everything you just told me ok?"

Amys head snaps up in alarm at Hops words

"No, No, No, No, No police he will kill me, he'll hurt my family, he'll........ he'll" she turns to look at me with wide eyes full of desperation and panic

"Hop, this guy has um compromising images of Amy that he's threatened to send to her family and friends if she tells anybody what he has been doing"

I see Amys head drop down in shame and I cant take it any more I wrap one arm around her waist as I hook the other under her knees and I draw her across onto my lap, she doesn't resist me and curls up into a ball on my knee as if she is trying to disappear, she sobs quietly into my chest as I rub her back and whisper sweet nothings into her ear.

15 minutes later there's a knock on the door, Hoppo jumps up to answer it letting in Darren who has come dressed casually so this just looks like any other social visit until Hoppo shuts and locks the door behind him .

"Hey Jesse, nice to see you again" Darren greets me warmly however I can see his detective brain whirring trying to figure out why I'm sat locked In Hoppos office with a sobbing girl on my lap.

"Amelia, honey" I whisper softly into her ear "this is Darren baby you need to tell him everything you told me and Hoppo"

"I can't, I can't say it all again Jesse please don't make me"

"baby you need to, he can help but in order to do that he needs to know what happened" she lifts her head and looks me in the eye she isn't wearing a scrap of makeup her eyes are puffy and shiny from all the tears, her nose is red and runny and her lips look like they will start bleeding any second but to me she is the most beautiful creature in the world and that she trusted me with this over everybody else makes my heart soar.


I sit on Jesse's lap reliving the last 8 years of my life right from when I met Nate all the way up to today sitting here in this office telling my story for the third time in as many hours, I'm exhausted but I strangely feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders now somebody else knows.

"Okay Amelia, well first things first I need to ask you something, did you at any point whilst Nathan was here in Australia say no to him when he was attempting intercourse with you or during intercourse"

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