Old ex, new ex, old boy, new boy

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A.N - First off I am insanely sorry for the delay life has been a little bit mental here, not only was I super ill over Christmas I have also had to contend with a broken laptop :( boooooo, crazy ass neighbours (do not get me started bitch from hell is now gggggooooonnnneeeee) and my director debut and all the pressure that comes before during and after that! sooooooo IIIIIMMMMMM SSSSOOOOOORRRRRRYYYYYY..... heres the new chapter hopes ya like

p.s. - trigger warning there will be some scenes of domestic violence and insinuation of forced sexual contact


1 month, 4 weeks, 30 days, 730 hours, 43800 minutes. That is all it took to rip me and Amy apart, Amelia my beautiful, funny, clever Amelia is gone, replaced by a monotonous robot. Everything had been absolutely fine Amy and I had been together for almost 4 months and I had never been happier. She had moved out of her nans flat and into one in the same block as Maxi and Harrison, I asked her to move in with me but she said it was too soon and looks like she was right. One Saturday last month Amy was on pack up but I had the day off, I had spent all afternoon making dinner and cleaning my place as Amy was coming over to stay the night, I sat and waited and waited for her when she hadn't got to mine by 8.30 I started calling her but every time her phone went to voicemail, I called Maxi and he said she had left work really happy and excited for tonight.

I made Maxi go and knock on at her place, he kept me on the phone while he went over and I could hear him about hammering the door down while he shouted her name with no answer but he said all her lights were on. I jumped in my jeep and drove over to her place and stood outside her door for almost an hour shouting her name, banging on the door and calling her phone, then I had my world ripped apart in one message

1 new text - Amesy <3 : Jesse, leave me alone, we are done.

I stumbled over to Maxi and Harrisons with tears streaming down my face trying to figure out what I had done wrong. how things had gone from so perfect to absolute shit in the space of a few hours. As I pushed my way into Maxis living room everything seemed like a blur, this isn't real, this cant be happening, she cant leave me, I didn't do anything wrong. I haven't gone out partying, I haven't been arrested jeez I haven't even been in any fights well at least nothing more serious than a few scuffles when I catch guys checking out Amy. What the fuck is happening.

Ever since that night Amy has completely avoided me, she went to Hoppo behind my back and asked to be put on alternate shifts to me, she refuses to acknowledge me when we have the inevitable cross over at work, she has stopped coming out with the boys and I for drinks after work, she literally acts like I don't exist. All the boys have noticed the change in her and keep asking me what happened and what went wrong I even had Jake threatening to deck me unless I told him what i'd done wrong but I answered them all honestly and told them I have no clue. Amy comes in, she does her job and she leaves. She doesn't laugh, she doesn't smile, she doesn't crack jokes, she has lost weight and looks like she isn't sleeping but she wont speak to any of us whenever we ask what's the matter she just repeats the same thing. I'm fine, nothings wrong, we were just bad for each other. Such bullshit


 I cant look at him, I cant see him else I will break I know I will. He doesn't understand I'm doing this to keep him safe, its because I love him I cant be seen to be close to him.

1 month, 4 weeks, 30 days, 730 hours, 43800 minutes since Nate showed up. my ex boyfriend, my own living nightmare. this cant be happening, how the hell did he find me here and then it hits me, my nan, she always adored Nate he would have sweet talked her into giving up my address.

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