Little white lies

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Bondi. Home. It's my first day back at work and i am super excited but also a bit nervous i've been gone so long what if the boys dont want me here any more?
I stand looking out over the beach and take a deep breath, inhaling that intoxicating scent of sea air. I turn on my heel and stride purposefully towards the locker room to change, it feels so strange slipping on my iconic lifeguard shirt after so long right here goes nothing.

I nervously approach the tower not knowing who is in there or how i am going to be received. I think knowing Jesse is stationed at Bronte today is making me even more nervous. I reach the door and pause.... do i knock or just walk straight in? Oh for gods sake Amy get a grip this is your work damnit just pull on your big girl pants and get in there.

Big breath ok here goes nothing, i push open the door and try not to look as nervy as i feel and I'm shocked to be met by a chorus of cheers and whistles and clapping. I look up gasping as i see Maxi, Harrison, Deano, Chappo, Kerrbox, Whip and lastly Jesse!
"Jesse?! Oh my god what are you doing here i thought you were working Bronte today?"
"I may have told you a little white lie to surprise you babe, did you seriously think i wouldn't be here for your first day back?"
I feel my eyes fill with tears, when Jesse had told me he was rota'd to be at Bronte today i had smiled and said it was okay but really i had been so upset that he wasn't going to be here for me
"I didn't want you to think i was being needy or pathetic by wanting you here" i look down at my feet trying to stem the tears stinging the backs of my eyes threatening to spill over down my cheeks
"Hey baby hush its ok i would never ever think you are pathetic or needy you have just recovered from a major trauma and are coming back to work for the first time its only natural to want something familiar around for comfort and in this case its me" Jesse wraps his arms around me encasing me in a solid hug and whispers softly in my ear so only i can hear him

"We missed you tadpole" i hear Whippet from somewhere behind me
"Yeah its been quiet without you putting us all in our place" Harrison chimes in
"You mean putting you in your place youngun" Harries just cant help himself
"I cant believe you volunteered for tower duty you crazy person" ahh Maxi ive missed that charm
"Just so i can be in charge of who goes where and guess what Maxi you're doing backpackers with Mouse every shift" i cant help but tease him
"What! Thats not fair you cant put me with the black cloud! Put him with Jake!"
I love messing with these boys
"Alright break it up you lot lets get back to work" i spin around to see Hop entering the tower clapping his hands together to disperse the team "good to have you back Ames" he smiles whilst placing a hand on my shoulder
"You all set for your first day back?"
"Course Hop I'm ready and raring to go" i grin widely so happy to be back where i belong
"Well its going to be you and Deano up here for this morning then after lunch i'll swap him out with Chappo that ok?"
"Whatever you think is best boss"
"Ah Amy we've missed you around here"
"I've missed it here too, i cant wait to get started"
"Then i wont keep you" and with one last smile he headed back out towards his office leaving me and Deano alone in the tower... well alone for now

Later that day


For the first time in months i feel calm at work, its a crazy day being the height of the summer holidays and coming up to Christmas but i dont feel stressed out or unfocused and i know exactly why, the beautiful girl in the tower whos voice floats across the radio every now and then instructing the boys. God my girl is so hot when shes in charge.

"Tower to Jesse" Amy's voice travelling over the radio pulls me from my thoughts
"Yeah go ahead Ames"
"Got one out the back there just keep an eye looks like...." before Amy had a chance to finish her sentence i see an arm throw up in the air
"Im going in" i holler down the radio before pulling off my shirt, grabbing my board and heading into the waves.

I can see its a young guy who has got himself caught in a rip he's really starting to struggle and i can see him dropping under the water for longer the closer i get to him, come on just hold on, I'm barely a metre away when he goes under again but this time he doesn't pop back up.
As i reach the spot i last saw him i look into the ocean and can just see the top of his head i reach my arm down and grab a fistful of his hair pulling him up out of the water.
I yank him over the top of the board and look at his face his eyes are wide open and he is gasping for breath clearly knackered.
"You ok?" I ask concerned by his shallow breathing
"Yeah yeah I'm ok" he surprises me with his local accent
"Ok dyu wanna just lay down on your belly with your head at the end of the board for me" i instruct helping to hoist him onto the board
I paddle in with an exhausted dead weight this is definitely one of the more difficult aspects of the job, as we reach the beach i walk him up onto the sand sit him down with his head resting between his knees
"How you feeling man?"
"Yeah yeah I'm ok sorry i don't know what happened"
"Did you swallow any water?"
"Nah man I'm all good"
"Ok well if you feel dizzy, nauseous or get a headache just come up to the tower because if you have taken in any water it could have gone into your lungs and you might be in danger of secondary drowning"
"Yeah i will i promise, thanks a lot man"
"Ok take it easy and if you wanna go back in the water go between the flags yeah"
"Got it but no danger of that today"
The guy got up and staggered back over to his friends who begin ripping into him something chronic
"Nicely done Polock" oh this girls voice
"Thanks Foster" all i get back is a girly giggle

This has been the best day in a long time, the boys have made it feel like i was never away and I've managed to fall straight back into the job with no hesitation it really is like riding a bike, Jesse and i spent lunch together in the tower messing about with the other guys and spending the day with Deano and Chappo was just perfect, i made sure to take some time to thank Deano for making Jesse realise what a div he was being but he told me to forget about it. Its now home time and I'm looking forward to tomorrow already.
"Hi baby" i feel two strong arms wrap around me from behind and a kiss placed just under my ear makes a smile break out on my face, i turn around in Jesse's arms flashing him a grin before i go up on my tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips
"Hi yourself, you ready to head out?"
"Yeah, oh crap i forgot my bag let me just grab it from the locker room wait here ok?"
"I shall not move" Jesse sprints away in the direction of the locker rooms and i take the opportunity to lean over the railings watching the sunset with the most perfect view of the beach
"Amazing view isn't it?" I hear an unfamiliar voice speak from next to me, i turn my head to see the young guy Jesse rescued from backpackers earlier today stood next to me
"One of my favourite in the world" i smile politely
"One of them? So whats the others?"
"The view from the top of the empire state building, anywhere in the British countryside and that face right there" my face breaks into a huge grin as i see Jesse jogging towards us. The guy turns with me and his face drops as he sees Jesse making his way over towards us
"Hey man wow you're looking a lot better than you did earlier how you feeling?" Jesse sticks one hand out towards his earlier rescue victim whilst surreptitiously slipping his other arm around my waist. Subtle Polock
"Yeah loads better thanks so much for earlier i have no idea how i got caught that has never happened to me before. I'm Sam by the way"
"Im Jesse and this is my girlfriend Amy you also have her to thank shes the one who initially spotted you" i blush from Jesses praise i literally did nothing
"Youre a lifeguard?" Sam is looking at me seriously impressed
"Yeah i am, have been since i was 18"
"Wow impressive, well i best get going my boyfriend will be wondering where I'm at we are meeting at the bucket list and I'm already late"
I feel Jesses arm loosen around me slightly at the mention of a boyfriend aha i knew he was being possessive
"Have a nice evening Sam and er try to stay between the flags in future" i tease him
"Aha i will try my best i will see you both soon hopefully on dry land!" Sam gives us both a friendly wave as he walks away i turn around to look at Jesse with a huge grin on my face
"What?" He looks at me perplexed
"You got jealous, you thought a gay guy was flirting with me"
"No i didn't what are you talking about"
"Jesse you practically had to hold yourself back from peeing on my leg to mark your territory!"
"Ok firstly thats gross, secondly and what i want people to know you're mine gay or not you are a beautiful woman and you will attract attention i need it known" as he talks he leans down and places a kiss at the nape of my neck softly nipping my skin
"I love you, ya big possessive lump"
"I love you too ya cute possessed lump"

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