My World, His World, Our World

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Im sat here in Jake and Katies' living room watching as the centre of my universe cradles the centre of theirs in her arms, holding him close keeping him safe gazing down at him with a soft serene smile on her face and for the first time i get a glimpse of what life with Amy would be like as a family.... and i want it.
"You wanna hold him J?" Im broken from my reverie by Amy's soft voice and i feel my face break into a huge smile at the prospect of holding baby Nolan
"Yes please need as much practise as i can get" I dont know it just slipped out i glance over to see Katie attempting to cover her smile and Jake not even trying to hide his big fat cheshire cat grin.
"Im sorry what did you just say?"
"Um er that I need to get in practise because... er..... because of all the times that we will be babysitting this little nipper?" I gaze at Amy with what i hope to be an innocent i wasn't thinking about us having children expression but of course my girl is hella smart and just raises one eyebrow before gently handing Elijah over to me.
I relax into the armchair with Eli safe and secure in my arms fast asleep i watch his breathing for a little while before i notice how quiet the room has gone - i glance up and realise that all 3 adults are perched on the edges of their seats watching me and the baby intensely
"Wha?" I enquire
"Absolutely nothing buddy" Jake responds
"Oh come on guys i know how to hold a baby give me some credit"
"Yeah we know babe just loving watching how gentle you are with him" Amy smiles over at me genuinely
"Of course soft hands with this one" yeah I cant wait for that smile to be aimed at me while holding our own baby

Seeing Jesse cuddling with Eli last week has made me realise just how much I adore this man and what an amazing father he will make some day. I'm currently perched in the birds nest with Mouse (making sure the doors held open cus ya know we don't need a repeat of that episode) when we get a call over the radio for the defib to be rushed down to backpackers, with a shout i jump out and run flat out to the tower grabbing the defib from Kerrbox at the bottom of the steps and jumping on the back of the rhino that Jules has prepped and ready to go.
We tear down the beach with Jules laying on the horn to warn beachgoers to get out of her way and we reach backpackers in record time we both leap off the rhino rushing over to the guys and pushing the ring of death out the way I find Jesse performing CPR on a young girl her face is obscured by Jesse's arms i hand over the defib but am immediately pushed back by Harries
"What the hell Harries? Let me help"
"No can do darl Jess told us to keep you back on this one"
"What why?" I strain my neck around Harries body trying to see Jesse to find out why he wouldn't want me involved, Harries moves himself obscuring my view until i dart under his arm pulling up short as i get a look at the girls face for the first time as the guys are attaching the defib
"NO!!!!!!!" I can hear a roaring in my ears this cant be happening
"Harries! What the hell man get her out of here"
"Jaimie! No let me go Harries she needs me!!!" My baby sister is laid on the sand completely limp and lifeless I fight against Harries arms trying my hardest to get to her I dont take my eyes off of her willing her to breathe, cough, cry anything except this fucking silence!
Then my view is interrupted, Jesse is in front of me cradling my face, wait whats he doing why isn't he working on her anymore?
"Amy? Babe?"
"Why have you stopped? Shes not dead you need to keep going"
"We haven't baby the guys have taken over for me, you need me more"
"No Jaimie needs you now get back over there and save my fucking sister Jesse!"
"The guys have got this come on lets go up to the tower"
"No I'm not leaving her here"
"Ok babe we will wait for the paramedics here they wont be long"
And then i hear the most magical sound of my life I hear vomiting
"Yes babe"
"I know its gross but please tell me thats my sister throwing up and not one of the guys"
"Its Jaimie she's awake"
"Ok now let me go I need to be with her"
Jesse releases his grip on my arms I step around him and collapse to my knees next to my beautiful baby sister
"Hey, what you playing at kiddo you know you don't swim outside the flags especially by yourself! Who are you even here with?"
"Why don't we save the Spanish inquisition for when JJ is feeling a little better huh? The paramedics are here now to check her out"
I glance up and feel relief wash over me as Yak ambles over with a smile on his face
"So whats the littlest Foster been getting herself into huh"
"She was pulled from backpackers, we used the defib on her just the one shock and she came straight back and has been conscious since then but she brought up a lot of water" I have to hold in my tears as Jesse explains what happened to my beautiful baby sister as she lays on the sand covered in a towel and an oxygen mask strapped to her face. I grip her hand as i stroke her hair her eyes never leaving mine.
"Alright well tadpole i need you to scooch on over for me so i can get a good look at minnow here alright"
I didn't answer just scooted myself around so i was on my knees by Jaimie's head
"Sshh its ok sweetie this is my friend Yak i know stupid name"
"Hey i have the best nickname going thank you"
"Ha he thinks he has the best name going but i promise he is going to take great care of you and I'm right here I'm not going anywhere alright?"
"Ok" her voice is muffled by the oxygen mask but i recognise an unsure smile on my baby sisters face. I look up and see Jesse with his phone pressed to his ear speaking to the other paramedic briefly before turning away from us all and returning to what appears to be an intense discussion.
As he turns back towards us he catches my eye I feel my eyebrows furrow in confusion as he looks so concerned he strides over to where im kneeling next to JJ and crouches down next to me he smells of salt water and sweat and Jesse
"I just rang your mum let her know whats happened shes gunna meet us at the hospital"
"Yeah? You didn't think I'd let you go by yourself did you? I already spoke to Hop and he has called in some cover for us both"
God i love this man he thinks of absolutely everything
"So you go in the ambo with JJ and ill follow on in the car"
After making sure Jaimie is stable she is carried up the beach on the back of the rhino on a stretcher in case of a spinal and loaded into the ambulance the trip to hospital feeling like it takes forever. As we climb out the ambulance i can see mum pacing by the doors
"Mum!" I grab her attention and she rushes over to us as Yak and his partner are wheeling Jaimie out the back of the ambulance ready to transport her inside to be fully checked over
"Oh my baby, what has happened to you! Jesse was quite vague on the phone just said there'd been an incident at the beach with Jaimie and I needed to get down here"
"I don't really know what happened mum, I didn't even know she was at the beach"
"She went with some friends she has made at school, I told her to come see you when she got there"
"Was probably too worried I'd embarrass her in front of her new friends. She's 15 mum image is important"
"I know I know I remember you at that age you barely even acknowledged us in public"
"Well yeah dad is super embarrassing and i swear he does it on purpose!"
We were now within the ED waiting while Jaimie was handed over to the Dr that would be in charge of her care.
Jaimie is then moved into a bay to be examined mum goes in with her whilst i wait outside for Jesse
"Where is she?!" I hear a deep panicked voice to my left
"Daddy?" I rush over to where my dad is terrorising a nurse on duty and wrap my arms around his waist burying my head in his chest
"Hey sweetheart your mum rang me and I came straight here where is she?"
"The Dr is just looking at her now, mum's with her"
"Ok Alex is picking up Josh and coming straight here"
"Hey baby how is she" I feel Jesse wrap his arm around my waist as he plants a kiss on my forehead
"Dunno Drs with her now, what happened J?"
"I honestly don't know, I never even saw her go in the water but i just saw this arm fling up, I only realised it was Jaimie once i got her on the board. A couple of surfers had her afloat it was them that had waved me out she was already unconscious"
"Well lets hope she remembers enough to be able to let the Dr know what went off"

Alex and Josh arrive a little later, I can tell Josh has been crying but is being a typical 15 year old boy and not showing his feelings. We are all sat around waiting while Jaimie goes down for a chest xray checking for water in her lungs when mum appears
"She's going to be fine, xray is clear shes sleeping"
"Does she remember what happened?"
"Yes, she was persuaded to go swimming outside the flags by her friends and she dived under a wave and she thinks she got clipped on the head by a surfboard while she was under she just remembers the impact to the back of her head then waking up on the beach"
"But shes okay right?" For the first time ever Josh sounds scared
"Yes Joshua shes going to be fine
"Can i see her now?"
"Sure go on in just keep quiet she's resting"
Josh heads into the side room Jaimie has been placed in
"Now he's gone tell us the truth" I know when mum is hiding things i've had years of practise
"She has a small fracture to her skull that they are concerned could have fragments but as it stands right now they are happy she is ok and has no memory loss, they just want to keep her in and keep scanning it to check its healing progress"
"Alexander! Language"
"Right now your sister needs us all to be strong for her we are a family, this includes you Jesse, so lets put on our brave faces and check on our girl"
My heart swells with pride at my mums inclusion of Jesse in our family moment and thats when it hits me. He is my family. He's my world and I'm his and eventually we will have our own

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