Just Breathe

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I cant believe the summer season is already over it only feels like 5 minutes since i moved back here and tried out for the life guards and now I've almost been back for a whole year, I'm living with the love of my life, working at my dream job with incredible friends, my brother and best friend are living 20 minutes away in Sydney, my parents and the twins will be moving once the twins exams are over, gran is fully healed and has a brilliant new relationship with a wonderful guy called Paul and two of my best friends will be having a baby in the next month or so. Life could not be more perfect if it tried.

Things with Jesse and I have been better than ever since we became public although i'm still trying to get used to people knowing my name when we go out and the sudden offers i'm being given by different brands to promote them on my social media, so far id only agreed to supporting Matt Dee with FTW by modelling some singlets and jumpers on my Instagram (for free of course) I just cant bring myself to justify making money from advertising things I don't necessarily believe in and only being asked because my job gets broadcast on TV.

I glance up at the clock on the wall and realise if I don't get a move on i'm going to be late, Jesse and I are having dinner with Jake and Katy tonight and Jesse is on close at Bondi today so im meeting him at the tower before we head off to meet Jakey and a very very pregnant Katy.

I jump in to the shower hitting my Spotify heavy rotation playlist and i'm instantly hit by the opening notes of "Helpless" from Hamilton's original Broadway cast soundtrack and I begin singing into my shampoo bottle and dancing around the tub until I catch sight of myself in the mirror above the sink and realise I look like a crazy person with my hair full of shampoo dancing like an 18th century maiden to the lyrical genius of Lin-Manuel Miranda. I finish off in the shower with no further attempts to dance, or sing for that matter. I dry and straighten out my hair which has lightened naturally from working in the sun all day every day but kept its shine due to an amazing conditioner Jules turned me onto, I pick out my outfit for the evening choosing a calf length navy skirt with a mesh overlay almost ballerina like in its appearance on top I choose white sleeveless blouse tucked in and a pair of navy pumps, I keep my make up neutral letting my hard earned tan do the talking just a little highlighter on my cheek bones, a coating of mascara and a nude lipstick to complete the look.

I arrive at Bondi a little early so decide to hang out in the tower whilst I wait for Jesse to get off duty as I approach I immediately sense that something is wrong the boys are stood out on the balcony all watching something occurring down on the beach I walk over a little quicker and join the guys I lean forward slightly and feel my heart constrict - Jesse is out in the rip rescuing two girls he had both girls on the board and was bringing them back into the beach the waves are pretty big and I don't realise im holding my breath until Jesse has dropped both girls back on dry land and is pulling his board over to the rhino I feel a proud smile spreading across my face that is until some blonde girl in a miniscule bikini runs up and wraps her arms around his neck and plants a kiss on his cheek and attempts for the lips my first reaction is to run onto the beach and pull her off Jess by her hair but the other side of me is intrigued to see how Jesse handles this not knowing that im watching and much to my relief Jess twists around flashes his polite work smile and gently pulls her arms from his neck they are too far away to hear what he is saying to her but im guessing it is something work appropriate I eventually decide to put him out of his misery so I stick 2 fingers in my mouth and whistle loudly I watch Jesse's head snap up in the direction of the tower

"JESSE, YOU GOTTA MOVE IT ELSE WE ARE GUNNA BE LATE BABE" I shout down to him with a huge smile on my face the girl standing beside Jesse turns and looks up at myself and the boys and if looks could kill well lets just say id be 6 feet under

"On my way baby" Jesse winks up at me knowing exactly what I've just done for him Jesse loads the board onto the side of the rhino and turns away from the girl I watch as she waves enthusiastically while Jesse manoeuvres the rhino under the tower finishing pack up Jesse pops back out and yells up to me and Jethro

"Just gunna grab a quick shower and change i'll be 15 minutes tops" yeah right 15 minutes to do his hair he means I giggle and give him a thumbs up turning back to Jethro to continue our conversation but out of the corner of my eye I can see little miss blondie making her way up the beach her eyes glued to me as she gets closer she looks more and more familiar until it hits me this girl has been at the beach every single day for the last week or so and now she is full on staring at me I turn my head discreetly a smile plastered to my face and stare down at this girl I don't know how long we stay like this but I'll be damned if im gunna lose to some fake blonde that seems to enjoy flirting with my man well not today satan not today.

Blondie has planted herself at the foot of the tower and all the boys have drifted off to finish pack up or get changed leaving just me outside with my new bff, jokes shes getting on my last nerve, and then the best thing ever happened at the exact moment Jesse wrapped his arms around my waist and planted a gentle kiss under my ear a bird flew over and literally shit on her head it took everything within me not to die of laughter there and then.

"Come on baby we got to go Jake and Katie are waiting" i can see on Jesse's face he is trying so hard not to laugh and is just pretending he hasn't seen the whole debacle going on below us I risk one last look down at the beach and blondie is sat on the sand shooting me daggers while rubbing her hair vigorously with a towel and i cant keep it in anymore i laugh out loud as i turn in Jesse's arms and kiss him soundly
"Lets get going then" i take his hand in mine as we walk up the promenade towards the Italian restaurant Katie had booked for us.
"You look incredible by the way" I glance up to see Jesse looking down at me with a look of pure adoration in his eyes
"Why thank you baby you look pretty good yourself" i give him a wink and a cheeky smile
"I know just ask blondie bird shit"
"You noticed that too huh"
"Yup shes been at the beach every day recently and she keeps coming up to talk to me after rescues to tell me what a great job I'm doing the first time i thought she knew the person id pulled out of backpackers, then i thought she was just being polite but now its getting creepy today was the first"
"And last" I felt the need to interject into his little story given that he had neglected to inform me he had a stalker
"And last time she has touched me, I've been letting it slide cause i thought she was just a girl with a crush but its clearly becoming more than that and tomorrow I'm going to speak to Hoppo about it"
I nodded in agreement as Jesse held the door of the restaurant open for me, we walked up to the maitre d'
"Hi we are meeting the Nolan party?"
"Yes the other members of your party are already here please follow me"
We are led to a table by the window where Jake and Katie are sat deep in conversation so naturally Jesse announces our presence loudly
"Sorry were late guys you know how long it takes Amy to get ready"
I gasp loudly and clap him on the chest
"Rudeness more like i was marking my territory to Jesse's little stalker"
"Im sorry Jesse's what?!" Katies face lights up like this is the most interesting thing she has heard in weeks which it probably is given she began her maternity leave a few weeks ago and has been holed up in her and Jakes new house nesting and getting everything ready for baby Nolan to make his appearance.

We spent the evening eating incredible food and catching up Katie and I were both drinking water Katie for obvious reasons me because id agreed to be Designated Driver for the night and apparently Jess and Jake took that as license to drink the place dry.
"Come on you two lets get you home" I gently nudge Jesse in the ribs pulling his attention away from his and Jakes discussion about whats the best surfboard wax to use...... riveting i know.
"Yyyeeeesssss lets go home and make one of them" Jesse announces pointing at Katies stomach causing a gasp to escape my mouth
"Im sorry what?" I need to make sure i heard this right
"A mini Jesse i want one of them" he sounds so sure of himself despite being 3 sheets to the wind
"Erm sure babe lets maybe talk about that tomorrow when you'll remember what you're saying"
"I'll remembererer this i want a little Polock with you more than aaaannnnyyyyyttthhhiiinnngggg"
"Oooooookay" i look up and Katie is silently laughing whilst Jake is whispering to her belly
We pay the bill and all walk out into the fresh evening air and begin a slow wander to our respective cars until i hear a gasp from behind me i spin around half expecting to see Jake on the floor but instead im met with the image of Katie doubled over, well as much as you can be doubled over when 8 months pregnant, and a large puddle around her feet
"Oh shit"
"Oh crap"
"Oh fuck"
"Oh my god"
All four of us exclaimed at the same time
"Katie you ok?" Jake questions
"Do i look ok Jake? My waters just broke! Get me to a damn hospital now!"
"Katie" I approach her purposefully "everything is going to be fine we will get you to the hospital but can you do me a favour?"
"Just Breathe"

I know it doesnt mean much but im super sorry i had major writers block with this chapter for ages and then life just got in the way but i got a promotion at work yay! Likes and comments help me lots :):)

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