Strong, Fighter, survivor,

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A.N- warning this chapter has mentions of sexual assault, domestic violence and suicidal thoughts. Anyone who is experiencing these things or has experienced them know you aren't alone and please speak to somebody whether thats a teacher, family member, doctor, support line just speak out it will get better i promise

Im sitting next to my girl preparing to tell our entire fan base that we are in fact a couple and strangely im completely at ease which is the total opposite of Amy who looks as though shes about to toss her cookies all over the tower floor.
"5,4,3,2,1, Action"
"So Amy you have had a busy few months since returning to full duty tell us about your shark encounter"
"I was working over at Tamarama with Maxi and Jethro it had been a super quiet day so on my lunch break i decided to go out for a surf um well i got a bit distracted and next thing i know Maxi is screaming at me from the sand and the shark alarm is going off i just remember looking to the side and seeing that shadow a few feet away and i think i went into autopilot and i put my head down and just paddled i didn't look back i just focused on Maxi and got back by the skin of my teeth it was one of the most terrifying moments of my lifeguard career but it also made me appreciate the ocean and the creatures that reside within it that much more"
"So there is a reason that we have you both here today isn't there"
I decide to take over and answer this one
"Aha yeah you could say that"
"So why don't you put us out of our misery and let everybody know why we are here"
"Well Amy has talked before about how she used to live here as a kid but what she didnt talk about is that we were actually each others first boyfriend and girlfriend well as much as you can be in a relationship at 9 years old haha and when Ames moved back here we kind of reconnected and so for the last 8 months or so Amy and I have been dating and we have recently moved in together"
I look over to Amy to see check how shes doing only to see her watching me with a gorgeous proud smile on her face
"Jesse saved my life" she says softly I feel the smile drop from my face knowing exactly what shes talking about is she really going to tell the world what she went through
"What do you mean Amy?" Sam is looking at Amy with complete confusion none of the crew know what happened to her i think even some of the boys don't know the full extent of it but then again i think they don't want to know because if they did well lets just say Nate wouldn't be sitting in a prison cell he'd be in a box
"I mean he literally saved me" shes amazing, incredible i can see it on her face shes not telling this story because she wants sympathy or pity she wants people to know they'll be ok "I was in an abusive relationship back in England and i thought it was over and when i came back to Australia i genuinely believed id left that behind but what people don't tell you is that abusers don't look like they do in films they are charming and manipulative they know your weaknesses my ex followed me here and was able to manipulate my family members into giving him my address after turning up on my door step he essentially kept me captive with threats against my loved ones  and physical assaults on myself including......" she stops speaking and i glance over to see tears streaming down her face i reach over wiping them away with my thumb i put my forehead to hers cupping her face with my hands staring into her eyes, no words are needed between us Amy takes a deep breath and nods once before turning back towards the camera i cant help it i grasp her hand in mine * squeeze squeeze squeeze*
"I was sexually assaulted by my ex partner repeatedly I was to terrified and ashamed to tell anybody let alone go to the police. I had.... I had got to the point where i dreaded going home because he was there and i considered more than once walking out into the surf and not coming back" wait what did she just say? Oh my beautiful broken girl i look over to Sam and the other guys from the production team and they are sat with looks of utter shock on their faces i squeeze her hand even tighter in mine and she throws me a small smile before carrying on  " i considered ending my life just so i could escape him, but then Jesse became my knight in shining armour, well wetsuit and he made me realise that none of this was my fault, that none of the abuse was my doing it was his. Once i opened up to Jess he supported me and that was when i knew i couldn't allow this to continue and so Jesse came with me to talk to Hoppo who was incredible he then made me feel even safer by calling in a police detective that he knew and trusted personally"
"I have spent a long time recovering from what has happened to me and i didn't even know i was going to talk about this until i was sat here with this camera in front of me and I realised I'm not a victim, I'm a fighter, I'm a survivor. I went through something that no person should ever have to deal with and i acknowledge that i am fortunate enough to have people around me that love me and have supported me not everybody has that and so i want to use my platform here to raise awareness and let anybody that has been a survivor of any form of sexual assault or domestic violence know that you aren't on your own there are people out there that can help you so please please please do not be alone do not be afraid you are strong, you are a fighter, you survived"

As Amy finishes there is rapturous applause from the production team and i see Sam surreptitiously wiping tears from his eyes.
"Well that didn't quite go the way i thought but we have got something even more powerful, Amy you are an inspiration after what you have been through most people would fall apart but you're right you are a fighter not a victim. I'll also arrange for some support group hotlines to be added on to the end of the episode as well"

I feel like a weight i didn't even know was there has been lifted off my chest, i feel light and free knowing that if even one person removes themselves from a dangerous situation because of me then having the world know what happened to me will be worth it.
Jesse drives us home and i cant wipe the smile off my face because even though Nate is the one behind bars i was still his prisoner so long as i let him get into my head but now I've broken down those walls and i have said the words out loud. I am a survivor.
We are driving now with our windows down, radio cranked up blasting "living on a prayer" Jesses hand clasped in mine and i have genuinely never felt happier. This is what my life should have been, spent growing up with Jesse and surfing at Maroubra getting the jobs at Bondi together who knows maybe we would even be married by now....... holy shit did i just say married?!
"Did you just say married?!" Oh my god and i said it out loud
"Um er well did i say that out loud?" Ugh this is embarrassing
"Yeah babe, soooo you wanna marry me?" And now he's being smug. Jackass
"Er no actually i was fantasising about marrying Channing Tatum" ha suck on that Polock
"Baby you wound me" i watch as Jesse dramatically grabs at his chest with a huge pout on his cute little face
"You think my face is cute?" Damnit i need to stop thinking out loud..... and now Ed Sheeran is stuck in my head great
"Shut up Polock" i do my best growl at him but lets be honest i sound like a puppy thats pissed off
"Awww its ok baby we will be home soon and you can take your annoyance out on me there" and theres the wink damn him.
"Damn right i will, ill take it out on you by cooking your favourite dinner and for dessert i will be wearing your favourite set of lingerie"
"Mmmmmm babe you cant say these things whilst I'm driving ill be forced to pull over somewhere and take you on the hood of the car"
"Oh am i giving you ideas? Thats such a shame that you cant touch me right now" i decide to leap on the opportunity and twist around in my car seat which causes my shorts to hike up my thighs, i press my breasts together to exaggerate my cleavage in my cami top and teasingly bite my finger before trailing it down between my breasts
"Jesus christ Amy what are you trying to do to me" aha i love the effect on this man he is as much mine as i am his.
"Just wait til we get home big man I'm going to show you exactly what you mean to me" and i always keep my promises.

A.N - sorry sorry sorry just a short one for now life has been..... hectic to say the least but i wont bore you with the details please read vote comment let me know what you'd like to see happen next

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