Wouldn't have it any other way

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"Its Katy" Jake practically whispered
"Okay? What has she broken up with you?"
"No well not yet"
"Jake you arent making any sense did you cheat on her?"
"God no i could never do that"
"Then what is it Jake you're scaring me"
Jake then mumbled something under his breath that i couldn't hear
"What? Jake i didn't get that"
"She's pregnant"
"Shit" i blurt out "No, wait, is it shit? Are you both not happy about it?" Im not entirely sure on the appropriate response to this news
"Well i wasn't exactly supportive, when she told me i didn't say anything and then she left"
"You did a Ross?" Oh for gods sake Amy are you seriously throwing in a Friends reference right now to a guy who will probably not have a clue what you are talking about
"Something like that only no phone calls to the condom company because there was no condom company to call" huh and i underestimated Jake again
"Jesus Jake have you spoken to her since?"
"Ive tried she wont answer the phone and she hasnt replied to any of my texts"
"Have you tried going to her place?"
Jake looks at me like i have two heads
"Oh gosh no i didnt think of doing that" whoah hello sass monster where have you been hiding
"Alright you can cut the sarcasm mr was just a question" i remark pointing a finger in his face
"Sorry Ames i just don't know what to do"
"Well has she been home when you've been round?"
"No i don't know if she has been there at all"
And suddenly it hits me i know exactly where she is
"Jake i need to ask you something"
"What Amy?"
"Do you want this baby?" I look directly into his eyes so i will know if he's lying
"More than anything" true story well done Jakey i will now offer you my wondrous assistance
"Ok i think i have an idea where she may be i will see if i can get her to speak to you and if i do whatever happens don't fuck it up!"
I watch Jakes face brighten up and i can see how much this means to him and i feel this intense need to help him fix this

I borrow Jesse's car and make my way over to see if my hunch is right, i pull up outside the familiar apartment block and spy the car im looking for outside. I walk up the stairs and brace myself before knocking loudly on the door after a few seconds i hear heavy footfalls inside and watch as the door swings open swiftly
"Hey Kobes"
"What ya doing here Mims?"
"You know exactly why im here Koby so are you going to do this easily and let me in or do i start shouting on your doorstep?" I see the contemplation for a brief second in his eyes before he lets out a loud sigh before stepping aside and opening the door for me to enter
"Good choice buddy" i patronise tapping him on the cheek he sweeps his arm out in the direction of the living room and i follow his guidance and there curled up on the sofa with Jai looking like a lost little kid is the aim of my search
"Hey Katy" she shoots up with a look of panic in her eyes at my voice i see her look behind me automatically searching
"He isnt here Katy" i reassure her gently approaching cautiously
"How did you know where i am?"
"No offence hun but im not as dumb as the boys i remember shit people tell me such as these two being your cousins and when Jake was telling me you hadnt been home i figured id try here first"
"Did he tell you everything" she queries softly
"Yeah, he did. He feels awful babes" i hear a loud snort behind me
"Not as awful as hes gunna feel when im done with him"
"No!" Katy yells loudly "he may have acted like a complete jackass but hes still the father of my baby"
"Katy trust me Jake understands he has acted like a complete and utter tool and he has been a full on mess this last week i only managed to get him to trust me enough to tell me today whats happened but believe me when i tell you that stupid boy loves you and this baby so much yes he freaked out and went about it completely the wrong way but it has had time to sink in and he wants this baby with you more than anything so please will you just talk to him?"
I can see the conflict on her face i turn to Jai and Koby and usher them out of the room leaving just me and Katy i walk over and take a seat next to her reaching over i pull her into a massive hug.
"Ok enough about him for now how are you feeling about all this?" Katy looks surprised for a moment as though this isnt something shes been asked before
"I honestly dont know part of me is really excited ive always wanted to be a mum and i do love Jake but the other part of me is completely and utterly terrified i always imagined i would be married and settled down before i had kids and obviously Jakes reaction didnt help and we havent really been together all that long"
"I get that, but it doesn't really matter how long you have been together if its meant to be blah blah blah" Katy giggles at me and i get the feeling its the first time she has laughed in a while
"There we go sometimes all you need is a female perspective on things"
"Thank you Amy genuinely you are the only person who has thought to come looking for me here"
"I told you its cus im the smart one" i grin at her
"Yeah yeah ok don't let it go to your head missy" i watch as she visibly relaxes and i take a moment to study the beautiful young woman sat next to me and instead of that so called pregnancy glow i see a mentally exhausted, petrified girl
"Its going to be alright you know" i blurt out
"You and Jake and this baby its all going to be alright and besides if Jake is shit baba has always got aunty mimi" i lean over and nudge her with my shoulder "I'm gunna go let you get some rest just think about what i said and even if you don't want to see him right now just let him know you're both okay"
"I will i promise Ames" and i can tell from her tone she is being totally honest
"Call me if you need anything. Anything at all"
"Ok" i wander over to the front door and give Katy one last smile and a small wave before i let myself out.
I make my way down to Jesse's car pulling out my phone that id thrown into the glove compartment so i had no distractions to find multiple messages from both Jake and Jesse.
I choose to call Jake first before responding to Jess he can wait
"Hello?" Jake answers sounding breathless and frantic
"Hey Jakey" i reply cheerfully
"Oh hey Ames" he responds dejectedly guessing he didnt check the call id first
"Yeah,Ames got some news for you"
"Oh yeah whats that" Jake sounds distracted as though hes barely listening to me
"I found Katy and i spoke to her" i pause waiting for some kind of reaction the one i get is exactly what i needed to know hes serious
"What! Are you serious? Where is she? Is she ok? Is the baby ok?"
"Whoah hold up one question at a time ok so yes im serious, im not telling you, she is ok just extremely hurt and disappointed in you jackass and the baby is fine as far as i know"
"So what did she say Ames? Im dying here"
I take a deep breath before i relay my conversation with Katy
"So she is going to take a little more time but she understands why you reacted how you ddi and she said she will call you and speak to you soon"
"Wow Amy i don't know how to thank you"
"Well next time we go out the drinks are on you" i grin down the phone at him
"Absolutely yes 1000%" i have never heard somebody sound so relieved before
"And Jake?"
"Yeah?" I can hear the trepidation in his tone
"Don't fuck it up again because next time I will not fix it for you"
"Trust me I have no intention of hurting that girl ever again she's my everything" i smile softly before i disconnect the call and pull Jesse's jeep into his parking spot at the front of our building, i hope out and make my way inside hearing music and laughter drifting from our apartment i know before i even open the door I'm walking into the boys on poker night somebody *cough* Kerrbox *cough* will be going home in a strop and i take a moment just to take stock of how surreal my life is now and how i wouldn't have it any other way

A.N - in honour of season 13 of Bondi Rescue beginning this week i figured i'd grace you all with an update :):) vote and comment let me know any ideas you have

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