Love is not defined by time

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no no no this cant be happening, I cant lose her now I only just got her back!

"What? Amy, baby, what do you mean you want to go back to England?"

"I cant stay here Jesse, I came here to get away from my mess of a life but I just ended up bringing it all with me and affecting you and the other guys, none of this was fair to any of you so I think it will just be best if I went home. Where I belong"

"Where you bel..... Amelia you belong here. With me. The boys all love you and would do anything for you and well you know how I feel about you Ames, you mean the world to me have done since I was 7 years old..... you cant leave me Amy" I trailed off towards the end of my impassioned speech sounding more and more like a lost little boy

"Yeah, I mean what the hell am I gunna do if you bog off back there Mills?" a voice ive never heard before announces from behind me

"OH MY GOD LISSA?????" ouch ok squealing girls right that's my queue to move my ass out the way as the girl with curly red hair runs over to Amys bedside grabbing her in what can only be described as a bear hug

"The one and only biatch, now whats all this bullshit about going home? I did not just travel for almost 36 hours to go back to that hellhole now spill Foster" wow this girl does not mess about Amy glances over to me nervously and I look straight back at those emerald eyes I adore so much and raise one eyebrow to say that no way am I helping her out with this one, her friend her issue

At this point said friend looks over and as if realising for the first time that someone else is in the room she finally acknowledges me with a smile and a wave

"Hi, I'm Melissa or you can call me Lissa but whatever happens do not ever call me Mel or you will not live to tell another soul kay?" she sticks out her hand for me to shake with a wide grin that makes me question whether she is serious or not

"She means it Jess, guy at uni made the mistake once came in the next day with a lovely shiner for his troubles" Amy finally pipes up looking brighter than I have seen her in days

"Jess? as in Jesse? The Jesse?" my ears pricked up at this information, she talked about me in England?

"Liss seriously your mouth is about the size of the bloody Channel tunnel I swear, but um yes this is that Jesse he is my um, well we erm" she looks to me with wide eyes begging for my help

"I'm her boyfriend. and roommate. and work colleague" I finally jump in take the pressure off

"Whoa, jeez Foster you leave me for 5 months and its like your a different person!" you don't know the half of it

"Well you can thank Jesse, the rest of the lifeguards and Nates latest stunt for that"

"Oh for crying out loud whats that tosser done now" and in response all Amy does is lift her top to show her stomach to Melissa


For a few seconds there is utter silence in the room and I lay back and brace myself for my best friends explosive reaction and well lets just say she doesn't disappoint

"Holy fucking shit Ames, are you ok? does your mum and dad know about this? they told me you were in the hospital but they didn't tell me it was because of Nate!" I wince at her volume then remind myself this is Lissa she only has one level and its loud.

"Short answer. physically I'm fine, mentally? not so much but I will be ok. Yes of course my parents know I called them earlier and sent Maxi, another guy from work, to pick them up from their hotel, oh and Alex is with them as well" at the mention of my younger brothers name I watch Lissa's cheeks go bright red she has always had a slight crush on my div of a brother but she has never reacted like this to his name before

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