Accidental Declarations

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A.N: please be aware mature sexual content within this chapter


Boredom can be used as a temporary insanity defence for a murder trial right? because I swear to all that is holy if I do not leave this apartment of my own free will soon somebody is going to be six feet under and my victim is chosen his name rhymes with messy.

I was released from the hospital almost 2 weeks ago and the most fresh air i've had since then was the walk, I'm sorry walk is too strong a word for the babying I received, from the car to this apartment where I have been held hostage. yes that's it hostage all I need is liam neeson threatening his particular set of skills and life will be complete. ok ok so I may have watched 'Taken' a few times during my sentence (you got it I'm comparing this to a prison sentence) but i am quite literally being held prisoner in my own home well technically its Jesse's home but i kind of live here so you know what I'm saying.
I swear the only good thing that has come out of all of this is that i have learnt how to cook with far too much time on my hands the food network has become my new best friend and Jess, Maxi and Harrison my guinea pigs aha.
I need to get out i have even taken to talking to myself and i have a new found appreciation of Bondie Rescue after rewatching every episode, i need to go back to work and soon.
I take out my phone and dial Hoppos number praying that he answers
"Bondi lifeguards Bruce Hopkins speaking"
"Hey Hop, its Amy"
"Amy, hey how you feeling kiddo?"
"Yeah im feeling really good that erm thats actually why i called, i was wanting to talk about arranging me coming back to work"
The deathly silence on the other end of the phone is definitely not a good sign
"Are you sure you're ready to be coming back? You've only been out of hospital a few weeks"
"Hop I'm fine, i am getting major cabin fever here i need to get back to work i need to do something please anything. I'll even do tower duty" god I'm practically begging him i must sound so pathetic
"Wow you must be bored to volunteer for tower duty, ok let me review my rota and call you back in say an hour ok?"
"Yes thank you so much Hop you don't know what this means to me but erm will you do me a favour and not mention this to Jesse, you know what he's like and i want to tell him myself"
"Aha yes i definitely know what Jess is like my lips are sealed tadpole, speak to you in an hour"
After hanging up with Hop i check the time relieved to find i have around 3 hours til Jesse will get home right plenty of time to sweeten him up to drop the i'm returning to work bomb

                    3 hours later

Ok everything is in place Hop called me and asked me to start back Monday and he has put me on minimum two weeks of tower duty then phase me back on light duties from there. Now the time has come to tell Jesse so I've made his favourite meal, followed by his favourite dessert...... me ;) I'm freshly shaved everywhere needed, i used my favourite shampoo and body wash that i know Jess loves and I'm donning the new lingerie i bought online last week when i began plotting my seduction of my own boyfriend.
Im stood in the kitchen wearing just a simple sundress, my hair is down and in my natural waves, I'm wearing minimal makeup assuring my appearance is everything Jesse loves on me and I'm just checking on the food when i hear the front door open and Jesse yell out
"Honey, I'm home"
"Kitchen" i yell back even though he is a mere 6 feet away from where I'm standing, i hear him walk up behind me wrap his arms around my waist causing sparks to explode in my stomach
"Mmmmm something smells good" he whispers in my ear placing a gentle kiss on my neck and I'm not ashamed to say i giggled like a schoolgirl
"Oh yeah and is that me or the food you are sniffing" i murmur turning around within his  arms and placing my arms around his neck dropping a soft kiss on to his lips
"Oh its most definitely the food, you made my favourite. What you after Foster?"
"Maybe i just want to show my man how much i appreciate everything he does for me" i state innocently hoping that Jesse goes for it
"As much as i don't believe that I'm starving and this smells amazing so lets eat then you can admit what your up to" damn it he knows me too well right time to step it up a notch
During dinner i put out all my best moves, i twirl my hair, i overly use my tongue when eating, moaning when taking mouthfuls of food , leaning forward so the lace top of my bra is visible, pressing my breasts together to exaggerate my cleavage until apparently Jess can take no more as he takes my hand and drags me to the bedroom

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