First day nerves and jealous boyfriends

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Monday. My first official day as a lifeguard at Bondi, I don't actually start until 8am but here I am 5.30am wide awake laid in bed staring at the ceiling feeling like I'm going to puke. In the end I decide to start getting ready, I wander into the kitchen and make myself a strong coffee and pop 2 slices of bread into the toaster, whilst waiting for the toast I munch on a banana and go out on the balcony that overlooks Bondi it's still dark but I can see the sky beginning to lighten on the horizon out over the sea it looks beautiful so I snap a quick photo on my phone and post it to Instagram.

I butter my toast and spread some Nutella on top, needing the sugar after not much sleep and I go back out to the balcony as I sit sipping on my coffee and eating my breakfast I think back on yesterday, I spent the evening with Jesse down on the beach we sat and we talked about everything that was going on with him and for the first time ever I saw Jesse cry, I hugged him to me as he poured out every little piece of his broken heart I rubbed his back, kissed his cheeks and whispered in his ear that I was here for him, that everything will be ok, that he isn't alone.

I urged him to tell the boys what was going on, I knew they had all noticed a change in Jess over the last few days but he refused, in the end I managed to persuade him to at least tell Maxi as his best friend and Hoppo as his boss so they would be aware of the situation. Jesse reluctantly agreed that I was right and we sat in comfortable silence on the beach cuddled together with a blanket around us watching the sunset.

I roused myself from my daydream and noticing the time was now 6.30 I jumped into the shower and quickly washed myself down, not bothering to wash my hair as I knew it was only going to get full of sand and seawater throughout the day anyway, I scraped my hair up into a high ponytail and pulled on the bikini and lifeguard uniform Hoppo had sent me via Maxi. By 7.15 I am nervously sat on my nans couch staring blankly at the tv just waiting so being the productive person I am I decided to set nan up for the day as she was still asleep I put together a bowl of fruit and yoghurt for her breakfast that I put in the fridge ready, I laid out her tablets for the day on the counter, I whipped up a tuna salad for her lunch and on a whim made a chicken one for myself. I wrote nan a quick note letting her know that her breakfast and lunch were both readymade in the fridge grabbed my phone and keys and left the apartment swiftly making my way towards the tower for the first day of the rest of my life.

I knocked on the tower door and after a few seconds I was greeted by the wide grin of the one and only Jake.

"Hey you, you're early!" he admonished, checking the clock on the wall I see its still only 7.40

"Well what can I say I'm eager" I respond with a laugh

"Ha-ha that's good we need somebody like that to kick us all into touch, Hops in his office already just go knock on"

"Ok cheers Jake"

I wander over and knock on the door to Hoppos office actually feeling more nervous here than at the tower

"Come in" booms his deep, authoritative voice

"Hey Hop, it's me Amy" he looks up from the computer on his desk and gives me a bright smile

"Good Morning Amy, you're early, I like that!"

"Yeah nerves I guess...... not that I wont be early for every shift, I'm just extra early today because I'm nervous and I wanted to make a good first impression and make sure I had everything sorted before my official start at 8 and I will stop talking now" idiot. Did you seriously just ramble like that at your new boss? He definitely thinks your insane now. I glance up chewing on my bottom lip to see Hop chuckling away to himself

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