Our Safe Place

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"Hi, yeah its me"
"Oh my god Amy are you ok? Where have you been i've been so worried about you!"
"Jess im fine i told you i needed some space to think everything through is all"
"So does this mean you're ready to talk?"
"I don't know are you ready to listen? And i mean actually listen to me Jesse"
"Yes baby more than anything"
"Ok are you at home?"
"Yeah i just got back from work"
"Meet me at the beach in 5 minutes"
"Wait you're in Maroubra?"
"Yes Jesse i never left, just meet me at the beach and we can talk about everything"
"Ok Ames ill see you in 5"

I hang up and let out a deep sigh of relief, he's still willing to talk thank god

I'm sat on the sand nervously waiting for Amy to make an appearance, god ive missed her so much i cant wait to have her in my arms again.
I twist around on my spot to look at the entrance to the beach hoping to spot her when like an angel she appears, she looks incredible in a pair of high waisted shorts and pink t-shirt, her hair flowing around her shoulders in waves and her face clear of makeup, i have missed this girl

I slowly stand and walk towards her, she looks up and offers me a small smile that i return with ease,
"Hi" she whispers softly
"Hey yourself" i reply hoping that all the love and affection i feel for her is shining in my eyes
"Shall we sit? We have a lot to talk about"
"Yeah sure i er brought a blanket" i gesture over to where the blanket i grabbed on my way out is laid on the sand, i take hold of he elbow and steer her towards the blanket where we then sit side by side staring out over the ocean in complete silence

"Well i guess one of us should start, so erm where have you been?" I cant hold my curiosity at bay any longer i need to know where she has been hiding
"At Koby's with him and Jai" she whispers
"Koby! Of course! God I'm so stupid i never even thought of checking with him"
"Wouldn't have mattered anyway id made him promise not to tell you if you asked and well he loves me more than you" she says with a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders however i don't miss the gleam in her eyes or the slight smirk tugging at the corners of her lips
"Oh really might have to have words with Mr Abberton at this rate missy" i tease back pushing my shoulder into hers.
She smiles softly but offers nothing more the silence blankets over us once more and i begin to fear that we will solve nothing
"Im sorry i ran away" she whispers so quietly i almost missed it
"Im sorry for storming out" i feel the heat of shame flushing up my cheeks "i love you" i lamely add at the end
"I love you too, but is it enough" i snap my head around at her words mouth agape
"Of course it is, baby if we love each other then we can fight through anything"
"But thats the point Jess, we shouldn't have to fight, it shouldn't be this hard!" She exclaims
"Relationships are hard work Amy nothing worth having in this life comes easily"
"Why did you leave me" she sounds broken almost like a child
"I needed to think everything through clearly and i needed to get a calm point of view"
"Yupp, and Lilli. They made me understand that i was scared of you not needing me any more and i felt like you didn't trust me enough to tell me you were considering going back to work, and Lilli pointed out that you being you just wanted to have everything lined up and in place so any questions i threw at you youd be able to answer but i didnt ask any questions i just took the cowards way out and ran away"

"Wow ok you guys definitely got in depth with it huh"
"Yeah they pretty much told me i was an idiot and sent me home but by the time i got back you were gone"
"I rang Koby and got him to pick me up, but it was Jai that got me to admit that i felt suffocated by you Jesse just like Nate"
"WHAT! Amy thats ridiculous i would never hurt you!"
"Maybe not physically J but emotionally you have been suffocating and treading me down, you were breaking my heart without even realising you were doing it and yes i did prepare myself for questions knowing i could answer anything you had to ask me"
"Wow i never thought of it like that, Amy you have to understand i would never ever purposefully hurt you"
"I know J, Koby and Jai also made the point that you are an idiot who engages your mouth before your brain 90% of the time"
"Well that is true" i can see us getting back on an even keel, with both of us voicing our side of what went wrong
"My heart cant take this again Jesse, if we do this then thats it no more secrets, no more storming out of arguments we talk through everything no matter how tough"
"Ok i can do that, guess that 10% is about to get a whole lot bigger" i grin at her while she slaps me on the arm
"Oh god Polock you really are an idiot!"
"Yeah but im your idiot"
"Unfortunately" with that she jumps up and begins sprinting down the beach cackling with laughter
"Why you little.." i jump up and give chase quickly catching up to her wrapping my arms around her waist and hugging her to my chest for the first time in almost 4 days.
I hold her tight and bury my nose into her hair inhaling deeply that scent that is inherently Amy,
"I missed you"  she turns around and wraps her arms around my waist snuggling into my chest
"I missed you too" she sighs
"Come home baby, please it feels so empty without you there"
"Ok but one condition, well actually two conditions"
"Name it anything"
"Ok first i am going back to work next monday i have already spoken to Hop i will be on tower duty only for a minimum of two weeks he will then assess me and decide whether i am ready to go back to the beach at which point he will send me to either tamarama or bronte until i am confident and ready to go back to bondi"
"Ok sounds sensible and whats the second condition"
"Make me the lasagne you cooked the first time we made love"
"Now that my lady i most definitely can do, and er is the dessert from the evening also on offer?"
"If you play your cards right it is a definite possibility"
"Then what are we waiting for lets get going" i bend down and clasp her around the thighs lifting her over my shoulder
"JESSE OH MY GOD PUT ME DOWN" she squeals pounding on my back "seriously Jesse i need to go back to Kobys and get my stuff and let him know that i'm coming back to yours"
"Ours" i correct her
"Huh? What do you mean Jesse its your flat im just staying with you"
"No no sweet lady it is ours i was going to surprise you but well i have had the paperwork drawn up to have you added onto the lease if you want to of course all you'd have to do is sign it"
"Are you serious?! It would really be our place?" She looks so excited like a kid at christmas
"Yes Amy it is ours i officially want you to live with me"
"Of course i will, i know we haven't had the smoothest of starts to our relationship but i truly believe that this is it for me"
"Me too and one day i will put a ring on this finger and make sure the whole world knows your mine forever" i pull her left hand to my lips and place a kiss to the knuckle of her ring finger
"Just as long as you dont recreate either deano and do it on a surfboard or Harries from a helicopter we are all good" she giggles
"What? You didnt work here then how do you know about those?" I watch as a deep crimson creeps up her neck, coating her wars and flushing her cheeks "Amy?" I tease in a singsong voice
"Imayormaynothavebeenabitofafanofbondirescuesomayormaynothaveseensaidproposalsontheshow" she rushes out but not fast enough for me to miss it
"Oh my god! So you knew i worked at Bondi before you came down that day?"
"Maybe" she replies coyly looking down at her feet scuffing the sand
"No maybe about it sweetheart you stalked me!"
"Did not! I had no idea you would be working that day i just took a chance" i can see the embarrassment flooding her face
"Its ok baby i think its cute" i wrap an arm around her shoulders and plant a kiss on her cheek
"Come on lets go get your stuff and head home"
"Home" she breathes "i like the sound of that"
"Then ill say it again for you come along Miss Foster it is time for us to go home to OUR home" she grins widely at me whilst nodding her head vigorously. I turn back and grab hold of the blanket folding it in my arms before i twist around to face my girl she is stood looking out over the ocean looking pensive
"You ok?"
"Yeah just thinking"
"Whats got you thinking so hard babe?"
"Seems like the beach is always where we fix everything, its our safe place. I like it"
"Our safe place"

A.N - so I'm having major writers block with this at the minute, please any ideas you have let me know!

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