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"JAKE" i roared my voice echoing off the inside of the tower i watched as his head popped up from his position and all i saw was fear along with amusement from the other boys present in the tower
"What the actual fuck is wrong with you" i stride towards the object of my anger as he scrambles away from me attempting to hide behind Beardy who easily sidestepped out of the way to give me full access to Jake
"What? What'd i do?" I see genuine confusion spread across his face i thrust my phone at him showing the text message i had just received from Katy displayed i watch as he reads the message and realisation crosses his features as to what I'm talking about
"Are you taking the actual piss boy" like seriously what the hell goes through mens heads i do not understand at all
"Well i just thought"
"Yeah ya see there's your first issue Jake you thought" does he really not see the issue here
"I just wanted....." i looked at him expectantly awaiting the end of that sentence before i realised he didnt actually have an ending
"Dude you proposed!" I practically screamed at him watching the faces of the other boys in the tower drop in shock
"Well yeah you know i wanted to do the right thing" i watch his chest start to puff up slightly like he's proud of himself oh hell no i am not having that i lean over and give him a clip around the ear drawing laughs from the guys sat watching our little display
"By text. Jake. You proposed to your girlfriend by fucking text"
"Mate seriously? Even i wouldn't do that" even Maxi has a look of distaste spread across his features
"Bro come on if you're gunna propose at least do it in style" and Harries should know he used a helicopter and the boys to execute his proposal. I grab Jake by the arm and pull him out of the tower so we can talk with some level of privacy
"You haven't told them have you?" I can see it on Jakes face he promised me he was going to tell the guys about his impending fatherhood
"It hasn't been the right time"
"Jake its been 3 months you work together every day there is no right time you cant wait til it arrives dude"
"Cant wait til he arrives" Jake looks at me with a huge smile on his face
"Its a boy? Oh my god Jake thats amazing"
"Yeah we found out the other day"
"See now theres even more reason to tell the guys this is real and its happening and the boys will be so upset if they think you didn't trust them!"
"Its not that i don't trust them at all i don't want them to be disappointed in me, Katy and I haven't been together very long and well its fast"
"True but you love her, she loves you"
"Ok lets do it tonight after shift" whoah that was a quick turnaround
"Text the guys that are off today or at tama or bronte to meet at bucket list after work and text Katy i think she should be there as well"
"Alright alright Jesus so bossy" Jake teased but i took a swing at his shoulder anyways
"Now come on mr lets go save some lives!"
"Whooo lets do this" god he is such a kid cant believe he's doing to be a dad in a few short months

Later that evening

The atmosphere between all the guys is buzzing but i can sense the nerves running off of Jake, we are all sat around on the patio area myself and Katy both sipping on cokes Katy for obvious reasons, me partly so the boys aren't suspicious of Katy and partly so Jess can have a drink and i will drive us home.
Katy looks absolutely gorgeous in a pale blue bardot blouse and black skinny jeans the float of the top allowing her to conceal her bump strategically. I lean over and nudge Jake causing him to look back to me and Katy who smiles brightly at him whilst i give his shoulder a short reassuring squeeze.
"Hey guys um i actually had something that i was wanting to talk to you all about"
An expectant hush falls over our group as Jake reaches over and loops his fingers through Katy's.
"So i know some of you have heard about the dumb arse move i pulled earlier today but er what you dont know is the reason behind it" Jake takes a deep breath glancing over at Katy who gives a quick nod to continue
"Katy's pregnant. We are having a baby"
The entire group erupts with cheers and congratulations and hugs before the guys settle back down and begin asking questions
"So how far gone are you darl?" Harries is up first
"Im just over 5 months i had a scan the other day and i am 21 weeks" Katy responds as her and Jake place a hand each across her stomach both looking down smiling proudly
"Dyu know what your having or keeping it a surprise?" Deano chips in
"Its a little boy" Jake cant keep the grin off his face at this point
"Have you thought of any names because ya know Trent Maxi would be an amazing name for a kid" of course Maxi has to get his opinions across. I look over to Jesse and see that hes looking straight at me with a soft smile playing on his lips as his best friend is congratulated on his impending fatherhood and everything is going well until Harrison just has to open his mouth
"So how come you waited so long to tell us" oh such an innocent question with the possibility to cause so much heartache
"Um... well" Jake stumbles over his words clearly panicking so I jump in
"He was worried"
"What. What about?"
"About you guys being disappointed, you are like my family and we haven't been together all that long i didn't want you to be upset when you found out how id behaved when Katy told me" Jake finally admits his deepest fears
"Shit Jake what did you do"
"He did what most guys in that situation do, he freaked out" Katy spoke so softly it was a wonder any of the guys heard her but i know that they are all listening intently
"I didn't know what to do or say and i needed to think so i made one of the biggest mistakes of my life i didn't say anything"
"You did a Ross?!" Aha see me and Maxi same wavelength
"Jesus thats what Amy said, but yes i did a Ross i said nothing only then i went one step further and let Katy leave without talking it through, a few days after Amy collared me and basically told me that she knew something was up and just to talk when i was ready and well lets just say i have been ripped a fair few new ones by this girl recently"
I glance up to see all the boys smiling proudly in my direction but the biggest grin of all is radiating from the face of the love of my life
"So after Ames knocked some sense into my stupid ass Katy and I met up and we talked everything through and well long story short we are still together, we are having a baby and we are moving in together"
"Yes Jake you were a complete idiot but hey man its ok to admit you're scared especially after being told something as huge as having a baby so yes you may have gone about it the wrong way but you're stepping up and being there for your kid and his mum thats the main thing here man" ahhh Deano forever the words of wisdom
"Oh and Jake next time you propose do it properly man the girl at least deserves a ring..... by text indeed" i watch all of the colour drain from Jakes face as Katy breaks out into a fit of giggles
"Its ok babe i know when the time comes you will be amazing" Katy leans in and plants a soft kiss on Jake's cheek before resting her head onto his shoulder i sit watching them for a few moments and wonder how differently things would have been if mine and Jake's first date had not ended after 5 minutes and i find myself reliving my relationship with Jesse and i am so thankful he followed me out of the bar that night and how far we have come as my eyes wander over our group they finally come to rest on Jesse and i am not entirely surprised to see that he is looking straight at me, its like I've been hit by a bolt of lightening as electricity sparks through me and almost as though we have a telepathic connection we both stand at exactly the same time the hunger evident in our gazes.
"Hey guys we're gunna head out but congrats on the baby and we'll see you all tomorrow" Jesse announces a little louder and quicker than needed
"Night guys" i wave at the boys before turning and giving Katy a hug.
I loop my arm around Jesse's hips as he drapes his casually over my shoulder i feel him brush a soft kiss on my temple and i glance up into those beautiful blue eyes and i see love and lust gazing back at me
"I don't think i can wait until we get home to have you" Jesses whispers into my ear causing me to giggle outrageously
"Aha so what did you have in mind Mr Polock?" I enquire teasingly thinking he will still take me home and ravish me
"I have an idea" oh god here we go Jesse having ideas is not always the safest of things he grabs onto my hand and walks across Campbell Parade heading in the direction of the beach oh god no i hope he isn't planning on beach sex a) if we get caught we could both get fired b) if we get caught we could get arrested and c) i get enough sand up my ass at work i do not need it when trying to be intimate with my boyfriend
"Jesse" i hiss "we are not having sex on the beach there is cameras remember"
"Babe i wouldn't take the risk of anybody else getting to see you in that way, you're mine and i am the only person who will ever see your face as you cum" gosh he knows exactly what to say to make me blush.
Jesse yanks me up towards the tower and stops by the door and digs into his pocket producing a set of keys i recognise immediately
"Jess, no we cant" i can feel my heart in my throat he cant be serious right now he turns his head and flashes me a panty melting smile
"Oh yes we can baby no cameras inside" Jesus h christ I practically cum at his voice Jesse shoves the key into the lock and quickly opens the door yanking me in behind him.
Jesse pushes me down onto the medical bed leaning over me and kissing me deeply
"I love you so so much and I'm so happy you came back to me"
"I love you too baby more than you could ever know"
"I cant wait for the day i can stop calling you my girlfriend"
"What?" I push up onto my elbows completely confused by the direction this conversation is going
"I cant wait to be able to call you my fiancee and then my wife"
Well if thats a proposal its worse than bloody Jakes'

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