Food, First Time and Flashbacks

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A.N- Be aware sexual content


"Jesse" Amy whispered softly curled up by my side after we made up from our fight

"mmmmm" I respond not wanting to break the gentle mood

"I think I'm ready" Holy shit

"Babe, are you sure? Please don't feel like I'm forcing you int..." she cut me off by placing her hand over my mouth and giggling

"Yes Jesse, I've been thinking about it for a while and to be honest I wanted it to be last night but well that didn't happen but I am ready, I trust you Jesse"

I look deep into her jade green eyes seeing the swirls of emotion behind them but seeing no signs of uncertainty

"Tonight, I'm cooking you dinner and we will make it perfect. Bring your work stuff and we will go in together from mine"

"Ok, well in that case I should head back and get myself ready for a romantic evening in with my guy" she grinned up at me before placing a soft kiss at the corner of my mouth. I pull her close to me and plant a kiss on top of her head before jumping up and brushing the sand off my shorts.

"Come along princess your carriage awaits" I joke holding my hands out to help her up, she pulls herself off the ground and straight into my arms wrapping hers around my neck and kissing me deeply.

We walk back to my jeep and drive the short distance back to Bondi where I drop her outside her building, lacing our fingers together I kiss the back of her hand before releasing her to go and get herself ready.

I said I'd cook, Jesus Christ what was I thinking now I need to go to the supermarket and get the stuff I need to make lasagne, Amys' favourite.


I walk back into my nans apartment in a bit of a dream state still not entirely sure what the hell happened in the last 24 hours just knowing that Jesse makes me incredibly happy.

I check on nan making sure she has everything she needs then I head to my room to take a nap. Just as I'm about to set my alarm I realise we didn't even arrange a time for this evening so I shoot Jesse a quick text

A- Hey babe, what time we doing tonight? We never said, too distracted haha A xx

J- Oh shoot, I'll pick you up at 6.30 x

A- Ok see you later, I'm going for a nap now ;)  A xx

J- WHAT! I'm spending the afternoon slaving away cooking you a delicious meal while you nap? How rude xx

A- Reheating a frozen meal doesn't count as cooking  J :) xx

J- reheating? Reheating? I will have you know I'm making you something special from scratch so meh xxx

A- I apologise chef Polock, I shall see you at 6.30 now shush napping x

J- See you later baby ;)  xxx

He makes my heart melt every time, I set my alarm for 4.30 giving myself plenty of time for prep and drop off to sleep with a huge smile on my face

My alarm blared making me groan and cover my head with the pillow until I remembered why my alarm was going off I practically jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I turned on the water and poured in my passion fruit bubble bath watching as it frothed causing the entire bathroom to become intoxicated with the scent of passion fruit. I climbed into the bath letting my body relax into the hot water, I had my iTunes on shuffle currently playing "Closer" by the chain smokers I started singing along as I began shaving my legs and prepping myself for this evening, after a relaxing session in the bath I drained the water and stood up turning on the shower to wash my hair and thoroughly clean myself with my orange body wash. I washed and deep conditioned my hair wanting it to look perfect for tonight.

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