Not an update - a life update

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Hi, for anyone still reading this story i wanted to give a little background on why i haven't updated in a while. Almost 2 months ago i was told the three words that no person ever wants to hear "you have cancer" on the 20th May i received a diagnosis of cervical cancer and following multiple scans, tests, appointments and going through the full range of emotions physically possible for a human i made the choice to proceed with a treatment option of a radical trachellectomy which in plain english is the removal of my cervix. All of this has stemmed from abnormal cells being detected on my cervix at my smear test and for me this has all just reinforced the importance of smear tests for all the women in my life that i adore. I had my surgery on Tuesday 2nd July and was told at my follow up appointment on Monday 15th July that i will require additional treatment in the form of wither radiotherapy or a full hysterectomy so as im sure you can all appreciate updating has been the absolute last thing on my mind recently. Having said that i am currently off work recovering from my surgery so i will be looking to get back into updating soon. I was diagnosed early with a good prognosis for the future but i still have a long difficult road ahead of me but i will get there one day at a time 💪🏼

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