Chapter 1

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Two weeks later:

Ana's POV:

As I walked into SIP sharp at 9, I noticed a beautiful bouquet of red roses sitting at the reception. I glanced at Hannah, my secretary and smiled.

"Gaining new admirers, huh Hannah?" I said with a wink directed towards her.

"Seems you've got it the other way round. These are addressed to you" Hannah replied.

Me? I wonder who sent them. I went forward and looked at the note, taking it with me to my office.

See you soon, honey.
Your secret admirer

This is what the note read. Secret admirer? It sure as hell isn't Christian. But just to check, I called him. He picked up instantly.

"Hey baby, miss me already?"

(A/N: Italics is Christian, normal is Ana)

"Christian, did you send me flowers today?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"Flowers? No baby. Do you want flowers? I can fill your off-"

"Christian it's not about that. I got a bouquet of red roses from someone today."

"Does it have a note? What does it say?"

"Yes, it says 'see you soon my love, your secret admirer"

"Ask Hannah who dropped it off at the office" Christian commanded, all the playfulness in his voice long gone.

I grabbed the intercom and called Hannah. "Yes, Ms. Steele"

"Hannah , who dropped off the bouquet today?"

"It was a tall man, he was wearing a hoodie so I couldn't exactly look at his face. He didn't say a word. Just dropped off the bouquet and walked away". Hannah said

"Okay", I sighed

"Is everything okay Ms. Steele?" Hannah asked

"Yeah Hannah, I'll talk to you later" I said and hung up the intercom. Christian was still on the line on my phone.

"Hannah says it was a hoodied man, and she couldn't see his face" I explained to him.

"It's okay Ana, you don't worry. It might be a normal person who has a crush on you. But I'll ask Welch to look into this matter"

"Okay, Christian. I love you"

"I love you too Ana. Call me if you need me, I'll be there before you know it. Bye"

"Bye" I said and hung up. Glancing at the clock, I realised it was 9:30 already, time to get to work.

A/N: I know it's short but the second chapter will be published soon. I'm determined on updating this book regularly, I just need you to support me.

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