Chapter 28

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Did you guys really think I would leave you there with such a sad cliffhanger? Na, not happening! So here's another update!

Christian's POV:

"Ana?" I said as I saw her trying to open her eyes.

"I'm here Ana", I said and she squeezed my hand. My mother had called the doctor and she was currently checking Ana's vitals. Ana finally opened her eyes and looked around, her blue eyes finally settling at me, I missed those eyes so much. She opened her mouth and it looked like she was struggling to speak.

"Do you need something?" I asked and she nodded her head. "Water?", She nodded again and I grabbed a glass and brought it to her mouth, she gulped it down in a second. "More?" I asked and she finally replied, "No".

"Christian I", she started to say before I cut her off.

"Ana, there's something really important that I want to tell you", I said and my mom left the room, probably to give us some privacy.

"But before that, there's something I need to know", I said and she replied, "Go on".

"Have you gained all of your memory back? All of it?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Is our baby okay Christian?", She asked and I dropped my gaze downwards, I couldn't look into her eyes. I didn't have that courage.

"Christian? I asked you something", Ana said and I still refused to look her in the eye. I could sense that she was getting impatient.

"Christian damn it ! Will you look at me? Is our baby okay?", She screamed at me and I couldn't help myself as I shouted,

"No ! No! Damn it, no! We lost our baby girl, okay? Is that something you think that I want to look into your eye and tell you, because I don't have that courage Ana. But fuck, we really lost her", I screamed and I know it was wrong of me to scream at her. But with Ana, I lost a child too. And when I heard the news, something inside of me snapped, I felt broken.

I looked up to see Ana covering her mouth with her hands, trying hard to muffle her sobs, but she was unsuccessful. I saw the tears move down her face and then I felt guilty.

I walked up to her and hugged her, "I'm sorry​ Ana, I'm so very sorry. Just know that there was nothing you could have done to save her, maybe it wasn't meant to be", I said feeling moisture on my cheeks and she hugged me back tightly.

"I-I, we lost her", she said breaking down again.

"We heard you shout so we came in", I turned around at Kate's voice and saw all of my family standing at the entrance. They all came to stand around the bed and then my dad spoke up, "I know you are taking the news of losing the girl hard, and I know it's heartbreaking. I lost my future granddaughter too. I loved her already, even if she wasn't born yet. But you both have to be strong for the boy", he said and placed one hand on my shoulder.

"The boy?" Ana asked, her voice hoarse because of all the sobbing.

"Didn't you hear Annie, you were going to have twins. A boy and a girl. We lost the girl and we are all heartbroken about it, but you should take it easy. You have to take care of yourself for the baby boy", Ray said and Ana looked at me with hope in her eyes.

"We still have one Christian", she said with tears still flowing down her cheeks but I could see a small smile start to form on her face.

"Yes Ana, we still have one", I said, leaning forward and pecking her forehead while I placed the other on her belly.

"Well, at least now the gender is known to all of us now. God I swear I could have died of the suspense", Mia said trying to lighten the mood, but I could see the sadness in her eyes and tear trail down her cheeks, we all managed to pass her a small smile. Ray moved forward to hug Ana, and whispered something in her ear, which made her hug him tighter. Elliot patted me on my back, he was trying to hold back his tears, I could see that clearly. My mom was crying while leaning on my dad's chest and I swear I saw Taylor wipe his cheek with a tissue before he went back to his blank expression.

I smiled to myself, I have one heck of an emotional family.


What is it with me and double updates since the last three days?
I just couldn't leave you guys hanging there with a sad chapter, I had to update!

But here's the goal for the next chapter : 820 votes and 500 comments. (Seriously, no updates till I reach this 😂)

Remember to vote if you liked it and comment what you thought of it !

Keep smiling :)

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