Chapter 10

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Sorry for the long wait! Here's the next chapter

Ana's POV:

"Christian! Ana!", Grace exclaimed as she came over to us, and hugged me. "I'm so happy for you guys", she whispered in my ear.

"You know?" I asked her as she pulled back, "We both know", Carrick said coming forward and hugging me. "Welcome to the family Ana" He said as he pulled back, "I'm here too you know", Christian said. "Ofcourse, now you both enjoy your evening and we will join you at the table for the family" Grace said and pecked Christian on his cheek and then walked away.

"Would you like some wine Ana?", Christian asked, handing me a glass of red wine.

"Thanks", I said taking a sip. "It's great", I told him. "Anaaa", somebody squealed and hugged me from behind which made me spill my wine over myself. Needless to say my clothes were now ruined.

"Mia!" Christian shouted at her, referring to my dress.

"Oh my god, Ana. I'm so sorry, it's just that one of my friends gave me this news of you both being engaged and then I saw the ring on your finger and I got way too excited that I-"

I cut her off, giggling, "Mia, it's okay, I myself couldn't stop jumping around when your brother proposed me, he almost thought that I went mad", I said which made Mia giggle

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get this cleaned so I'll be heading to the washroom", I said and Mia then said, "You can borrow one of my dresses Ana, that red wine stain won't go away easily", she said and I nodded.

"Okay then, I'll take her to your room Mia, and we will see you later", Christian said, slipping his arm around my waist.

"Not happening mister. It's my room and I'll be the one taking her", Mia said and took my hand in hers. "Plus she never gets too see me, you both are practically glued to each other 24*7" Mia said pouting.

Christian sighed and I shrugged, "Okay then, be back soon" Christian said and pecked my lips. I nodded in reply.

"Girl, tell me how he proposed" Mia said as we started walking towards her room and I repeated what happened to her.

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