Chapter 29

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Ana's POV:

"Christian, it's been a week now! I can get down the stairs by myself!"

"As long as I'm here and the baby is still there", Christian said motioning his head to my belly, "You don't need to get down by yourself", he finished.

"Huh", I said as he finally put me down on the couch. You see, since we have come back home after the whole China fiasco, Christian is being overprotective. He carries me down the stairs everytime I want to go down, and carries me back up when I need to get upstairs. It's not that I'm complaining, I love being in his arms. But with all the weight I have gained due to the pregnancy, doesn't he find it hard to carry me? I am now 4 months into my pregnancy and I have started gaining weight like crazy.

"So what do you and my baby want for dinner?" He asked crouching in front of me and rubbing my belly.

"Umm, ice cream with pickles", "and some fruits with it". I said after a moment. Christian looked at me with wide eyes.

"Are you now starting that phase with the weird cravings?" He asked me, and tears pooled in my eyes. I sat up straight on the couch.

"Fuck, why are you crying?" He asked and I burst into sobs.

"You called me w-weird", I said hiccuping.

"No no baby, I was calling the choice of your food weird, not you, come here", he said as he pulled me into his arms and started rubbing my back. He felt so good.

"Christian​, if I ask you for something will you do it?" I asked him.

"Anything baby", he said and I pulled back from the hug. I looked into his eyes and then down at his lips, all crying now gone, I attacked his lips with my own, and I'm sure he got the message about what I wanted. I deepened the kiss but he pulled away, "Ana" he said breathlessly. "We can't, you have been through so much, I don't think you are ready", he said.

"I want you Christian, it's been so long since we made love!" I almost screamed at him, don't judge me, I get horny too. And the last time we had sex was before I got kidnapped. It seemed like a long, long time.

"Believe me love, you have no idea how much I want to. You have no idea how much I have to control myself from fucking you till you scream my name and see you flushed with please as I please you", He said and leaned forward to peck my lips, I moaned.

"Christian if anything, what you said just made me want it more", I said and pulled him towards me, my hand on his chest "I'm ready, I swear, I need you, I need you inside me", I whispered the last part in his ear and bit his ear lobe, I know he is sensitive there.

He stood up abruptly and took a step away from me, "How about we call the doctor and ask her if it's alright for you to be physical now? Deal?" He asked and I sighed.

"I get it, you don't want me", I said lowly.

"What?" He asked and I stood up, "I said that you don't want me. As I've gained all this weight and my body is now weirdly proportioned, so you don't find me attractive anymore right?!" I screamed at him, tears running down my face, again. Damn you, mood swings.


"No you listen to me Grey, you are sleeping on this couch tonight. And I'm heading upstairs to MY room, and don't you follow me", I said cutting him off. I purposely stomped upstairs to the room and shut the door with a loud bang.

I picked up my phone and called Ethan, he got in town yesterday and we planned to meet. But obviously Christian didn't let me go anywhere. So I'll just call him here and ask him to bring me ice cream.

"Hello Ana, what's up?" Ethan said as he picked up the phone.

"Hey Ethan, wanna meet up? And I can call Kate too, we will have the sleepovers we used to have", I suggested.

"Sure, I've missed those. Watching movies or sitcoms all night. How about we have a horror movie marathon?" He said and I grinned.

"I'll text you my address, it shouldn't take you more than fifteen minutes to reach. But Ethan can you please grab some ice cream on the way? Vanilla and butter scotch and chocolates. Pretty please?" I asked in my sweet voice.

"Anything for you, my pregnant friend", Ethan said and I added, "Also those three tubs are for me only, if you want some get your own", I said and we exchanged byes before he hung up.

Time to call Kate, "Hey Steele, how are you?" She said as she picked up.

"Wanna have a night in? Me, you and Ethan, just like old times?"

"Wow, I miss those. Can Elliot tag along?" She asked and I said yes.

"Okay Steele, I'll be there in about an hour", she said hung up.

"Ana", I heard Christian knock on the bedroom door but I didn't reply. I heard him sigh and walk away.

About ten minutes later, I heard Gail knocking on my door, "Come in Gail", I said and she came inside.

"Ana, your friend Ethan is here", she said and I replied, "Oh yeah, send him up here", she nodded and was about to leave when I said.

"Gail, where's Christian?", I asked her.

"Oh he went out about ten minutes ago", she said and I nodded. I was fuming in anger now, First, he doesn't want to have sex with me and then without even a fight, he went out god knows where.

Screw you, Grey. I will have fun with my friends tonight. I'm glad Ethan, Kate and Elliot are coming, it may take my mind off Christian. That reminds me, I should call Mia too! She seemed pretty interested in Ethan.

"Ana", Ethan said coming inside the room.

"Ethan", I stood up and rushed to hug him.

"I just got an idea, how about we invite Mia too?" I asked him and he blushed, "Sorry Ana, but I kind of invited her already, I hope you don't mind", he said and I beamed at him, "Obviously not, I love her."

"Me too", I heard Ethan whisper and I squealed.

"What did you just say?"

"I met her yesterday and we kissed and trust me Ana I actually feel something for her. We decided to start dating and it's serious", he blushed

"Wow Ethan, congratulations!! When is she going to be here?" I asked, clapping my hands with excitement.

"Oh, in about thirty minutes with Kate and Elliot. They were all at Elliot's house" he said and the handed me my ice cream tubs. I placed them on my bedside table and hugged him tightly, " I seriously love you for this!" I said referring to the ice creams and then I heard Christian's voice shout from the doorway,

"What the fuck is going on here?!"


Sorry for the late update guys ! I hope you liked the chapter!

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Goal for the next chapter: 920 votes and 510 comments!

I promise to update as soon as I reach the goal !

Keep smiling :)

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