Chapter 11

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Ana's POV:

"Are you sure it looks okay Mia?" I ask her, referring to my dress.

"You look sexy sis-in-law", Mia winked at me which made me laugh, she wrapped her arm around my waist and I heard a click.

"This is so cute!" One of Mia's friends said, waving the picture around.

"Show me, show me!!" Mia squealed when she saw the picture..

I have to admit, the picture was cute. Mia made me wear a nude coloured dress which showed more cleavage then I have ever put on display, which is why I was nervous, Christian would have surely liked it if we were alone, but as of now, I had no idea.

"Mia, they need you for the auction, it'll start in about an hour", someone called out Mia.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Ana you'll help with the auction right?" She asked me.

"Sure", I said and shrugged. "I'm going to the washroom I'll see you later", I said to Mia and went towards the washroom.

As soon as I was done with my business, I stepped out, still thinking about the fact that I'll be a part of this family soon, and I couldn't wait to have Christian as mine, legally.

"Miss Steele, I was hoping to see you", a voice called and I turned around to look who it belonged to.

"You!", I exclaimed

Christian's POV:

It has been around twenty minutes since Ana left, and I would be lying if I said that my eyes were searching around for her, I saw Mia from a distance. Wasn't Ana supposed to be with her?

"Mia, where's Ana?" I said as I reached her.

"She left to use the restroom about ten minutes ago, you'll be blown by her, I swear", she winked.

"And don't worry lover boy, she must be on her way back now", Mia said to me, I knew Mia and I knew what kind of dress she must have given to my Ana, it would be classy for sure but with a lot of bare skin.

"I'll see you later", I told Mia and turned towards the restroom. But before I could actually go there, I saw who was standing with my mom's. Who the hell invited him, I stormed towards them.

"I must say your son is very lucky, I saw the news about his engagement. Miss Steele is one beautiful woman", Mr.Brown said to my mom.

"Oh thank you Mr. Brown, but I was wondering when did you receive the invitation?" My mother asked him, looking around, she must have known about the incident related to Ana and Luke Brown.

"Mr. Brown", I said as I reached them, making my presence known, and wrapped my arm around my mother's waist, I felt her visibly relax.

"I see that after leering at young women, you have now started gatecrashing galas", I glared at him, Taylor was beside me at an instant.

"Sir", Allow me" he said and grabbed Brown's arm which made Brown wince.

"Make sure he never comes near my family again", I gritted through my teeth and Taylor nodded.

"Where's Ana, Christian?" My mom asked me.

"I was on my way to her, she went to use the restroom about twenty minutes ago, and still hasn't returned", I said.

"As soon as you get her, come and sit at the dinner table reserved for the family", she said and patted my cheek.

I nodded and started walking towards the restrooms.


So who do you think Ana met outside the restrooms? Comment below and I'll give you a shout-out. I love you all!

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