Chapter 2

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I have a humble request for you people! Please comment and vote if you like the chapter, you have no idea how your single tap can make me feel! :)

Ana's POV:

With a pen in my hand, I was going through the manuscript Hannah had selected. Lunch break had started almost twenty minutes ago. I dropped my pen as a voice startled me.

"Ana, lunch break is meant for lunch you know? Which is why it's called lunch break"

I placed my hand over my heart, "Christian! You scared me, what are you doing here anyway." I asked him.

"Can't a person come to meet his girlfriend when he misses her?" Christian said as he came over to my chair, picked me up and twirled me around. I giggled at his actions.

"Why, Mr.Grey you seem to be in such a good mood?" I asked him, placing my hands on his chest as he placed me down.

"I cracked a deal on which I was working so hard on" Christian said and pecked my lips. He had been so busy with his work since the last two weeks that I was worried about him.

"Congratulations! That's great" I told him.

"Yes, and I believe that it calls for a celebration. So I'm taking you out to my new club which is open twenty four-seven" He said, smiling.

"Christian, lunch break has almost ended." I sighed, I wanted to spend the day with him. But work is important.

"Are you forgetting who owns this company baby?" He asked and shot me his panty dropping smile.

And half an hour later, here we were, in a crowded club, with Christian acting as carefree as I've never seen before.

"So Miss Steele," Christian said while rubbing his hand on my thigh, inching closer to the end of my skirt that I wore to work today. "When do I get some alone time with you?" He asked and moved closer to me, placing small kisses on my neck, then moving upwards and sucking on my earlobe. It was hard not to moan, as I moaned at the sensations he was causing in me, I could feel him smile. He liked the effect he had on me.

"Ch-Christian, we are in a club" I said in a shaking voice.

"That we are baby, but I can arrange many things here itself. Go to the washroom and take off your panties" He said, sliding his palm up my skirt, making me shiver.

I nodded and stood up. Purposely swaying my hips a bit extra to show him.

As I was about to enter the washroom, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me to a dark hallway, it was so dimly lit that I couldn't see the face of the person standing in front of me. He covered my mouth with his hand so that I don't make a sound. So I started trashing around.

"Shh, we don't want the world to know the real Christian Grey now. Do we? So it's better if you keep quiet bitch." He said and I nodded, scared.

"I have pictures of Christian in his dom-mode", he said and showed me pictures on his phone. I gulped hard on seeing those pictures, it showed Christian with different girls using different things on them. Whips, canes, blindfolded. Fuck. If he showed this to the media, Christian's reputation would be ruined.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked him, fear evident in my voice.

"Smart one you are. See, what you have to do is nothing difficult. I want to break Christian Grey. So the first thing I want you to do is go back and act like everything's normal but once you wake up tomorrow. Tell him you slept with some other man and eventually he will tell you to leave him broken-hearted" He finished with a smirk.

Tears were already pouring out of my eyes. I knew Christian would break if I said this to him. So I decided what I had to do, to save Christian, for my Christian.

"Okay" I looked up at him and nodded.

Ohhh! So what do you think Ana's planning to do ?

5 votes and 2 comments for the next chapter! Things are about to get interesting folks!

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