Chapter 20

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Ana's POV:

I woke up with a headache and saw that I was back home in my bedroom. I placed my hand on my head and sighed, why does all of this drama happen to me ? That reminds me, Ray!

I quickly got up from the bed which made my head spin and all of a sudden Christian came and made me sit down on the bed.

"Ana, you should rest! The doctor said that too much stress isn't good for the baby", he said and pecked my lips, I nodded. "But Ray-wait!", how did Christian know about the baby? I looked at him wide eyed. He chuckled at my reaction.

"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? The guy looking up at the girl in disbelief", he said and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss and he deepened it, we were kissing each other as if our life depended on it. After a few minutes we pulled back because, humans need oxygen you know? And he leaned his forehead on mine, "Before you say anything Ana, I just want you to know, that if you want to have this baby, I'll be with you through every step of it. I know I can be a little difficult. But, trust me, I'll try my best to be a good father." He finished and I grinned at him.

"I love you, and I love the fact that I'm going to have a baby with you", I took his hand and placed it on my belly. "This is our future Christian, me, you and our baby", I said grinning at him.

"And after this one we are going the have lots more", he said and I giggled. "Let this one come out first", we were interrupted by a cough at the door. I looked behind to see Gail standing there with a tray full of food, "Gail, come inside" I said and she beamed at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to overhear but I heard the last part of the conversation. Are you pregnant Ana?" She asked me and I nodded at her, signalling her to hug me.

"Oh I'm so happy for you, soon you'll have a kid around" Gail said with tears pouring out of her eyes. "Why are you crying Gail?", Christian asked her, handing her a tissue.

"Oh these are just happy tears, now Ana be sure to eat all of this and I'll leave you two alone", she said wiping her tears and left the room.

"My parents will be ecstatic when they hear this news", Christian said. Which reminded me, "Is Ray here?" I asked him.

"Yes, he's actually waiting for you. Would you like to tell him our news now?" He asked me and I replied, "Yes I do, I know he will be really happy too", we went out the room hand in hand and I saw Ray sitting on a chair by the kitchen counter talking to Gail. I went and hugged him from behind.

"Oh, my Annie" Ray said and patted my head. He turned his chair around to face me. "Are you okay?" I asked hugging him again.

"I'm just fine Annie, are you alright?" He asked me and Christian said, "Actually Mr. Steele, there's something we have to tell you" he said stepping forward and grabbing my hand. Gail passed me a Knowing smile and went out of the kitchen.

"Okay, what is it?" Dad asked.

"Dad, Christian and I, are about to have a baby", I said with a smile on my face.

"Really? That's great news! I can't wait to be a grand father" he stood up from his chair and pulled me and Christian into one of his fatherly hug.

When we pulled back, he asked Christian, "You take care of my Ana, okay?" , in a very stern tone and I giggled.

"Trust me sir, I will", Christian said and looked down at me in my eyes, "I totally will" he smiled at me.


Okay, so now I need to ask you guys something.

Should I end this book in a few chapters or should I add some more drama?

Goal for the next chapter, total of 470 votes and 250 comments on the whole book so far.

shegooftadurdana thank you for liking my book so much ! :) Your messages make my day, thank you for being so supportive ! <3

Keep reading, keep smiling :)

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