Chapter 5

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I didn't reach the goal but you guys gave me 33 votes and 8 comments so thank you all who supported me. I love you guys ❤️

I am updating this today itself because I have had a fever since the last two days. So after I publish this chapter, I would need 45 votes and 15 comments on the whole book so far. I don't like putting up these goals but I get sad when I see the story has gained reads but not enough votes and comments.

Now starting with the chapter..

Ana's POV:

It was nine'o clock already and I had my plan set up. I was a bit nervous and hesitated for going to the bar, but I had no other option. I had to save Christian, and I would do anything for that. Anything.

As I took a seat in the bar, I looked around for the hoodied man, my eyes landed on a guy wearing a grey hoodie which covered almost all of his face.

I stared at him for a while. His head turned towards me and he nodded in acknowledgment. I couldn't nod back for it was not the part of our plan.

Just then someone came behind my back and put his hand on my shoulder. I gulped in nervousness. He then proceeded to bend and inhaled my hairs. "Umm, vanilla, I like that. Does all of your body smell the same?" He said and came around me, I thought he would take a seat across me, but I was proved wrong as he sat beside me and put his hand on my thigh. "I asked you a question, sweetheart"

I gritted my teeth and answered him, "Don't touch me and how many times do I tell you that I'm not your sweetheart!" I shouted at him, which got the attention of many people in the bar. Great, just as planned.

"Mam, is everything alright?" A waitress came towards me and asked me. Before I could open my mouth, the bastard said something.

"Oh it's nothing like that dear, she's my fiancée and we are just having a little argument regarding the wedding, right sweetheart?" He said and looked at me, waiting for my answer.

"Answer me sweetheart" he said and trailed his hand higher. Good thing that I wore jeans. I just nodded at her and passed a fake smile. As soon as she walked away the bastard turned to me, "I don't know who the hell you are, but I won't sleep with you unless you burn those pictures."

"I'm Martin, and I will agree to the deal only if we head to the room first. Then I would let you burn them" A voice came from the bluetooth set I was wearing on my right ear, I had hid it behind my hair, "Go", the voice said and I nodded at Martin, "Let's go" he said smirking.

He kept a hand around my waist all the way to the room, I read out the number, "128".

"What?" Martin asked me, "Nothing" I said and shook my head. "Now sweetheart, those jeans make your ass look damn good, but I would prefer you change into this" He threw me a lacy black lingerie which was crotchless. "This wasn't part of the deal" I told him.

"Do you not want to burn those pictures of your lover boy?" Martin said, smirking at me.

"Now off you go to the washroom and change" He said and pushed me inside the bathroom, I fell hard. He locked the door from outside, "Holler me when you're ready" he shouted.

"What do I do? I don't want him to see me like that" I started sobbing as I said this to him using the Bluetooth piece.


Dun dun dum

What do you think of this chapter? And who do you think is the grey hoodied man? I would love to see you people guess, let's see who will get the answer right.

And remember 45 votes and 15 comments on the whole book for the next update!

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