Chapter 18

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Ana's POV:

"What are you doing here?" I asked facing Luke.

"Chill, woman. I just needed a job. God, I know what I did was wrong and I apologize for it. You should know that after Mr. Grey threw my father out of the gala, people started to withdraw their shares from our company. Can I have a seat?" Luke said and I nodded. He did make sense.

"Why SIP?" I asked him as I sat in my own chair.

"Well, I am an English Major and I got to know that you people were hiring, so I thought I would try my luck", he sighed.

Ten minutes after I asked him all the necessary questions, I asked him, "So do you have any questions?"

"Yes, does the name Ray Steele ring a bell?" He asked and my eyes widened. I reached out to take my phone when he grabbed it before me, "Tsk Tsk, for a smart woman, you can be pretty dumb, you bought my bullshit story?!" He chuckled.

"What did you do to my father? Where is he?" I asked him as I slammed my fists on my desk and stood up.

"He's in my house Ana,tied to a chair, and could be dead any second. But you can save him!" He said.

"What do you want?" I asked him through gritted teeth.

"Money" he said while walking towards me, "and you" he finished by pressing his lips on mine. I pushed him and screamed, "Hann-" but I was cut off by him as he placed his palm on my mouth.

"Do you want your father to be dead Ana?" I shook my head negatively.

"Then do as I say, as soon as I leave this office, call your dear Christian and ask him for five million dollars. And before I leave, I need to have a quickie with you. And if you refuse, remember I can have your father killed at one call", he said. I had tears streaming down my face now. I had absolutely no way out of this. I couldn't lose my father. But I can't lose Christian either. Plus, he doesn't even know about the baby yet.

"Now baby, don't cry, I'll make sure that you enjoy it as much as I do", Luke said as he started to kiss my neck and pushed me on to the desk. I was too numb to react, my life was falling apart. And I couldn't do anything, if I tried to stop him, he would kill Ray. He was just opening the buttons of my blouse when my office door flew open.

"Get the fuck off her!" Christian said as he came towards us and pushed Luke off me. He then went forward to punch him when Luke said, "Don't punch me man, Ana called me here for a quickie!"

"Don't take her name from your filthy mouth!" Christian said as he went to punch him again but this time it was my voice who stopped him.

"Christian, stop! He's saying the truth! I called him" I said and Christian turned around to look at me in disbelief, but instead of the anger I was expecting, what he said next confused me.

"Oh, I should have known." What? He actually believed that I called Luke? I know I said so, but he believed it so easily?


So why do you think Christian reacted this way? Comment your views, I would love to see you people guess.

Goal for next chapter: Total of 430 votes and 200 comments for the next chapter!

Keep smiling :)

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