Chapter 19

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Ana's POV:

"I should have known that you would say this to save your father, but don't worry Ana, he's waiting at Escala for us and he's safe", he said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"But you-how?" I started to say but I passed out before I could finish.


Christian's POV:

Ana: I love it too, soon to be husband of mine. I can't wait to see you.
Love, Mrs.Grey.

Fuck work, I'm going to see Ana.

I called Taylor, "Get the car out front. We are going to SIP", I said and walked out my office.

"I'll be back tonight for the conference", I told my secretary as I passed her. (Lol, I forgot her name)

"Let's go", I said to Taylor as I sat in the car. I called up Hannah, her assistant to know what Ana was doing right now.

"Hello, Miss Anastasia Steele's office, Hannah Rogers speaking", she said as she picked up.

"Hannah, this is Christian Grey. Don't tell Ana, but I'm coming over to her office now. Can you let me know what she's doing this very moment?" I asked her.

"Yes sir, she's interviewing a Mr. Luke Brown for he editor's job as we speak",she answered.

"Luke Brown? Shit. Make sure he doesn't go anywhere and I'm outside the office now so I'll just be there", I said rushing into her office.

"Sir, I checked the cctv footage, he has Ana's father hostage at his house, he threatened her that he would kill him if she doesn't do as he says." Hannah told me as I went inside. Shit, now I would have to wait till Ray is safe, only then I could go inside Ana's office.

Five minutes later, as Ray was on the way to Escala with Sawyer, I finally was relieved. Five minutes never felt so long.

As I stepped inside I saw Ana on the desk and Luke opening the buttons of her blouse.

"Get the fuck off her", I said and pushed him off Ana and punched him when he said, "Don't punch me man, Ana called me here for a quickie", he said and I felt rage burning inside me.

"Don't take her name from your filthy mouth", I said as I went to punch him again but Ana's voice stopped me, "Christian, he's saying the truth! I called him", I looked back at Ana in disbelief, this girl would do just anything to protect the ones she loves.

"Oh, I should have known that you would say this to save your father, but don't worry Ana, he's waiting at Escala for us and her's safe", I said as I went towards her and pecked her on the forehead.

"But you-how?" Ana started to say but she passed out in my arms before she could finish.


I updated without reaching the goal? Yes I did.

Please check out my new book, it's titled 'Perfect Strangers' and I'm sure that you'll like it, it's a romance which will keep you hooked till the end. :) Please read it and leave your views by commenting and voting on that book !

Is this something I do often? No, I don't. Well you people guessed right in the last chapter! I've got smart readers :) !!

Goal for the next chapter is a total of 440 votes and 215 comments on the book :)

Keep reading and keep smiling :)

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