Chapter 27

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Christian's POV:

As we all rushed inside the hospital, I stopped at the reception desk to know which room Ana is in.

"Hey, can you tell me where the patient is who was just brought here by the ambulance about ten minutes ago?" I asked her.

"Are you a family member?"

"Yes, I'm getting married to her. And her father is here too", I said, pointing to Ray.

"Okay", she said before typing something on her computer. "Room 208, second floor", she said passing me a flirtatious smile and leaning down purposely to give me a view of her clevage. Desperate much?

"Where did you get them done? Is there a surgical ward in this hospital?" Mia asked the receptionist, which made her sit up straight and blush in embarrassment.

I took the stairs to the second floor, pushed the door to room 208 open and found my Ana lying there, sleeping in peace.

"Are you a family member?" The doctor asked me.

"Yes, how is she?", I asked her, still not taking my eyes off Ana.

"It looks like she was under a lot of stress. The police contacted us and told her what she went through. It was a traumatic experience, and what caused her to pass out could possibly mean that her brain was forcing some memories back, which in her condition was too much for her to handle", she explained and by the time she finished, I was already seated beside Ana's bed on a chair, holding her hand in both of mine.

"How's the baby doing?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry but we couldn't save the girl", she said and I felt tears pool in my eyes. "I'll give you some privacy, she should be up in a few minutes", she said and left the room.

I'm sorry, but we couldn't save the girl.

Girl, she said. We were going to have a baby girl. Maybe she would have had Ana's mesmerizing blue eyes and my nose. She would have been so loved, Mia would have her dressed up as a fashionista since she would have taken birth. I would have gathered her up in my arms, played with her and make funny faces to which she would have giggled, just like Ana does. We would have sneaked into the kitchen to have ice cream together when Ana had told us not to. I would have not let any boy break her heart. I would have protected her with all I have, loved her with all my heart.

But that wouldn't happen now. She's gone, gone before I even had a chance to look at her, to hold her. To feel that feeling a parent has when their child holds their finger with their small hands for the first time. All because I couldn't protect her, I failed.

I started sobbing as the thoughts ran through my head. "Oh my poor child, the doctor just told us that we lost the girl", my mom said barging into the room and hugging me from the side. I was still holding Ana's hand, my head resting on top of it and tears flowing down them.

How would I tell Ana about this? She will be broken. I don't know how she would take this news. "I'm sorry Ana, I'm so so sorry" I said to her, I don't even know if she's got her memory back yet, but that doubt was cleared when I felt her hand squeeze mine and she croaked, "Christian?"

The words still kept repeating inside my head.

I'm sorry but we couldn't save the girl.

I'm sorry.


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Goal for next chapter update : 800 votes and 470 comments on the whole book so far !!

Keep smiling :)

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