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Okay so who hates me for being this late? *raises own hand*


Christian's POV:

"Me want Momma", Mona said, crossing her arms. My girls are full of attitude nowadays.

Yeah you read that right, turns out Mona's biological mother committed suicide on that very day and her father was a goner already. So we adopted her.

"Momma is in that room, and you'll be able to meet your brother really soon", I crouched down to her level and pointed at the room across to us where Ana was giving birth to my child. We just got here and they said that they would let me in soon. I'm surprised by how well Ana is taking all of this.

"Sir,you go inside. I will stay with Mona", Taylor said and I stood up, kissing Mona on her cheek.

I took a deep breath and entered the room.

With a painful palm and about four hours later, Theodore Christian Grey graced us with his presence.

"So beautiful", Ana said as she held Theodore in her arms. I smiled and quickly snapped a picture of them.

"Momma! Momma!" Mona exclaimed, rushing into the room and climbing up to Ana's side.

"Hi baby, see this is your brother",Ana told her and her reaction as she saw Theodore was a mixture of surprise, adoration, and love.

"What his name?" She asked.

"Theodore", I replied.

"Theore" she tried to pronounce it but failed.

"Um, let's just call him Teddy", Ana suggests and Mona beamed at her.

"Baby Teddy", she touched his cheeks and he smiled in his sleep. I pecked Ana on her lips.

This was it. My love. My kids. Everything I wanted, was present in this very room. And they would never ever be alone.


Sorry for throwing this epilogue at you people out of nowhere. But honestly I thought if I continued writing it, it would eventually start getting boring. So I put an end to this book so I could start another FanFiction !

Secondly, thank you so much for the support. I love each and every one of you. Not Alone was an amazing experience and I hope that you liked reading the book!!

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